Microbiology Flashcards
What is microbiology
The study of microorganisms (small living things)
What are bacteria
One called micro organisms
What are two classifications of bacteria
Nonpathogenic (do not cause disease) and pathogenic (cause infection and disease)
What are cocci
Round chapped cells that appear in. Groups or singularly
Pus forming,appear in bunches
Long chains, pus forming
Appear in pairs,cause pneumonia
Rid shaped (most commin
Spiral shape,
Bacteria growth cycles
Active and inactive
Bacteria movement
Cocci travel thru air or dust. Bacilli and spirilla travel by using flagella and cilia to move thru liquids
Bacteria vs virus
Bacteria do not require living hosts to multiply but virus to require living hosts
External parasites
Live on or obtain nutrients from a host. Can be parasitic fungi or parasitic mites
Pediculosis capitis
Head lice
Direct transmission
Touch or exchange if body fluids
Indirect transmission
Air or contact with contaminated objecr
Contagious infection (communicable disease)
Transmitted from one person to another
Micro organisms
Spreads easily, do not cause infection unless they actually enter the body
Blood borne pathogens
Carried through blood or body fluids, can be spread anytime skin is broken
Local infection
Small confined area. Pus filled boil, pimple, inflamed area.
General (systemic) infection
Affects entire body, circulatory system carries bacteria and toxins
Asymptomatic carrier
A person carrying disease producing bacteria or viruses with no symptoms
Universal precautions
Practice of using same infection control procedures with all clients
Active immunity
Long lasting, after disease exposure through infection or vaccination. Takes time
Passive immunity
Immediate protection, lasts few weeks or months (like taking antibiotics