Mid-terms-Multiple Choice Flashcards
Define Epistemology.
Study of how we acquire knowledge
How is God revealed to us?
He is self-revealed.
What defines what we can say about God as Christians?
In our approach to understanding God what is the best starting point?
Not with human philosophy, let the OT speak to the NT.
Because humanity is “fallen” where must revelation start?
All of the above.
When we consider how God revealed Himself in Scripture what is a proper Christian response?
God’s process of revelation is good.
What must a Christian say about the OT?
Lays out true revelation of God.
What does the NT revelation build on?
According to Hendrikus Berkoff’s a better hermetical approach to God’s revelation in Scripture is which of the following?
Let the OT speak to the NT and let that inform later philosophy.
What is biblically appropriate in speaking of God?
We can only say what scripture says.
What is the belief in one God called?
What is an atheist?
Person who doesn’t believe in the existence of God.
What is an agnostic?
Person who believes the existence of God is unknown and unknowable.
What is a pantheist?
Equates God with nature or forces of the universe.
What is a polytheist?
Person who believes in more than 1 god.
What makes up the belief of Ditheism?
Belief of 2 gods, is a form of polytheism.
What is Tritheism?
Belief in 3 gods, form of polytheism.
Which of these religions are monotheistic?
Christianity, Judaism, Islam
What constitutes trinitarianism?
3 distinct persons in the Godhead, but one God.
What are the 2 extreme tendencies in trinitarian thought?
- Emphasizes the unity of God without understanding of 3 distinct persons. 2. Emphasize the 3ness of the trinity to the point they believe in 3 self-conscious beings.
What makes binitarianism unique?
Doesn’t classify Holy Ghost as a person.
Many monotheists have pointed out that both trinitarianism and binitarianism ultimately do what?
Weaken the strict monotheism. It is a stumbling block to Jews and Muslims.
Which of the following represents strict monotheism?
There is only one God, but deny’s the full deity of Jesus Christ.
Who represents strict monotheism and yet rejects the full divinity of Christ?
Dynamic monarchians, like; Paul of Samosata & Arians led by Arius.
Which of the following represents the second class of true monotheists?
All above
What is the term Church historians have used for this second class of strict monotheists?
Modalism & modalistic monarchianism.
Who are some of these strict monotheists from history?
Noetus, Praxeas, & Sabellius.
What term in the twentieth century is used by those who believe in both the indivisible oneness of God and the full deity of Jesus Christ to describe themselves?
What has been, and still is, a major stumbling block for Jewish people in terms of accepting Christianity?
What does the OT reveal about God’s nature?
He is One God.
Is there a place for a trinity in the OT?