Mid Term Flashcards
Power acronym
Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, Rethink
Receptive learning styles
Read/write style, visual/graphic style, auditory/verbal style, and tactile/kinesthetic style
Right brain process
~Nonverbal competence (spatial relationships, recognition of patterns and drawings, music, and emotional expression)
~Information is processed globally
Left brain process
~Verbal competence (reading, speaking, thinking, and reasoning)
~Information is processed sequentially
Personality styles
~Introverts vs. Extroverts
~Intuitors vs. Sensors
~Thinkers vs. Feelers
~Perceivers vs. Judgers
Is the overall evaluation we give ourselves as individuals
Self-fulfilling prophecy
How our beliefs and expectations affect our behavior
The expectation that you are capable of achieving goals
Our personal self or inner core which contains our innermost thoughts and experiences
~Has three parts: physical self, social self, and self concept
Test anxiety
~prepare thoroughly ~take a realistic view of the test ~eat right and get enough sleep ~learn relaxation techniques ~visualize success
Forming study groups
~identify motivated members of your class
~include a variety of people with different strengths
~identify your group purpose
~keep your group the right size
Top foods for test day
Eggs, green tea, salmon, dark chocolate, and berries.
Front matter
~preface, table of contents
~this identifies what the author considers to be important
Advance organizers
~chapter outlines, section headings, end of chapter summaries
~use guidance from your instructor on how to approach the chapter and what to focus on
Acronyms, acrostics, and rhymes and jingles