Mid Year Additional Flashcards
AIIMS/IMS means what?
Australian Inter-service Incident Management System
Incident Management System
Purpose of AIIMS/IMS
Manage Incident from start to finish
Functional Management of AIIMS
Public information
Control. Management of all activities required to resolve incident.
Planning. Development of objectives strategies and plans to resolve incident based on collected info.
Logistics. Acquire resources facilities service and materials to resolve incident.
Operations. Apply and task the acquired resources to resolve incident.
Public Infromation. Warnings info and advice to public to affected communities.
What does SMART stand for
Time Framed
Explain what Geographical Sectors are.
Sector 1 Front of building
Sector 2 LHS of building
Sector 3 Rear of building
Sector 4 RHS of building
Occ Hazrads
LPG what is it?
Liquified Petroleum Gas
Occ Hazards
If powered by LPG what does the vehicle need on the number plate?
1 red diamond if powered by 1 cylinder
2 red diamonds if powered by 2 cylinders
Occ Hazards
Vehicles converted to LPG on or after 1993 need what?
Acceptable LPG compliance plate as required by as1425
Occ Hazards
Requirements of LPG storage containers
Filling capacity of containers is 80% to allow for expansion caused by increase in temperature. LPG containers are fitted with pressure relief valves. Domestic cylinders 1.75MPa. Automotive cylinders 2.55MPa
Occ Hazards
What is natural Gas?
Derrived from decomposed plant and animal material that been trapped underground. Extracted by drilling its used for heating, cooking, lighting and industrial purposes.
Occ Hazards
Natural Gas Characteristics
85%-95% methane
Colourless & odourless (odorant added)
Vapour density = 0.55 (Air = 1)
LEL = 5%
UEL = 15%
Occ Hazards
What is a BLEVE
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion
Allows tank to vent pressure when being heated
Occ Hazards
What is a BUND
Bunds are walls surrounding flammable liquid tanks designed to contain spills if it should occur.
Occ Hazards
Can firefighters go inside a BUND
Occ Hazards
What is the most common type of tank fire?
RIM fire is most common with tank that have floating roof. Can be caused by lightning. Cool water must be applied to outside of tank. Excessive water on roof could cause roof to sink resulting in full surface fire.
Occ Hazards
Name the two types of foam delivery systems
Foam Pourers
Fire Dynamics
Exothermic is when heat is given off as a result of the reaction. eg combustion of wood.
Endothermic reaction absorbs heat to make surroundings cooler. eg ice melting
Fire Dynamics
Heat is the measure of what?
Fire dynamics
What 4 ways can heat be transferred?
Direct Burning
Fire Dynamics
Define Convection
Transfer of heat through liquid or gas resulting in the displaced cooler air being drawn into the fire as the heat rises
Fire Dynamics
Define Conduction
When a heat source is in direct contact with a material it transfers energy directly into it
Fire Dynamics
Define Radiation
Energy is emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves which travel through the air
Fire Dynamics
What is a major factor in fire growth?
Fire Dynamics
Heat Transfer deteriorates conditions within a structure by what?
Increasing fire intensity
Increasing heat
Increasing fire gases and fire gas temps
Reducing visibility
Reducing survival chances of all persons
Compromising fire fighter safety
Fire Dynamics
What is the expansion rate of steam
1:1700 at 100C
1:3500 at 450C
Limitations of a TIC
Depth perception
What is thermal Inversion
A thermal representation of an object the changes from one shade to another by introducing a heat source in the background.
What does the green square with a green triangle inside it mean on a TIC screen?
It appears when 10% of the display has heat in excess of 130C
Elements Of Fire Behaviour EOFB
what are trhe 4 stages of a compartment fire
Developing stage
Flashover stage
Fully developed stage
Decay stage
Define Flashover stage
The sudden and sustained transition from developing to fully developed
Define Neutral pressure plane
NPP is the interface of the over pressure and under pressure regions
Signs of a flashover include
Adequate Ventilation
Painful radiant heat
Lowering Neutral plane
Hot surfaces
increased rate of pyrolysis
increased turbulence of the NP
Flaming occurs throughout the compartment
A billowing effect from gases may be seen
Back draught
Back draught results from a severely under ventilated fire that is depleted of adequate air
Indicators of Back draught are?
History of fire
Fire with limited of no ventilation
Lack of visible flame
Thick rolling black yellow white smoke
Dirty brown smoke
Smoke pulsating through small gaps
Air being drawn in(whistle)
Heavy sooting. blackening of the windows
low NP
Fire gas ignition?
The formation of variable sized flammable fire gases may occur within the confines of a building. Fire gases may be ignited by sparks or embers blown into them. A fire gas ignition is an event that occurs in a separate compartment
Advantages of using water on a fire
Reduces fuel
Reduces Heat
Reduces oxygen(displaces)
Gas Cooling?
Pulses of water into the hot fire gases to cool them below their auto ignition temp to prevent further spread of fire
Gas cooling: Short pulse
Branch setting is wide spray
Branch cracked then shut immediately
Each pulse directed in different area
Gas cooling: Long pulse
Branch medium spray
Use Longer pulse depending on penetration
Aim pulse directly in over pressure area
Large rm, aim at roof & wall junction
what is pyrolysis
Decomposition of a substance through the application of heat
What is Flashover
The sudden and sustained transition from developing fire to fully developed
Direct Attack
Applying Extinguishing method directly onto the burning fuel, using jet/spray
Indirect attack
Spraying water onto super-heated surfaces and or fire gases in a compartment to create a mass of steam that displaces the O2 and smothers the fire
Safe operation around water
Dry Rescue
Throw a throw bag from a dry stable position
Safe operation around water
What is the defensive swimming position?
Float on back facing downstream with feet close to surface. Feet can fend obstacles and patient can see ahead
Safe operation around water
If you fall into the water what should you do?
Don’t panic. life jacket will deploy within 5 seconds. Raise alarm by yelling/ waving
Move into defensive swimming position
What does DEBRiS Stand for
Decontamination of FFs
Entry/Exit of hot zones
BA Service area
Rehab/AV monitoring of FFs
incident Accountability of all personnel
Staging area of FFs and Appliances
Why use DEBRiS
We use DEBRiS to enhance FF safety and accountability. The adoption of an orderly process driven approach will support processes already used on the fire ground.
Doffing a Flash hood
- Place 2 hands under the inside of the hood at the back of the head.
- move hands up to start removing hood up and over the head. Ensure outside of hood stays away from skin
what does PACT stand for
Tally Tag/Task
what are 8 of the 12 expectations of a FF when using BA
- Work in a Team of at least 2
- E. Evacuation alarm sounds-Withdraw
immediately - B. BA Don in fresh air.
- R. Radio Select the designated fireground
channel on radio - A. Air check /Time check periodically
- T. Enter correct details on tally tag
- T. Deposit tally tag at BA entry prior to
entering building - T. Collect tally tag on exit of building
Seach & Rescue
Rescue order of priority
- Occupants most severely threatened
- The largest group
- The remaining occupants in building
- The occupants in exposed areas
Search & Rescue
What Is a Primary search?
A rapid but thorough search of all areas which can be entered safely to find and remove occupants to safety. Emphasis on speed but not at the expense of thoroughness
Search & Rescue
What is a Secondary search?
Occurs once the situation is under control & the fire has been contained. A way to account for all occupants emphasising on thoroughness.
Search & Rescue
Working in a smoke filled, dark & hot environment. What precautions should you take.
- Work in pairs
- Mark any unsafe areas
- Progress on hands and knees
- Shout fire brigade continuously
- Don’t move up n down too quickly
Search & Rescue
If you become disorientated or lost what should you do?>
- Sound BA distress signal
- Operate personal radio distress button
- Move away from source of danger
- Move to an exit if you can find one
- If possible, move down building, not up
- Close doors behind you.
- Use radio & contact incident controller
- Locate hose line & follow to safety
Search & Rescue
List 5 hazards you could find in a dark smoke filled environment?
- Smoke
- Voids
- Electricity SVEGS
- Glass
- Syringes
Search & Rescue
What are the methods of rescue without equipment?
Backward drag.
Human crutch
Fore and aft carry
2 handed seat
3 handed seat
4 handed seat
Methods of Entry
List 5 Actions you should take when braking a glass window
- Use the flat part of the axe or other appropriate tool
- Give a sharp but not hard blow to the top corner area of the pane of glass
- Drive the glass into the room and not into those working below
- Keep hand higher than the head of the axe to prevent pieces of glass slipping along the handle, causing cuts
- Take all the glass out of the frame
What are the 3 main types of Asbestos fibre used in Australia
- Chrysotile (White)
- Crocidolite (Blue)
- Amosite (Brown)
When was Asbestos banned in Australia
Dec 2003
What is Friable asbestos
If it can be crumbled, Pulverised, or reduced into powder when dry
What are risks of Asbestos
If it is Inhaled
2 main theories of how asbestos can cause disease
Threshold theory:
Received high doses over long periods
One fibre theory:
1 Fibre can cause disease
The likelihood of being affected by asbestos is determined by the 3 Ds. What are they?
Dose (intensity)
Dimension of Fibre
How can you protect against asbestos inhalation?
P2 face mask
Onset of asbestos related symptoms can be how many years
10-45 years
How can fire affect asbestos
It can turn non friable asbestos into friable asbestos
List 3 thing water does as an extinguishing agent?
Reduce fuel
Reduce heat
Reduce O2
List 4 ways FF foam works to extinguish a fire
Safety considerations working with high expansion foam
BA must work
Toxic gases may be trapped
Guidelines must be used
It is a weak conductor of electricity
What is used in dry chem extinguishers
Mono Ammonium phosphate ABE