Mid Rotation EMQ Flashcards
Select the most appropriate next investigation:
45 year old carpenter presents with a 2 month history of pain and tenderness over the lateral aspect of his L elbow, with no precipitating acute injury.
2/3 chance or correct
U/S of shoulder
Select the most appropriate next investigation:
58 year old woman presents with a 4 month history of pain and paraesthesia in the lateral half of her R hand, worse at night
2/3 chance or correct
Nerve conduction study
Select the most appropriate next investigation:
68 year old woman presents with 1 week history of constant, severe pain in the lateral aspect of her L shoulder and upper arm with no precipitating acute injury. There are signs of C5 sensory nerve dysfunction on initial examination
2/3 chance or correct
Plain x-ray and CT of cervical spine
Select the most appropriate therapy for a patient presenting with contraception needs in general practice
Anna has just given birth 2 months back and is breast feeding. She plans to continue breast feeding for the next 6 months. What method of contraception would you advise?
Progesterone only pill (Minipill)
Select the most appropriate therapy for a patient presenting with contraception needs in general practice
Liza is a 24 year old lady, who has recently got into a relationship. She does not know much details of her partners past. She comes to you for advice as she does not want to get pregnant.
Barrier methods - condom
Select the most appropriate therapy for a patient presenting with contraception needs in general practice
Aishah is 40 years old and has 3 children. For the past 6 months she has been experiencing menorrhagia with intermenstrual bleeding. Pap smears has been normal for the past 3 years and the hysteroscopy (plus D and C) done was normal. What would you recommend as the treating Doctor?
Mirena - IUD with progesterone
Select the most appropriate therapy for a patient presenting with contraception needs in general practice
Alice comes to your practice worried as the condom that her partner had used ruptured. She comes to see you after 10 hours of the incident and is worried that she may get pregnant. What would be the best contraceptive advice for her?
High dose Levonogesterol (1.5g)
Select the most appropriate therapy for a patient presenting with contraception needs in general practice
Nina who is 28 years old has mild intellectual disability. She has just got into a relationship. She manages to go about her daily activities with no problems. However she has problems in memory and is rather forgetful. Her Mother is worried and has come for advice from you, on the best option for her.
Depo-provera injections
Choose the most appropriate diagnosis for a patient presenting with these symptoms in general practice
Angela is 5 years old who attends pre school. Her mother is worried as her daughter has been having low grade fever past 2 days with ulcers in the oral cavity. She has maculo papular rash over both the hands and feet.
4/5 chance of being correct
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Choose the most appropriate diagnosis for a patient presenting with these symptoms in general practice
Jane 16 years old presented with 3 days of flu like symptoms. Then she noted rash presenting in crops, first on the upper limbs, body and then the lower limbs. This is associated with itchiness
4/5 chance of being correct
Varicella zoster
Choose the most appropriate diagnosis for a patient presenting with these symptoms in general practice
Ali presented with moderate grade fever of 38C for two days. This was asociated with headache and retro orbital pain. He also gave history generalised myalgia and severe bodyache. Once the fever subsided, he started developing a rash all over the body.
4/5 chance of being correct
Choose the most appropriate diagnosis for a patient presenting with these symptoms in general practice
Sarah 48 years old, an ex intravenous drug user (IVDU). She presents with history of jaundice, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting. She has been advised on further investigations on Viral load and a liver biopsy
4/5 chance of being correct
Hepatitis C
Choose the most appropriate diagnosis for a patient presenting with these symptoms in general practice
John is 8 years old presented with pain over cheeks, earache & drooling of saliva. He also complains pain on taking sour food. His temperature is around 38C
4/5 chance of being correct
Infectious mononucleosis
Choose the appropriate diagnosis:
John is a 3 year old boy who presents with fever and sore throat for a day and rapidly deteriorates when his mother brings him to the emergency department. He is toxic looking with drooling of saliva and stridor. His neck is hyperextended. Neck Xray done shows a “thumb sign”.
3/5 chance of being right
Choose the appropriate diagnosis:
Jane , 20 years old presents with severe sore throat. Her voice is rather muffled. She has trismus and drooling of saliva. On examination of the oral cavity a bulge is noted above the Right tonsil and uvula is pushed to the left. There are enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
3/5 chance of being right
Pharyngeal abscess
Choose the appropriate diagnosis:
A two year old boy was seen eating candy while playing. There was sudden onset of choking and wheezing. He had a weak cough, weak cry and appeared to drool. He has no history of any respiratory problem prior to this. On examination of oral caity no foreign body was noted. Examination of lungs showed decrease air entry on right side.
3/5 chance of being right
Airway obstruction (foreign body)
Choose the appropriate diagnosis:
Jonathan is a 5 year old boy who presented with history of fever and flu like symptoms for 3 days. Today his cough is getting worse and his mother describes it as a “barking” like cough. He has developed stridor. On examination there is chest retraction and decreased breath sound with wheeze.
3/5 chance of being right
Choose the appropriate diagnosis:
Ahmed works in a farm. He had injured himself while harvesting and sustained a laceration wound over the right upper limb about 7 days back. He had treated the wound himself with some antiseptic. His family brings him to the hospital as he has been having headaches, neck stiffness, muscle spasms, excessive sweating and drooling. He also has dysphagia and is very irritable. He is febrile.
3/5 chance of being right
Choose the most appropriate management:
Nina presented with one week history of pain over her the left lower 1st molar. Today she presented with neck swelling, trismus, odynophagia and drooling. On examination, her dental hygiene is poor and the floor of the mouth is raised. There is some trismus and the first lower left molar is decayed with surrounding gingivial infection. There is no stridor at present. What would be your management?
Choose the most appropriate management:
Mary had developed sudden shortness of breath and wheals all over her body after being bitten by a wasp half an hour back. She also presents with stridor and has bilateral periorbital oedema. How would you treat her?
Choose the most appropriate management:
Ali gives history of mild dysuria & uretheral discharge after having casual unprotected intercourse 3 days back. What would be the best choice for him?
Choose the most appropriate management:
Jason 8 years old was accidentally bitten by his pet dog over the hand while playing. The dog has all the scheduled vaccinations and stays at home. On examination there is a small superficial laceration wound with no active bleed over the dosrsum of the left hand. What would be your advice?