Mid Years Flashcards
Who was Saint Augustine
He was 1 of 40 monks sent to Britain to convert them and their King by the order of Pope Gregory the Great.
Who did Saint Alban help escape from the Romans?
A Catholic Priest named Amphibalus
When St Alban died what did he become?
What is a Martyr
Someone that dies for their beliefs or religion
What are the 5 main Christian Denominations
Roman Catholic Church
Orthodox Church
Church of England
Baptist Church
At what time was the Church of England founded
When was the great schism
What is a Cathedral
A head Church in a Diosese
What is the Difference between a Cathedral and a Church
The Cathedral has a Bishop who is based there and hosts the Cathedra (Bishops Chair)
Why were Cathedrals and Churches built with stained glass windows
This is because many people a long time ago were illiterate and instead were able to understand the bible and other Catholic teachings through the pictures on the glass.
What are the colours that a Priest wears for different times of the Catholic Year
Purple-Time of preparation (Advent/Lent)
Gold/Yellow/White-Time of Celebration (Christmas/Easter)
Red-Time of Holy Spirit or Remembering a Saint or Martyr
Green-Normal colour (Ordinary Time)
Name the 7 main items in a Church
Statue of Mary
Conffesion box
What is the purpose of the Altar
Table that holds the items for Holy Communion
What is a Lectern
A Special stand for the Bible that is used for priests or speakers to read from
What is the Tabernacle
A special cuboard where the consecrated Eucharist is kept for later use
What is the Font
Hold the Holy water for Baptism
What is the Statue of Mary for
Used as an aid to prayer - to pray to God through Mary
What is a Confession Box
Catholics use this to confess thier sins in private and wash away those sins
What is the Crucifix used for in a Church
Reminds Catholics of Jesus’ suffering and death. It is a symbol of Christianity.
What is the Order of the Catholic Mass
-Peninential Rite
-Liturgy of the Word
-Biding Prayers
-Eucharistic Prayer
-Sign of Peace
-Blessing and Dismissal
What is the Windrush Generation
When Carribean migrants decieded to come over to Britain in search for a better life
What did Hariet Tubman do to Help enslaved people
She saved 70 of them over 13 trips
What conection did Hariet Tubman have with God
She frequently had Visions from God and believed that God was trying to help and guide her and she did so
What were 3 signs of segragation in America in the 1950s
-Signs showed where ‘coloured’ people were allowed to legally: walk, talk, drink, rest or eat
-There were seperate Schools and Hospitals for African-Amercain people and they recieved less funding and so were of less quality
-Over 60 years the Supreme Court judged ideoligised that ‘seperate but equal’ was the correct rule of law
What Non-Violent protests did Martin Luther King use to fight Racism
He used boycots, marches and demonstrations
What is believed to be the overall meaning of a Pope
A successor of the first Pope Peter that are tasked with leading the Catholic Church
Who votes for the next Pope
Cardinals aged under 80
How many votes does someone need to become the next Pope
(if this does not happen in two weeks time - how much is needed then)
At least Two Thirds plus 1 (67-68% at least)
- At least half plus 1
How does the Pope voting take place
-The cardinals are placed in a segment of the Sistine Chapel in a group called a conclave.
-They do a vote every Morning and Evening
-If there isnt enough votes for a Pope then the paper is burnt and turns out black
–> if there is enough, then the papers are burnt white and then the Dean of the College will anounce Habamus Papam ( we have a Pope )
What are the 5 Titles of the Pope?
Bishop of Rome
Holy Father
Vicar of Christ
Servant of the Servant of God
What things is the Pope expected to do?
Write Papal Encyclicals
Canonize Saints
Meet With Cardinals every 5 years
Appointing Bishops
Selecting Members of the College of Cardinals
What are the Cardinals Roles
They are reffered to as the Pope’s Servants. This is because they are his advisors and support network and have pledged to be availible to him at all times. They also oversee archdiosese and diosese in thier country.
How do you become a saint ( 4 steps towards the titles )
-When you die and someone belives you led a holy life, they will offer that to the local Bishop and he can agree or not ( Servant of God )
-Then the Pope must be shown how you led a virtuous life and doing good out of your love to God (Venerable)
-Next, the Pope must be convinced by the facts that you have performed a miracle after death for someone that prayed for you and no-one can prove it wrong. (Blessed)
-Finally you must have a second Miracle under the same curcumstances as ‘Blessed’. (Saint)
Why does the Pope write Encyclicals
He writes them because some modern day topics are not included in the Bible and so he needs to talk and teach the Catholic Community about these topics.
What is Ecclesiam Suam?
Ecclesiam Saum means ‘His Church’
It mainly talks about how the Catholic Community can be at times seperated as the bible has taught to only speak with other Christians. But now it is seen as better to talk and interact more with other Religions and even The whole world with thier non-religious beliefs
What was Pope Francis’ Young Life like
-He was 1 of 5 kids
- He was a Janitor, Bouncer and Lab Assistant
-had half of his lung taken out due to Infection
-became a Priest in 1969 which practically changed his life forever…
What were some of Martin Luther Kings Reasons for Protesting
Because he Believed that God made everyone equal
He also saw segragation as wrong and started to campain for its abolishment
What is an Apostle
One of the 12 original Disciples of Jesus
What are Bishops believed to be ( in terms of how they came to be )
They are believed to be the Successors of the Apostles
How is a Bishop ordained
They recieve the Holy Spirit through the laying of hands
What is the Penitential Rite
The time of Mass when people say sorry for thier sins and are forgiven
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
Readings are read from the Old and New Testament and the Gospel.
What is the Creed
A proclamation by the congregation of all the things that the religion believes in.
What are Bidding Prayers?
Prayers by congregation asking for God to help with different things.
What is the Offertory?
The gifts of bread and wine to be used at consecration are brought to the altar.
What is the Eucharistic Prayer?
The prayer in which the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood at the consecration.
What is Communion?
The time of the Mass where the body and blood of Christ is consumed.
What happens during the Blessing & Dismissal?
The Priest blesses the people and sends them out to spread the good news.
What is the defenition of a Papal encyclical
A Papal Encyclical is a letter written by a Pope to the people in the whole Roman Catholic Church about important modern day topics that are not specified in the Bible
Where is the Tabernacle usaually located in a church
Behind the altar
Where is the Altar usually found in a church
at the head of the church where the Priest says mass
Where is the Pulpit normally placed in a church
Either on the right or left of the Altar (normally left)
Where is the lectern usually located in a church
Either on the left or right of the Altar (normally right)
What is the process of becoming a priest
Which title did ST Augustine recieve
First archbishop of canterbury
What things does a cardinal wear
A zucchetto is a small silk skullcap worn by roman catholic clergymen, cardinal wears red
A biretta is a hat with 3 or 4 stiffened corners worn as part of the liturgical dress