Microbiology Flashcards
How is gram staining done?
Come In And Stain
crystal violet
Safranin counterstain
What does gram positive bacteria look on gram stain?
retain crystal violet
What does gram negative bacteria look on gram stain?
decolorise + counterstain
What shape are gram positive bacteria usually?
mainly cocci
What shape are gram negative bacteria usually?
mostly bacilli
What is blood agar?
sheep + horse blood
What is chocolate agar?
BA cooked for 5 mins at 80C to release some nutrients (allows more organisms to grow eg fastidious organisms like H. influenza or Neisseria meningitidis)
What is CLED agar?
Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte deficient
mainly for urinary bacteria analysis (= good IDing Ecoli; can diff from salmonella + shigella w/ lactose fermentation)
What color is E.coli and salmonella + shigella on CLED agar
E.coli = yellow
salmonella + shigella = Blue
What is MacConkey agar?
contains natural red dye + lactose
differentiates lactose fermenting gram -ve bacilli (E.coli = pink)
and no lactose fermenter (salmonella, shigella = yellow/colorless)
What is gonococcus agar?
for neisseria culture also shows w bad growth on BA and growth on chocolate agar
What is XLD agar?
differentiate salmonella + shigella
salmonella = red with black centers
shigella = red only
What is sabouraud agar?
fungal culture eg
- candida albicans (raised cream color colonies)
- aspergillus (green/blue mold)
What does gram positive catalase positive cluster indicate?
clusters = Steph
“bunch of grapes”
What does gram positive catalase negative chains indicate?
Chains = strep
What does gram positive catalase positive coagulase positive cluster indicate?
S. aureus
What does gram positive catalase positive coagulase negative cluster indicate?
other staph ( S. sapophyticus, S. epidermis)
What test comes after gram positive catalase negative?
haemolysis on BA
What does gram positive catalase negative alpha haemolysis chains indicate?
partial haemolysis
appears green
What does gram positive catalase negative beta haemolysis chains indicate?
full haemolysis
What does gram positive catalase negative gamma haemolysis chains indicate?
What test follows alpha haemolysis?
What test follows beta haemolysis?
lancefield grouping (group A, B, C, G antigenic group)