Microscopy Flashcards
Image formation on a curved surface
- Lenses are curved surfaces.
- If light rays meet, they form an image.
- Angle of refraction depends on refractive index of lens.
Principal light rays
- Parallel ray: Parallel to optical axis
- Central ray: Passes through center of curvature.
- Focal ray: Passes through focal point
Lens combinations
- Lenses are combined in a compound microscope. (Eyepiece and objective)
- Image magnification can be manipulated by changing distance between the lens and specimen and distance between 2 lenses.
Refractive power
Degree to which a lens is able to converge or diverge light.
D = 1 / f
Lens equation
D = 1/f = 1/i + 1/o
Image formation by the light microscope
Diagram with object, objective and eyepiece lenses, images, and eye.
Rules of image formation
Diagrams with F, 2F (Real/virtual, Upright/inverted,…)
Concepts of magnification and angular magnification
- Magnification is I/O size.
- Angular magnification is tanB/tanA
Magnification in the light microscope
M = I / O = i / o
Movement back and forth around an equilibrium.
Diffraction on an optical grating
- Optical grating: Large number of closely spaced slits.
- A structure with periodic optical properties separate light of different wavelengths and refracts them at different angles.
Polarization of light
Unpolarized light (electric field vector can be found in any plane that contains direction of propagation) becomes polarized light (electric field vector only in 1 plane) by an optical filter
Types of waves
Wave is a disturbance that carries energy.
- Transverse waves: Direction of oscillation is perpendicular to direction of propagation, Electromagnetic waves, vacuum.
- Longitudinal waves: Direction of oscillation is parallel to direction of propagation, Sound, requires a medium.
- Matter wave: e.g. electrons
Limit of resolution of the light microscope
- Smallest noticeable distance between 2 points.
- Abbe’s formula: = 0.61 * wav/nsinw (image forms in microscope only if at least first order maxima enters the objective lens)
Phase contrast microscope
Turns phase differences and converts them to amplitude differences, therefore intensity differences which can then be detected by the eye. (For studying live unstained cells)
Huygens-Fresnel principle
Every wave propagates so that every point of its primary wavefront serves as a source of secondary wavelets advancing with same speed and frequency of primary wave.
Polarization microscope
- Makes brief ringing details of specimen visible. (Cell membrane, striated muscles,…)
- Microscope has polarizer, illuminates specimen with linearly polarized light.
- Other side of specimen has analyzer at 90deg. From polarizer, at this angle view is dark.
- Only light that was rotated by birefringent parts of specimen pass, so only these details are visible.
Wave diffraction
When light passes through a slit which is near the size of the wavelength, it spreads around the slit. Ties to Huygen’s principle explaining diffraction pattern.
Interpretation of the color of light
- Colors can be separated by wavelength.
- In our eyes, we have cells which can sense different frequency of light.
Wave interference
- Constructive interference: Same phase (crest meets crest)
- Destructive interference: Opposite phases (crest meets trough)
Wave nature of light
Phenomena which prove wave nature of light:
- Diffraction
- Interference
- Polarization
Dual nature of light
- Can behave like a wave
- Can behave as matter (photoelectric effect) energy packed in quanta depending on frequency.
Matter waves
- Matter can exhibit wave-like properties
- De-broglie’s hypothesis: Wavelength = Plank’s constant / Momentum (m*v)
- (Davisson-Germer experiment proved that electrons scattered formed diffraction patters)
The electromagnetic spectrum
Entire distribution of electromagnetic radiation according to frequency or wavelength, and their respective photon energies.
The photoelectric effect
- E = hf
- When a photon delivers enough energy to an electron causing it to leave the atom.
- Proves quantized nature of light (photon) and thus the particle nature off light.
- Einstein
The electron microscope
- Small wavelength of electron allows for much higher resolution in EM.
- TEM: Uses electrons passing through the sample to create an image.
- SEM: Creates image by detecting reflected/knocked-off electrons.
- Electron gun (tungsten filament), High voltage for acceleration of electrons, condenser, electromagnetic lenses.
Photon energy, the eV scale
- E = hf
- Covert to eV by dividing by charge of electron, 1.6 x 10^-19
- The amount of K.E in an electron that is accelerated in an electric field of 1 volt.
Interpretation of momentum of light: optical tweezers
- Photon Momentum = h / wavelength
- Optical tweezers: utilize the photon momentum to trap/control the movement of very small objects.
Models of the atom (Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford)
- Dalton: Showed that matter was made of indivisible particles (atoms) which can not be broken down further.
- Thompson: Discovered that atoms have electrons which were stuck throughout the positively charged substance.
- Rutherford: Showed that all positive charge was in the middle (nucleus)
(Rutherford and Chadwick discovered protons and neutrons)
Wave nature of the electron
- Electrons behave like waves in certain situations (diffraction)
- Wavelength calculated = h / momentum
- Davisson Germer experiment.
The bound electron, quantum numbers
- Principal QN (n): Size of atom, from shells. (1, 2, 3,…)
- Azimuthal QN (l): Shape (0, 1, 2,…)
- Magnetic QN (ml): Orientation (-l,… , l)
- Spin QN (ms): Spin (-1/2, 1/2)
Bohr’s atomic model
Electrons in an atom can only occupy certain distinct orbits around the nucleus.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
- One cannot know all parameters describing a particle at a given time.
- E.g. when momentum is calculated, there is more uncertainty about its location.
- Due to wave nature of particles.
- We cant know position and speed of a particle.
Physical foundations of the periodic table
- Numbered according to increasing atomic number/Proton number
- Size increases down a group, and decreases across a period.
- Every group number has the same number of valence electrons.
- Ionization energy increases across a period, and decreases down a group.
- s, p, d,… blocks
Franck-Hertz experiment
- To prove Bohr’s atomic model stating that electrons exist in quantised state within the atom.
- Tube filled with Hg, electron emitting cathode, grid, and anode.
- In order to interact with Hg atoms, a specific amount of energy had to be given to the electrons by voltage.
- Measuring current at end of tube makes it possible to measure how much energy went to atoms, and how much was left over.
Potential energy of interatomic interactions
- Atoms in a molecule are organized in fixed positions in which the molecule stores the least potential energy.
- Most stable form
- P.E = E attraction + E repulsion
- Strength of which an atom can hold onto its electrons and ionize other atoms.
- Smaller atoms with high atomic number are more electronegative.
- Fluorine is most electronegative.
- Higher electronegativity atoms pull electrons towards them (causing polarity in molecules)
Scanning probe microscopy
- Can form an image of an atomic size object by detecting various interactions depending on probe.
- Atomic force microscope (AFM) measures van der waals force between probe and sample.
- Probe connected to cantilever, laser beam.
- Measures change in position of cantilever
Primary and secondary bonds
- Primary bonds: Covalent, Ionic, Metallic
- Secondary bonds: Dipole, Van Der Waals, hydrogen bonds
Resolving power of the atomic force microscope.
- Resolution fractions of a nanometer.
- Allows the study of strength and length off chemical bonds and the detail of molecular structure.