Mid Term Flashcards
What does Sociological Imagination refer too?
The patterns in society, in which we all see the world differently.
Define Victim Blaming.
When somehting traumatic happens to someone that is not their fault but people around them blame them.
What point in life does most of our development take place?
What is the biomedical model?
This model focuses on purely biological factors and excludes psychological, environmental, and social influences.
What is a social determinant of health?
Social and Economic conditions that impact our health
Define Distal factors.
Cultural,political or economic factors out of personal control
Define Intermidiate Factors.
Community based factors.
Define Proximal factors.
Personal factors, Like biology,attitudes and behavior.
What are health inequalities?
- Socially Produced
- Systematic
- Often patterend in groups
- Involves intersections social structures
What are the two most prominent frameworks for understanding SDH in Canada?
1) Canadian Medical Model
2) Dahlgreen and Whitehead
What does Neo-Liberalism mean?
Limited to no interference of government towards companies.
What ways do men and women experience different conditions of health?
Biological: Menstrations, child birth, menopause
Sociocultural: Social views related to gender that influence us.
What are some important differences in Socialization of boys and girls growing up?
Girls: bodies are projects, we constantly need to be working on
Boys: Bodies are tools made for work
How has Toxic-Masulinity become critized over the recent years?
- Less need for physically demanding jobs
- More accepting of assertive women
- Less strict gender roles
- Less jokes/calling things gay and it being offensive
How has the candian government used their “whiteness” in regards to residential schools?
- The made a really poor apology to the people effected
How is the body defined differently medically and socially?
Medically: Muscle,bones, ligaments, anatomy
How are bodies used and displayed?
Used: Jobs, Sports, Body language, mannerisms
Displayed: Fashion, Art, hairstyles, Jewelery
How are bodies cared for and conceptualized?
Cared for: Doctor, gym, mental health treatment
Conceptualized: Car, canvas, commodity
Define disabilites in the Biomedical model vs social model.
Biomedical: Disabiled because of the way their body is
Social Model: Disabled because society sees them as disabled.
How do Gender and health connect?
Can impact mens health negativley as men are notioned to be tough and women are more aware and seek help.
How does Social class impact SDH?
People of lower class are more likely to be of poor health, due to their lack of access.
Agency vs Structure.
Agency: Ability to make the choice
Structure: Boundaries that influence the choice
Getting dressed and the clothes in our closet.
How is socialization connected to health?
Put the pressure on men to push through. Women will likely go to the doctor right way but men will try to tough it out. More normalized for women to seek health services.
What are health outcomes undertsood qualitatively?
Define Relative social status.
The level of social value something someone has in their possession.
How does toxic masulinity impact mens sports?
Makes men play through things because there is an expectation that they are to be tough no matter what. They will also be more aggresive because of the societal pressure.
How has colonialism impacted health in Canada?
The white people have had better health and left the other people in Canada with poor health.
How does “look good” vs “feel good” impact lives?
Just because you look good doesnt mean you are healthy. Can lead to ED, or other serious medical issues.
How has the word “disability” been socially constructed?
Tends to be that people feel bad for those with a disbaility because that what is socially constructed to be when in reality most of them have adapted their lives to do things most people can’t.
Who created Medicare in Canada?
Tommy Douglas
What were some challenges Tommy Douglas faced?
- Baby died during Doctor strike
- Oppositions from medical professionals
- Canadians docs worried about competition being imported from overseas
What group of Canadians tend to struggle the most in getting adequate health care?