mid term symptom/remedy Flashcards
anxiety- fear of death after fright/eye surgery-sudden-one red cheek-cold dry wind
voice lost in sun- sun aggrivates cough/aversion to approach/sleepy yawning after cough
antimonium crudum
hot red dry burining iching edma/worse heat better cold/no thirst
fear approach: bed to hard; affinity for soft tisues; diarrhea after injury
arnica montana
burning hot needles/better heat/anxcious/thretening infection-gangreene/worse 12-3am
arsenicum album
delusion body is scattered-dull face/dull thyroid
baptisia tinctoria
discharge smells of rotten cheese/voice reverberating in hears, cracking sound in ears
baryta muriaticu
hot head cold feet- suddeness/worse 3 am/lying amel/choke going to sleep/sudden/
deep abdomen affin/extream coldness abdomen
bellis perennis
worse motion/appendicitis/extream thirst/appendicitis/lay on painful side/wheep before cough/hold self with cough
bryonia alba
in sun- hot head cold extreamities and congestion
cactus grandiflorus
eczema behind ears/sound of cat spitting in ears/anxiety
calcarea carbonica
skin and tongue affinity/keyloid/skin abrasions and tears
chill when overheated/cold but wants uncovered/diarrhea from sun
affinity mucus membranes; exquisite burining pain and blisters so can’t remoe cold pack
anaphylaxis from bee stings
carbolic acid
air hunger; chill when over heated;need open window
carbo veg
never well since/long term consequences/urine with hissing cough/