Microbiological criteria Flashcards
what is a microbial criterion
defines the acceptability of aproduct/batch or process based on the amount (or absence) of a MO/quant of the toxins/metabolites or mass/vol…
bw what food safety objective control points are MC undertaken
between the PC and PO, and the PO and FSO of the food safety policy flow chart
why is MO criteria different to the FSO or PO?
FSO and PO only have limits, but MO criteria has more aspects - different MO with different limits, sampling plans, type of food stuff and analytical method varies
name thew 2 types of MC in the EU
- food safety criteria
2. process hygiene criteria
desc what the food safety criteria is
defines the acceptability of a product at retail. this test will be the reason for product recalls.
desc the process hygiene criteria
acceptable functioning of the production process. sets a contamination value, above which correcve actions must be taken
what are MO criteria used for
validation and verification of HACCP processes
assess acceptability of a batch
used in legislation to communicate the level of hazard control required
what is the difference bw MO testing and criteria
testing is part of the criteria, but is looking fot presence, not the amount/level
what are the basic criteria involved
- type of hazard
- food category
- production stages
- sampling plans
- interpretation
which organisms are tested for?
indicatory organisms = total aerobic count or aerobic colony count
faecal coliforms
pathogens = salm, listeria, staphy a
desc the basic difference bw 2 and 3-class sampling plan
- 2-class: pathogens, presence and absence only.
n (no samples), m (mas acceptable no bacteria/gram), and c (max no of samples that can exceed m).
classes: satis, unsatisf. - 3-class: indicator organisms usually.
n, c (no samples giving a figure between m and M), m and M. acceptable values are below m, but it is allowed if SOME (c/n) are bw m and M.
classes = satisfactory; acceptable; unsatisfactory
name the pathogens which are considered a mod risk
s aureus toxin, vibrio parahaemolyticus, b cereus, cl perfringens
name the path considered a serious risk
salmonella, shigella, listeria
name the path considered a severe risk
EHEC (STEC and ETEC), vibrio cholera, cl botulinum, EPEC, cronocbacer and listeria (for immune comp population)
name a few different types of samples
excision of the skin square (carcasses)
wet/dry swab
direct contact with agar medium
rinses - poultry
retail meat sample
batch sample
name the basic steps in sample processing
sample get to lab (accredited) remove bacteria from sample - make into a broth and then dilute examine sample for target org confirm suspected coolonies calc and report
name the best sites for sample cattle (and sheep) carcasses for enterobacteriaceae and total aerobic counts
brisket (or lat flank in sheep)
area of 20cm (destructive) or 100cm (non-dest) shoul dbe sampled
name the best sites for sampling pig carcases for enterobacteriaceae and total aerobic counts
jowl - drips down and collects
describe the swabbing method for salmonella
an S-like wiggle to include rump, belly and jowl/brisket
area of 400cm^2 shoud be sampled
how often should red meat carcasses be sampled
5 individuals, weekly
what temp should samples be transported at
<4degrees (unless frozen or canned - <40)
name some conformational tests for ID path
catalase, oxidase, CHO fermentation, urease, methyl red
API commercial biochem kit
latex agglutination (e coli and s aureus)
serology (salmonella spp ID)
what is cfu/g
colony forming units per gram
what is the satisfactory level of TAC and ENT log for excision and swabbing cultures for non-poultry carcasses
excision - 3.5 (4 - pigs)
swab - 2.8 (3.3 pigs)
what are the max log culture for salmonella swab sampels
salmonella swab - 2/50 (3/50 in pigs)