Microorganism Review Flashcards
GPC in clusters Morph: golden, beta or gamma hemolytic Catalase + Coagulase + Staph latex agglutination
Staph aureus
GPC in tetrads
Morph: bright yellow
Catalase +
Microdase (modified oxidase) +
Micrococcus spp
GPC in clusters Morph: bright white Catalase + Coagulase = Novobiocin resistant (< 16 mm)
Staph saprophyticus
GPC in clusters morph: white Catalase + Coagulase = PYR =
Staph epidermidis
GPC in clusters morph: yellow Catalase + Coagulase = PYR +
Staph lugdunensis
Large GPC in pairs and clusters morph: STICKY, gray-white, gamma hemolytic Catalase V Coagulase = Microdase = PYR +
Rothia spp
GPC in chains morph: beta hemolytic Catalase = PYR + Bacitracin sensitive (any zone)
Strep pyogenes (Group A)
GPC in chains morph: soft beta hemolytic Catalase = CAMP + (arrow growth) Hippurate hydrolysis +
Strep agalactiae (Group B)
GPC in chains
morph: true alpha, dimpled or mucoid appearance
bile solubility +
Optochin sensitive (> 14mm)
Strep pneumoniae
GPC pairs or chains
morph: alpha-ish, medium to large gray-white
Catalase =, but can be slow/weak + (pseudo +)
Bile esculin +
NaCl +
Vancomycin resistance: acquired
Enterococcus faecium
GPC pairs or chains morph: gamma, medium to large gray-white Catalase =, but can be slow/weak + (pseudo +) PYR + Bile esculin + NaCl + Vancomycin resistance: acquired
Enterococcus faecalis
Intrinsic Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Enterococcus gallinarum, Enterococcus casseliflavus, Enterococcus flavescens
GPC in pairs and chains morph: pinpoint, gamma or weak alpha Catalase = PYR = Bile esculin + NaCl =
Strep gallolyticus (Group D) formerly Strep bovis
GPC in pairs and chains morph: alpha (but may be gamma), wet or dry Catalase = Bile esculin = NaCl =
Viridians Strep
GPC in clusters or tetrads morph: alpha Catalase = Bile esculin = NaCl + PYR + LAP =
Aerococcus viridans
GPC in clusters or tetrads morph: alpha Catalase = Bile esculin = NaCl + PYR = LAP +
Aerococcus urinae
tiny GPC pairs and chains
morph: alpha, tiny, dry, BUTTERSCOTCH odor
Strep anginosus
GPC in pairs and chains
morph: no growth on BAP, only on CHOC (requires pyridoxal or thiol for growth)
Satellite Test +
Nutritionally Variant Strep
Unrelated genus in group: Abiotrophia spp and Granulicatella spp
GNDC morph: small, round, translucent no growth on BAP, growth on CHOC and MTM oxidase + nitrate = carb utilization: glucose + maltose = lactose = sucrose =
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
GNDC morph: small, round, translucent growth on BAP, CHOC, and MTM oxidase + nitrate = carb utilization: glucose + maltose + lactose = sucrose =
Neisseria meningitidis
GNDC morph: yellow colonied growth on BAP, CHOC, and MTM oxidase + nitrate = carb utilization: glucose + maltose + lactose + sucrose =
Neisseria lactamica
GNDC morph: smooth, scoots on agar, "hockey puck" growth on BAP, CHOC, and MTM oxidase + nitrate + DNase + Catarrhalis disk + carb utilization (asaccharolytic): glucose = maltose = lactose = sucrose =
Moraxella catarrhalis
morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO (mousy odor)
requires growth factor X and V, 5-10% CO2
Staph Streak +
non-hemolytic on horse and rabbit blood
Haemophilus influenza
GNCB morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO requires growth factor X and V ALA = Beta hemolytic on rabbit blood
Haemophilus influenza biogroup aegyptius
GNCB morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO requires growth factor V ALA + Beta hemolytic on rabbit blood (variable)
Haemophilus parainfluenza
GNCB morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO requires growth factor X and V ALA = Beta hemolytic on horse and rabbit blood
Haemophilus heamolyticus
GNCB morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO requires growth factor V ALA + Beta hemolytic on horse and rabbit blood
Haemophilus parahaemolyticus
GNCB - school of fish morph: no growth on BAP, growth on CHO requires growth factor V ALA = non-hemolytic on horse and rabbit blood
Haemophilus ducreyi
Large GPB boxcar morph: medusa head, ground glass, egg white, nonhemolytic spore-forming Catalase + Nonmotile Lecithinase + No Growth on PEA Bioterrorism agent
Bacillus anthracis
Large GPB boxcar morph: green, feathery, spreading, beta hemolytic spore-forming Catalase + Motile Lecithinase + Growth on PEA
Bacillus cereus
GPB or short, plump coccobacilli morph: soft beta hemolytic Catalase + Tumbling motility Bile esculin + Hippurate hydrolysis + Reverse CAMP + (block growth)
Listeria monocytogenes
GPB - club-shaped, palisading morph: grows on tellurite agar and loeffler media Catalase + Urea = Nitrate +
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
GPB - club-shaped, palisading morph: gray-white, non-hemolytic Catalase + Urea = Nitrate + P 10 disk resistant
Corynebacterium jeikeium
GPB - club-shaped, palisading morph: white, pinpoint, non-hemolytic Catalase + Urea + Nitrate +
Corynebacterium urealyticum
Slender GPB morph: small, greenish discoloration Catalase = Nonmotile H2S + Bile esculin + Nitrate =
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
morph: alpha hemolytic
Catalase =
Seen primarily in urine cultures (normal flora)
Lactobacillus spp
Gram variable bacilli morph: pinpoint, nonhemolytic V agar: hemolysis on human blood Starch hydrolysis (purple -> yellow) Catalase = Hippurate hydrolysis + Wet prep: Clue cells (> 20%)
Gardnerella vaginalis
GPB morph: small, beta-hemolytic Catalase + Reverse CAMP + Lecithinase +
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
GPB - club-shaped, palisading (diphtheroid-like)
morph: nonhemolytic, mucoid, turns pink/red/orange after a few days of growth
Catalase +
Partially acid-fast
Rhodococcus spp
GNB morph: shiny, mermaid scales, beta hemolytic, tortilla chip smell MAC: NLF, green colonies Produce pyocyanin fluorescence Oxidase + Motile Nitrate + growth at 42 C
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
GNB morph: no distinct appearance Produces pyoverdin fluorescence Oxidase + Motile Nitrate = No growth at 42 C Gelatin liquified +
Pseudomonas fluorences
GNB morph: no distinct appearance Produces pyoverdin fluorescence Oxidase + Motile Nitrate = No growth at 42 C Gelatin liquified =
Pseudomonas putida
GNB morph: Wrinkled, light yellow or brown Non-fluorescent Oxidase + Motile Nitrate + Variable growth at 42 C Gelatin liquified =
Pseudomonas stutzeri
GNB morph: smooth, gray, translucent MAC: variable growth Oxidase V Motile Nitrate + Gas from nitrate = No growth at 42 C
Burkholderia mallei
GNB morph: Round, wrinkled, bright orange to cream MAC: grows well Oxidase + Motile Nitrate + Gas from nitrate + Growth at 42 C
Burkholderia pseudomallei
GNB morph: yellow, non-fluorescent MAC: dark pink or red Oxidase + Motile Nitrate V Gas from nitrate = Variable growth at 42 C
Burkholderia cepacia complex
GNB morph: greenish, fruity/green apple smell Oxidase + Motile Nitrate + Asaccharolytic
Alcaligenes faecalis
GNB morph: non-pigmented Oxidase + Motile Nitriate + Oxidation of xylose
Achromobacter xylosoxidans
GNB morph: lavender-green discoloration MAC: grows poorly Oxidase + Nonmotile Nitrate = DNase + Bile esculin +
Elizabethkingia meningoseptica
GNB morph: greenish discoloration, strong ammonia odor Oxidase = Motile LDC + Oxidizes glucose and maltose
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
GNB morph: gray-white, rotten pumpkin odor Oxidase = Nonmotile LDC =
Acinetobacter spp
A. baumannii = oxidizes glucose, lactose, maltose
A. Iwoffi = asaccharolytic
GNB morph: yellow, rough, wrinkled Non-fluorescent Oxidase = Motile LDC =
Pseudomonas (Flaviomonas) oryzihabitans
small GNCB
morph: convex, granular, yellow w/ opaque zone
Catalase =
Oxidase V
Nitrate +
Indole =
Ferments glucose, maltose, lactose, sucrose
Aggregatibacter aphrophilus
GNB/GNCB morph: small, translucent, adheres to agar Catalase + Oxidase V Nitrate + Indole = Ferments glucose, lactose (variable) Associated with periodontitis
Aggregatibacter actinomycetecomitans
Pleomorphic bacilli - forms rosettes, dumbbells morph: glistening colonies, adheres to agar Catalase = Oxidase + Nitrate = Indole + Ferments glucose, maltose, sucrose Associated with endocarditis
Cardiobacterium hominis
small, straight GNB/GNCB
morph: pits the agar, frosty, smells like bleach
Catalase =
Oxidase +
Associated with periodontal disease, shooter’s abscess, “clench fist injury”/bite wound
Eikenella corrodens
GNCB w/ squared ends morph: beta-hemolytic, spready, smooth Catalase = Oxidase + Nitrate = Indole = Ferments glucose, maltose Associated with pediatric patients, bacteremia and osteoarticular infections
Kingella spp
GN fusiform bacilli morph: gliding, sweaty, moist, molted Catalase = Oxidase = Nitrate V Indole = Ferments glucose, maltose, sucrose Associated with cat/dog bite, female genital infections
Capnocytophaga spp
GNCB/GNB morph: smooth, gray Catalase + Oxidase + Nitrate + Indole + Ferments glucose Urea = Associated with dog/cat bites scratches, normal oral flora
Pasteurella multocida
plesiomorphic GNB - thin, loops and coils Hard to culture Nonmotile Rat-bite fever Haverhill fever
Streptobacillus moniliformis
GNCB - tiny, faint-staining morph: opaque, gray-white, smooth, shiny Catalase = or weak + Oxidase = Beta-lactamase + Staph streak = Bioterrorism agent, turemia
Franciscella tularensis
GNCB - faint-staining, slow-growing morph: pinpoint on BAP and CHOC Catalase + Oxidase + Urea + (strong urea +, within 2 hrs) Staph streak = Bioterrorism agent, Undulant fever/Malta fever, can infect in unbroken skin
Staccato/Whooping cough - affects babies < 1 year
Catalase +
Variable growth on BAP, CHOC, MAC (species specific)
Growth on BG agar
Growth on Regan-Lowe agar
B. pertussis: oxidase +, nonmotile, no growth on BA/MAC/CHOC
B. parapertussis: oxidase=, nonmotile, variable growth on MAC
B. bronchiseptica: oxidase +, motile, grows on all media
Doesn’t grow on BAP, requires L-cystiene for growth
Found in water sources: hot tubs, cooling towers, water tanks, plumbing systems, water fountains
Legionnaire’s disease (up to 30% mortality)/Pontiac Fever (less severe)
Slight curved GNB
Biochemically inert, commercial ID
Trench fever, cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis
Relapsing Fever
Tickborne vector
Borrelia recurrentis
Causes Lyme disease
Bullseye skin lesion
Borrelia burgdorferi
“Walking pneumonia”
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
STI Genitourinary Infections Amniotic infections Bacterial vaginosis Associated with reproductive issues
Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp
Associated with 15-20% of nongonococcal urethritis
Mycoplasma genitalium
Most transmitted STI in US
Urogenital disease
Ocular trachoma
Chlamydia trachomatis
90% asymptomatic
Biphasic: 1st phase: sore throat
2nd phase: pneumonia and bronchitis
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Zoonotic disease
Parrot fever
Flu-like symptoms
Chlamydia psittaci
morph: sweet, putrid odor
Nitrate =
Indole =
SPS sensitive (greater or equal to 12 mm)
Second most common group of anaerobe
Obligate anaerobe
Peptostreptococcus (formerly Anaerococcus) anaerobius
Only true GNC
Catalase V
Nitrate +
Colistin: SS
Vancomycin: R
Kanamycin: SS
Normal flora
Veillonella spp
GPB morph: small, white Catalase + Nitrate + Indole +
Facultative anaerobe
Common cause of blood culture contamination
Propionibacterium acnes
Small GPB morph: small, gray, translucent Catalase + Nitrate + Indole V
Colistin R
Vanconmycin SS
Kanamycin SS
Normal flora of GI tract
Eubacterium lentum
GPB - club-shaped, branched or unbranched filaments morph: rough or smooth types Sulphur granules Nitrate + Esculin hydrolysis +
Actinomyces israelii
GPB morph: rough or smooth colonies, tan pigmentation Nitrate + Urease + Esculin hydrolysis V Aerotolerant
Actinomyces naeslundii
morph: red color on CDC after 7-14 days of incubation
Nitrate +
Actinomyces odontolyticus
GPB Catalase + Nitrate + Urease + Aerotolerant Associated in dental caries and periodontal disease
Actinomyces vicosus
small GPB Strict aerobe Catalase = Nitrate = Urease = Esculin hydrolysis =
Actinomyces meyeri
GPB w/ forked ends Catalase = Nitrate = Indole = Esculin hydrolysis = Aerotolerant/microtolerant
Bifidobacterium dentium
GNB Non-spore forming Nonmotile 20% bile Colistin: R Vancomycin: R Kanamycin: R
Bacteriodes fragilis
B. ovatus: catalase +, indole + B. thetaiotaomicron: catalase +, indole + B. fragilis: catalase +, indole = B. distasonis: catalase +, indole = B. uniformis: catalase =, indole + B. vulgatus: catalase =, indole =
GNB morph: tan to buff, brown-black clonies Brick red under UV light moderately sacchrolytic Colistin: V Vancomycin: R Kanamycin: R
Prevotella spp
GNB morph: tan to buff, brown-black clonies Brick red under UV light asacchrolytic Colistin: R Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: R
Porphyromonas spp
Thin GNB w/ pointed ends morph: speckled, breadcrumb, smooth Indole + 20% bile + Colistin: SS Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: R
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Pleomorphic GNB morph: greening of the agar Indole + 20% bile V Lipase + Colistin: SS Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: R
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Pleomorphic GNB morph: fried egg colony Indole = 20% bile + Lipase = Esculin + Colistin: SS Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: R
Fusobacterium mortiferum
Pleomorphic GNB - short and plump morph: fried egg colony Indole V 20% bile + Colistin: SS Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: R
Fusobacterium varium
GPB, spore-forming morph: double zone of beta hemolysis Catalase = Nonmotile Lecithinase + Reverse CAMP + Colistin: R Vancomycin: SS Kanamycin: SS Associate with food poisoning, gas gangrene
Clostridium perfringens
morph: medusa head, SWARM in 24-48 hrs
Esculin hydrolysis +
Associated w/ malignancies: leukemias, lymphomas, carcinomas
Clostridium septicum
morph: ground glass, barn-yard smell
CCFA agar: yellow-green growth
Associated w/ pseudomembranous colitis
Clinically significant for adults, although common in baby flora
Clostridium difficile
GPB - subterminal spores
botulism: food-borne, infant “floppy baby”, wound
Death due to respiratory paralysis and secondary pneumonia
Clostridium botulinum
GPB - terminal spores (tennis racket) morph: swarms on CDC Lecithinase = Lipase = Associated w/ lockjaw
Clostridium tetani
GNB morph: big, circular, gray, moist KIA/TSI A/A*, H2S=Neg, Gas=Pos VP=Neg PDA=Neg Indole=Pos Citrate=Neg Urea=Neg LOA L=Pos A,O=Pos/Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Pos
Escherichia coli
GNB KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Neg VP=Neg PDA=Neg Indole=Neg/Pos Citrate=Neg Urea=Neg LOA=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Neg
Shigella spp
S. dysenteriae ONPG =, O+
S. flexneri: ONPG =, O+
S. boydii: ONGP =, O+
S. sonnei: ONPG =, O +
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Pos, Gas=Pos Indole=Pos Citrate=Neg Urea=Neg LOA L,O=Pos, A=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
E tarda
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Pos, Gas=Pos S. typhi Weak H2S Pos Indole=Neg Citrate=Pos Urea=Neg LOA LO=Pos, A=Pos/Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
KIA/TSI K/A*, H2S=Pos, Gas=Pos C. freundii (K/A or A/A) C. koseri H2S=Neg Indole C. freundii=Neg C. koseri=Pos Citrate=Pos Urea=Pos/Neg LOA A, O=Pos/Neg, L=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
KIA/TSI K/A*, H2S=Pos, Gas=Pos C. freundii (K/A or A/A) C. koseri H2S=Neg Indole C. freundii=Neg C. koseri=Pos Citrate=Pos Urea=Pos/Neg LOA A, O=Pos/Neg, L=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
KIA/TSI A/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Pos+ Indole=Neg Citrate=Pos Urea=Neg LOA E. aerogenes- L,O=Pos A=Neg E. cloacae-A,O=Pos, L=Neg VP=Pos ONPG=Pos Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Pos Indole=Neg Citrate=Neg Urea=Neg LOA L,O=Pos A=Neg VP=Pos ONPG=Pos Motile=Pos PDA=Neg
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Pos Indole=Neg Citrate=Pos Urea=Neg LOA LO=Pos, A=Neg VP=Pos ONPG=Pos (Slow LF) Motile=Pos PDA=Neg Gel=Pos
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Pos, Gas=Pos Indole= V Citrate=Pos/Neg Urea=Pos+ LOA O=Pos L,A=Neg VP=Pos/Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Pos Seen on nonselective media PDA=Pos Gel=Neg
P. mirabilis: indole =
P. vulgaris: indole +
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Pos Indole=Pos Citrate=Neg Urea=Pos+ LOA O=Pos L,A=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Pos PDA=Pos
KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Neg Indole=Pos Citrate=Pos Urea P. rettgeri=Pos+ P. stuartii=Neg/Pos LOA LOA=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Neg Motile=Pos PDA=Pos
KIA/TSI K/A (weak), H2S=Neg, Gas=Neg Indole=Neg Citrate=Neg Urea=Neg LOA LOA=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Neg (25 and 36) Colony morphology-beaten copper PDA=Neg
Yersinia pestis
Y. pseudotuberculosis KIA/TSI K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Neg Indole=Neg Citrate=Neg Urea=Pos LOA LOA=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Neg at 36° Pos at 22° PDA=Neg
Yersinia pesudotuberculosis
KIA= K/A, H2S=Neg, Gas=Neg TSI=A/A (Sucrose Pos) Indole=Pos/Neg Citrate=Neg Urea=Pos/Neg LOA O=Pos L,A=Neg VP=Neg ONPG=Pos Motile=Neg at 36° Pos at 22° PDA=Neg
Yersinia enterolitica