Mid-Term Terms/Definitions Flashcards
Gregorian Chant
the repertory of ecclesiastical chant used in the Roman Catholic Church
Gallican Chant
the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Gallican rite of the Roman Catholic Church in Gaul, prior to the introduction and development of elements of the Roman rite from which Gregorian chant evolved
Old Roman Chant
a repertory of ecclesiastical chant preserved in 11th and 12th century manuscripts from Rome representing a local tradition; a near relative of Gregorian chant
having one note sung to each syllable of text
having 1-7 notes (or one neume) sung to each syllable of text
of a melody, having many melismas (many long passages of notes sung to one syllable of text)
a manner of performing chant without alternation between groups
a manner of performance in which two or more groups alternate
a manner of performing chant in which a soloist alternates with a group
Psalm Tone
a melodic formula for singing songs in the Office; there is one psalm tone for each mode
a liturgical chant that precedes and follows a psalm or canticle in the Office; in the Mass, a chant associated with the communion and the first and final portion of the Introit
a sign used in notation of chant to indicate a certain number of notes and general melodic direction (in early forms) or particular pitches (in later forms)
neume-like noteshape used to indicate a short rhythmic pattern in 12th to 16th century notation
Heightened Neumes
in an early form of notation, neumes arranged so that their relative heights indicated higher or lower pitch
a method of assigning syllables to steps in a scale, used to make it easier to identify and sing the whole tones and semitones in a melody
Hexachord (natural, hard, soft)
the six notes used to represent the six solmization syllables (ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la) which could be transposed into three positions
Natural: C-D-E-F-G-A
Hard: G-A-B-C-D-E
Soft: F-G-A-Bb-C-D
a series of eight prayer services of the Roman church, celebrate daily at specified times, especially in monasteries and convents
the most important service in the Roman church; a musical work setting the texts of the Ordinary of the Mass
first item in the Mass Proper, originally sung for the entrance procession, comprising and Antiphon, Psalm Verse, Lesser Doxology, and reprise of the antiphon
second of the five major musical items in the Mass Ordinary
one of the five major musical items in the Mass Ordinary
item in the Mass Proper, sung after the Epistle reading, comprising a Respond and Verse; melismatic and responsorial
item from the Mass Proper, sung just before the Gospel reading, comprising a respond to the text “Alleluia,” a verse, and a repetition of the respond; melismatic and responsorial
a category of Latin chant that follows the Alleluia in some Masses
third of the five major musical items in the Mass Ordinary, a creed or statement of faith
item in the Mass Proper, sung while the Communion is prepared, comprising a respond without verses
one of the five major items in the Mass Ordinary
Agnus Dei
fifth of the five major musical items in the Mass Ordinary
items in the Mass Proper, comprising an antiphon without verses
Post Communion
follows the Communion during the Mass
Ite missa est
the concluding Latin words addressed to the people in the Mass
texts of the Mass that are assigned to a particular day in the Church Calendar
texts of the Mass that remain the same on most or all days of the Church Calendar, although the tunes may change
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Dorian mode?
Mode 1
Final = D
Range = Above
Repercussio = A
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Hypo-Dorian mode?
Mode 2
Final = D
Range = Around
Repercussio = F
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Phrygian mode?
Mode 3
Final = E
Range = Above
Repercussio = C
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Hypo-Phrygian mode?
Mode 4
Final = E
Range = Around
Repercussio = A
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Lydian mode?
Mode 5
Final = F
Range = Above
Repercussio = C
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Hypo-Lydian mode?
Mode 6
Final = F
Range = Around
Repercussio = A
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Mixolydian mode?
Mode 7
Final = G
Range = Above
Repercussio = D
What is the Mode #, final, range, and repercussio of the Hypo-Mixolydian mode?
Mode 8
Final = G
Range = Around
Repercussio = C
the second most important note in a mode (after the final), often emphasized in chant and used for reciting text in a psalm tone (also called the reciting tone)