Microbiology Flashcards
When a disease spreads from one person to another via contact. Also called communicable.
sometimes called germs or microbes, are one-celled micro-organisms
The study of Bactria
Non-disease-producing bacteria
Disease producing bacteria
are spherical (round-shaped) bacterial cells, which appear singularly or in groups. Moves using the air and dust
Pus-forming bacterial cells that form as grape-like bunches or in clusters and are present in abscesses, pustules and boils.
Some types won’t cause infection but others could be fatal.
Pus-forming bacterial cells that form in long chains and can cause septicemia (sometimes called blood poisoning), strep throat, rheumatic fever and other serious infections.
Bacterial cells that grow in pairs. They cause of certain infections, including pneumonia. .
Most common form of bacterial cells. These bar- or rod-shaped cells can produce a variety of diseases including tetanus, bacterial influenza, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Spiraled, coiled, corkscrew-shaped bacterial cells that cause highly contagious diseases such as syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease (STD); cholera; and Lyme disease.
Active Stage
Bacteria reproduce and grow rapidly. Reproduction usually takes place in dark, damp or dirty areas where a food source is available. As the bacteria absorb food, each cell grows in size and divides, creating two new cells—similar to the budding process in plants.
Inactive Stage
When conditions are unfavorable, the cells die or become inactive. Some bacteria enter this inactive stage by creating spherical spores.
*Bacteria that form spores can only be destroyed by sterilization or the use of a product labeled as sporicidal (able to kill spores).
(Or cilia) Hair-like projections that extend front the sides of a cell and allow the bacteria to move and spread through liquid.
Sub-microscopic particle (much smaller than bacteria) that causes familiar diseases like the common cold, which is caused by a filterable virus. They require a living host to survive.
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Bloodborne pathogen that causes a highly infectious disease that infects the liver. Can be prevented with a vaccine.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Blood borne pathogen that can lead to AIDS. It attacks the bodies natural immune system causing it to break down.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Common viral infection that can lead to health problems such as genital warts, plantar warts, cervical changes and cervical cancer.