Mid- Term Flashcards
Afferent nerve
sends information from the skin to the spinal cord
Efferent nerve
send information from the CNS in order to initiate an action
V1 (striate cortex)
Known as the primary visual area ; Segregates pattern vision from motion signals
Second level in hierarchy (3D vision/ seeing camouflage & more complex patterns)
further distinct parallel pathways emerge en rout to the parietal cortex, superior temporal sulcus, and inferior temporal cortex, for further processing
Shape perception
Color area and shape perception
motion area
Occipitoparietal stream (Dorsal Stream)
takes part in vision for action and flows from area V1 to posterior parietal visual areas
Occipitotemporal Stream( ventral stream)
Takes part in object recognition and flows from area V1 to temporal visual areas
STS stream
where information to and from dorsal and ventral streams converges, flows from area V1 into superior temporal sulcus
Vision for Action
Visual processing required to direct specific movements
Action for Vision
- Viewer actively searches for only part of the target object and attends selectively to it
- Tend to scan more of the left visual field when looking at faces
Visual Recognition
recognition of objects and ability to respond to visual information
Visual Space
Visual information comes from specific locations in space and assign meaning to objects
Allocentric space
location relative to one another
Visual Attention
we select specific aspects of visual input and attend to them selectively
Object Agnosia
failures of visual recognition
failure of object recognition where basic visual functions preserved (acuity, color, motion) preserved inability to develop a percept of the structure of an object(s)