Micronutrients Flashcards
What are micronutrients?
-They are needed in small amounts
-Include both vitamins and minerals
-Do not provided energy
-Are classified as essential as the body cannot make them, they have specific roles in the body
What are micronutrients?
-They are needed in small amounts
-Include both vitamins and minerals
-Do not provided energy
-Are classified as essential as the body cannot make them, they have specific roles in the body
What are the roles of micronutrients?
They help growth, development and cell function
What are vitamins?
-The are organic compounds
-There are 13 essential vitamins
-The body does not make vitamins in sufficient amounts so we need to consume them in our diet
What are the two different forms of vitamins?
Water soluble (dissolve in water)
Lipid soluble (requires lipids to absorb, transport and store)
What are some fat soluble vitamins?
What are some water soluble vitamins?
What does your body do with the excess water soluble vitamins?
Excess pisces generally get removed with water in the urine
What does your body do with the excess lipid soluble vitamins?
Excess can be stored with fat
What is hypovitaminosis?
It is a deficiency in one or more vitamins
What is hypervitaminosis?
too much vitamin A in the body
What is the deal with vitamins, antioxidants and free radicals?
-The body naturally produces chemicals called ‘free radicals’
-These are unstable and highly reactive and seek to react with other atoms and can damage cell components like DNA and proteins
-Some vitamins are antioxidants
-These vitamins will try and combat a free radical by ‘donating’ an electron to make it stable- this can prevent damage and protect cells from some cancers and chronic disease.
What does vitamin C protect and what are they?
Vitamin C is water soluble, these protect aqueous parts of cells
What does vitamin E protect and what are they?
Vitamin E is liquid soluble, these protect liquid based components (cell membranes)
What are minerals?
-Organic elements (don’t contain carbon)
-It’s 5% of the body mass
What are major minerals?
These are needed in large amounts
What are trace minerals?
These are needed in smaller amounts
Are all minerals consumed absorbed into the body, why or why not?
Not all minerals are absorbed into the body- an example would be an average person eating a mixed meat and plant diet absorbs 20% less iron than consumed. This is because some can not be absorbed independently and require a carrier (other foods)
When does mineral absorption increase?
It increase when eaten in a healthy diet rather than a supplement
Are minerals destroyed in foods like vitamins?
They don not generally get destroyed with cooking or food processing os concentrations are maintained
What does bioavailability mean?
Ability of substance to be absorbed and used by the body
What is reduced absorption?
less affective at absorbing nutrients
What does fortified mean?
It is changed chemically to give us more vitamins that we are low in
What is increased absorption?
-haem- iron(animal) more readily absorbed than non-haem iron(plant)
Where can you find nutrients and energy in foods?
All food contain nutrients and energy, but some are more beneficial to the body
What is nutrient density?
It measures the amount of nutrient/kj in foods ‘nutrient dense foods’= high amounts of nutrients/kj
What product is more nutrient dense, plant based ot processed foods?
Plant based foods are more nutrient dense while processed foods lose nutrients in preparation nd have added sugars, salts and fats
What is energy dense?
It is measures of kj /gm food. Energy dense foods are high in the amount of kj/gm they contain