Microeconomics LS1-4 Flashcards
What is an economy?
All the goods and services produced in an area
What is the difference between a good and a service?
Good= tangible (can touch) Service= intangible (cannot touch)
What are the factors of production and define them.
Capital= things which are used to make goods and services Enterprise= willingness of people in business to take risks to make a profit Land= refers to the natural resources such as oil, forests and land itself Labour= all of the work done by humans in production
How would an economy increase labour?
By increasing birth rate (providing incentives) and attracting immigration
How would an economy increase its PPF curve?
Increase in economic growth, firstly by increasing labour and capital.
What is the economic problem?
How to use the available scarce resources to satisfy people’s infinite needs and wants as effectively as possible
What are economic agents and who are they
- Groups that participate in the economy
- Producers = create goods and services
- Consumer (individuals and firms) = buy goods and services
- Government= sets rules that other economic agents must follow, and also produces some goods and services ( roads, health care)
What are economic models?
What economists produce to predict the impact of economic change, ceteris paribus
Why is it difficult for economists to run experiments?
- economy is always changing
- cannot control the external variables (economy)
What do economists rely on instead of experiments?
Data and assumptions
What does ceteris paribus mean?
Assuming other variables remain constant
Why is ceteris paribus necessary for economic analysis?
- to isolate how one factor affects the economy
- to make assumptions and predictions otherwise the other factors can overcomplicate an assumption
Define opportunity cost
The value of the next best alternative forgone as a result of the decision
How do consumers use opportunity cost?
Use it to decide what to spend their income on
How do producers use opportunity cost?
Use it to decide what and how to produce goods and services
How to governments use opportunity cost?
Use it to decide what policies to choose
What is the empirical model?
A model that uses data and evidence from the real world
What affects the PPF?
- factors of production
- quality of factors of production
What does PPF stand for?
Production possibility frontier
What does a PPF do?
Shows the maximum potential output of a combination of two goods or services an economy can achieve when all its resources are being employed fully and efficiently, given the current level of technology.
How are the factors of production and the size of economy related?
More factors of production = larger economy and vice Versa
What is economic growth?
An increase in the production of goods and services in an economy
What is negative economic growth?
A decrease in the production of goods and services in an economy
What are the causes of economic growth?
- increase in the quantity of the factors of production
- improvement in the quality of the factors of production
- a combination of the two