Microbiology Flashcards
List 2 plating media would you use to identify and isolate bacterial conjunctivitis:
What kind of stain would you perform?
Plating media:
- Chocolate agar
- 5% SBA
Gram Stain
List the agent that causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME):
Ehrlichia chaffeensis
List the agent that causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF):
Rickettsia rickettsii
What is the vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever?
List the causative agent for Lyme disease:
Borrelia burgdorferi
What is the causative agent of genital warts?
HPV - human papillomavirus
List the causative agent of Chancroid:
Haemophilus ducreyi
List the causative agent of syphilis:
Treponema pallidum
Refer to the photo below.
List the disease caused by this organism:

Refer to the photo below:
What organism is causing the white coating on the patient’s tongue?

Candida albicans
What is the most common organism that causes nongonoccoal urethritis (NGU)?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Which test is the gold standard in diagnosing bacterial meningitis?
CSF culture
List any 3 nonviral causes acute meningoencephalitis:
- L. monocytogenes
- Ricketttsia
- Bartonella
- Mycoplasma
- B. burgdorferi
- T. gondii
List 2 spirochetes associated with CNS infections:
- T. pallidum
- B. burgdorferi
List 3 common organisms that cause acute meningitis:
- N. meningitidis
- H. influenzae
- L. monocytogenes
Refer to the photo below:
What organism is shown here growing on hektoen enteric agar?

Salmonella spp.
List 3 late or slow lactose-fermenting organisms commonly isolated from the GI tract that initially appear colorless and transition to light pink on Maconkey agar:
- Serratia spp
- Citrobacter spp
- Hafnia spp
Refer to the photo below:
What is causing the black color of the cultured organism on this XLD agar media?

H2S production from Salmonella spp.
Refer to the photo below:
What organism do you suspect is growing in this XLD agar media?

Shigella spp.
Does not ferment any sugars and appear red or clear on XLD.
List media that is highly selective at promoting growth of Vibrio spp.:
TCBS - Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar
List media that is highly selective at promoting growth of C. difficile:
CCFA - cycloserine-cefoxitin-fructose agar
List the organism commonly associated with peptic ulcer disease:
Helicobacter pylori
List the gram (+), anaerobic, spore and toxin producing organism which is commonly associated with nosocomial antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
Clostridium difficile
Jock itch and ringworm are cause by this organism:
Tinea spp.
List 2 acid fast stains used to identify mycobacteria:
- Ziehl-Neelsen
- Kinyoun
List the causative agent for whooping cough:
Bordatella pertussis
List the condition in which prions are the causative agent.
Kuru or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), CJD
Individuals with Hepatitis D infection are concurrently infected with an additional virus:
Hepatitis B (HBV)
List hepatitis viruses that most likely result in chronic infection:
How is Hepatitis A transmitted?
Fecal - oral route
Which viral category is responsible for causing colds?
Which viral category is responsible for causing AIDS?
Koplik spots are symptoms associated with which viral disease?
List a common virus implicated in causing croup, bronchitis, and interstitial pneumonia.
RSV - respiratory syncytical virus
Refer to the photo below.
Identify the worm indicated by the arrow:

Refer to the photo below:
Identify the type of ova pictured at the arrow:

Hookworm ova
Refer to the photo below:
Identify the type of ova pictured at the arrow:

Ascaris lumbricoides ova
Refer to the photo below:
Identify the type of ova pictured at the arrow:

Trichuris trichiura ova
Refer to the photo below:
Identify the type of ova pictured at the arrow:

Paragonimus westermani egg
Refer to the photo below:
Identify the type of ova pictured at the arrow.

Clonorchis sinesis ova
Refer to the photo below:
This test is diagnostic for which bacteria spp?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Refer to the photo below:
This test is diagnostic for which bacteria spp?

Refer to the photo below:
This test is diagnostic for which bacteria spp?

Group B β-hemolytic streptococci
Refer to the photo below:
The wagonwheel appearance of the white colonies is characteristic of:

Moraxella spp.
Refer to the diagram below:
This test is used to identify which bacterium?

H. influenzae
A selective media containing sheep rbcs and phenylethyl alcohol that is used to supress gram (-) bacilli is called:
PEA agar
Bacteroides Bile esculin (BBE) agar when cultured and incubated anaerobically will often grow which bacterium?
B. fragilis
JEMBEC plates with a characteristic “Z” growth pattern are used in the identification of the following bacterium:
N. gonorrhoeae
Refer to the photo of a urease test below:
Which tube is considered positive?

Pink tube
Define syncytial:
Multinucleate cells
Define median infectious dose (ID50):
Minimum number of organisms required to cause diarrhea in 50% of people exposed.
List the E.coli strain responsible for enterohemorrhagic E. coli that often develops into hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS):