Microbial Growth Flashcards
Lectures 18-20
What is Binary Fission?
Cell division following enlargement of a cell to twice its minimum size.
What is the term that describes the time required for microbial cells to double in number?
Generation time.
What occurs during cell division in binary fission?
Each daughter cell receives a chromosome and sufficient copies of all other cell constituents to exist as an independent cell.
True or False: In bacteria and Archaea, growth in cell size, chromosome replication and even septum formation typically occur at different stages.
False: All of those events occur simultaneously.
True or False: Mitosis does not occur in bacteria and archaea.
What is generation time dependent on? How does bacteria GT length compare to eukarya microbe GT length?
Generation time is dependent on growth medium and incubation conditions: carbon source, pH, temperature, etc. Most bacteria have shorter generation times than eukaryotic microbes.
What is the definition of exponential growth?
Growth of a microbial population in which cell numbers double at a constant and specific time interval.
What is the relationship that exponential growth explains?
A relationship exists between the initial number of cells present in a culture and the number present after a period of exponential growth.
What is the formula that describes exponential growth? What do the variables mean?
Formula: Nt = No x 2^n
Nt= final cell number
No= initial cell number
2^n= number of generations during the period of exponential growth
True or false: During exponential growth the growth rate starts off slow, but increases quite fast at the exponential curve.
Why is growth rate expressed as the amount of times a cell doubles per hour?
Because bacteria and archaea grow by binary fission.
What is the definition of growth rate (k)?
The rate of increase in population number or biomass.
What is the formula that describes growth rate? What do the variables mean?
k = (Log Nt –Log No)/[(0.301)(delta t)]
No=# of cells at time 1
Nt=# of cells at time 2
delta t= time1- time2
What is the formula for determining generation time from growth rate (k)?
g= 1/k
What term describes the fastest growth rate in the best growth medium at optimal temperature for an organism?
Specific growth rate
Which organism can grow less in than 30 min in a rich medium?
E. coli
Which organism cannot grow faster than one doubling every 24 hours?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Which organism can double in numbers every 10 minutes under optimal growth conditions (e.g. nice warm stew on a warming plate)?
Clostridium perfringens
What is a Batch Culture?
A closed-system microbial culture of fixed volume.
What are the phase(s) a typical growth curve for population of cells grown in a closed system will go through?
Lag (or log) phase
Exponential phase
Stationary Phase
Death Phase
What occurs in the stationary phase?
Cells metabolically active, but growth rate of population is zero.
Either an essential nutrient is used up, or waste product of the organism accumulates in the medium.
In which phase are the cells typically the healthiest?
The exponential phase
Which stage is the interval between inoculation of a culture and beginning of growth?
The lag phase
If incubation continues after cells reach stationary phase, the cells will eventually die. Which phase does this occur in?
The death phase.