Mid-term Flashcards
Name the five landscape layer classifications
- Substrate
- Landform
- Land cover
- Network
- Settlement
What are the differences between a bog and a fen?
- Fen is on the same level as the groundwater table, bog is above
- Fen’s water is supplied by groundwater, bog by rainwater
- Fen is mesotrophic/eutrophic (moderately) rich in nutrients, bog is oligotrophic and poor in nutrients
- Vegetation types fen: reed, sedge, alder. Bog: sphagnum, cotton grass
- Excavation of fen through dredging, bog through draining
- Resulting landscape fen: lakes and strips of land. Bog: Veenkolonien
Name the four different pedogenesis processes
What are the (5) soil forming factors?
- Parent material
- Climate (a.o. water, frost, weathering)
- Topograhpy (i.c.w. water and sun)
- Flora and fauna - physical and chemical
- Time
Which of the 5 soil forming factors belongs to geogenesis?
Parent material
What are the five orders of the Dutch soil classification system?
Peat soils (veen)
Podzol soils (podzol)
Brick soils (brik)
Earth soils (aarde)
Vague soils (vaag)
What are the different layers (horizons) of a soil
O horizon
A horizon
E horizon
B horizon
C horizon
R bedrock
What is geogenesis?
Soil formation driven by external factors that are not influenced by the existing soil or ground material
What is pedogenesis?
The whole of processes of soil formation as regulated by the effects of place, environment, and history after the material has been deposited
Which elements are part of the triangular landscape model?
Cultural factors (people)
Abiotic factors (geology)
Biotic factors (nature)
Which four landscape approaches are there?
Bird’s eye perspective
Interior perspective
Inner perspective
Transcendental perspective
In which time period were the low landscape and the high handscapes in the Netherlands formed?
Low: Holocene (12.000-10.000y ago)
High: Pleistocene (2.58 million-12.000y ago)
How did Pleistocene Netherlands mostly develop?
Glacial and periglacial conditions
How did Holocene Netherlands mostly develop?
River deposits, marine deposits, peat formation, people
What are the three different Milankovitch cycle occurrences?
Eccentricity: distance to the sun
Obliquity: angle of the axis
Precision: axis rotation