Mid-Term Exam Flashcards
How many steps are in the nursing process?
Gather subjective and objective data
Cluster related data and identify problems
Plan outcomes and cares
Perform the planned care
Evaluate if outcome was met, assessment changed
What is an incident report?
a form that is filled out in order to record details of an unusual event that occurs at the facility, such as an injury to a patient
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care
Florence Nightingale Pledge
What is the purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals?
Improve Patient Safety – focuses on problems in health care safety and how to solve them
7 Safety Goals?
- Identify patients correctly
- Improve staff communication
- Use medicines safely
- Use alarms safely
- Prevent infection
- Identify patient safety risks
- Prevent mistakes in surgery
Florence Nightingale was recruited from a hospital in London to lead nurses in the care of the wounded soldiers in the Crimean war. What did she find when she arrived?
Soldiers lying on soiled linens in unhealthy condition
Florence Nightingale observed soldier conditions and decreased soldier’s deaths by 66% in the medical wards by implementing the following:
Nurses went out into the battlefield and transported soldiers to the hospital
Clean water was provided to all soldiers
Emotional needs of the soldiers were met by writing letters and talking with them
Battle wounds were wrapped in clean bandages
Soldiers were given nutritious meals
Supplies from other patients were reused to save money and conserve supplies
The Florence Nightingale Pledge was composed in 1893. What was the purpose of its creation?
Guide nursing students in Detroit, Michigan
The Florence Nightingale Pledge was named after Florence Nightingale for what reason?
To honor Florence Nightingale as a “Mother of Nursing”
During the Civil War Clara Barton was known as an “Angel of the Battlefield”. What did Clara do to gain this title?
She delivered medical supplies to the medical aid stations
How did Clara Barton learn about the Red Cross organization?
She saw it when she volunteered in the Franco Prussian War
The first nursing school in the world was started by:
Florence Nightingale
which of the following is a common stereotype about nurses:
Nursing is not the best career match for everyone
Nursing is a woman’s job
Nurses do what the doctor doesn’t have time or doesn’t want to do
A nurse is the doctor’s assistant
By 2020, the national shortage of nurses is projected to increase by
More than one million nurses
While placing the name band on a newly admitted patient, the nurse asks for the patients’ name and date of birth to verify the correct information on the ID band. Which National Patient Safety Goal is being practiced in this scenario?
Identifies patients correctly
Abnormal test results come in for a patient who is scheduled for surgery this morning. As a nurse you make sure that the surgeon is notified of the results. Which National Patient Safety Goal is being practiced in this scenario?
Improves staff communication
A patient is ready to be discharged from the hospital to go home. As a nurse you are doing discharge teaching about a pain medication that the patient is to take while at home. Which National Patient Safety Goal is being practiced in this scenario?
Use medicines safely
Before going into a patient’s room, the nurse uses hand sanitizer. Which National Patient Safety Goal is being practiced in this scenario?
Prevent infection
The OR nurse makes sure the right knee is marked for a patient scheduled to have a right knee scope, before going into the OR room. Which National Patient Safety Goal is being practiced in this scenario?
Prevents mistakes in surgery
The most effective way to break the chain of infection is:
Hand washing
Nurses should complete an incident report for which of the following incidents?
The patient fell out of bed, after assessing the patient no injuries were found except a small bruise on their arm.
A patient scratches you while trying to give them their medication.
A Patient reports that a few of their personal items have gone missing.
You accidently gave a patient the wrong does of a medication because it was labeled improperly.
Which organization was created to address the challenges of improving quality and safety of the healthcare system and address knowledge, skills and attitudes of nurses?
The Quality and Safety Education in Nursing Project
Select all moments of hand hygiene that are correct.
Wash hands before entering a patient’s room
Wash hands before touching bedpan
Wash hands after taking blood pressure
Wash hands when leaving the room
What is subjective date?
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions
What the patient tells you:
How much pain they are in
How long they have been hurting
What makes the pain better or worse
Examples of subjective data?
- Requests that the head of the bed be raised to breathe easier
- No report or complaint of nausea
- Appetite has been poor, does not feel like eating
What is objective data?
Not influenced by peoples feelings or opinions
Examples of objective data?
blood tests, x-rays, vital signs (blood pressure, temp, heart rate) flushed red face, can measure vomit, hear sounds, feel swelling, smell odor of infected wound, etc.
5 moments of hand hygiene?
- Before touching a patient
- Before clean/aseptic care
- After body fluid exposure risk
- After touching a patient
- After touching patient surroundings
Make sure that the correct surgery is done on the correct patient and at the correct place on the patient’s body.
Prevent mistakes in surgery
Find out which patients are most likely to try to commit suicide
Identify patient safety risks
Use the hand cleaning guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization. Set goals for improving hand cleaning. Use the goals to improve hand cleaning.
Prevent Infection
Make improvements to ensure that alarms on medical equipment are heard and responded to on time.
Use alarms safely
Before a procedure, label medicines that are not labeled. For example, medicines in syringes, cups and basins. Do this in the area where medicines and supplies are set up.
Use medicines safely
Get important test results to the right staff person on time
Improve staff communication
Use at least two ways to identify patients. For example, use the patient’s name and date of birth. This is done to make sure that each patient gets the correct medicine and treatment.
Identify patients correctly
Federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older?
Health care program that assists low-income families or individuals in paying for long-term medical and custodial care costs?
Process in which people, ideas and goods spread throughout the world, spurring more interaction and integration between the world’s cultures, governments and economic?
ACA, and generally referred to as Obamacare – is the landmark health reform legislation passed by the 111th Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010?
Affordable Care Act
What does the ACA do?
Key provisions are intended to extend coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, to implement measures that will lower health care costs and improve system efficiency, and to eliminate industry practices that include rescission and denial of coverage due topre-existing conditions.
A collection of means or methods for enhancing health care, public health, and health education delivery and support using telecommunications technologies?
The remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology
1 gram?
1000 mg
5 ml?
1 teaspoon
1 kilogram?
2.2 lbs