Microbial Ecology Flashcards
How are microbes organized / trait-based?
Taxonomic groups, size, throphy (auto, hetero, mixo), functional groups.
Hvad er en Appendicularian? Hvordan fungerer de og hvordan er de vigtige for vertical flux of carbon?
Lever i en stor skal men er små indeni. De er store ift hvad de spiser. De filtrere bakterier i deres skal. Når deres skal bliver for fyldt med shit fx fytoplankton, kan de hoppe ud af deres skal og lave et nyt hus. De skaller de smider, falder til bunden. Det er vigtigt for livet på bunden - vertical flux of carbon fordi der kommer HELE fytoplankton ned ift. ting der allerede er fordøjet med pøller der falder ned.
What is the abundance of bacteria pr milliliter havvand?
Abundance: 1 million bacteria per milliliter
Respirerer bakterier?
Respiration: Bakterier respirerer. Selv når man fjerner større organismer, ser man respiration.
Hvad er detritus?
Waste or debris of any kind.
Things that have been broken down. Detritus kan breakes i endnu mindre dele og være DOC
Hvad er DOC? hvad består det af?
DOC: Dissolved organic carbon. Broken down from blandt andet detritus.
DOC er et heterogent mix af organisk compounds som kommer fra biotic and abiotic degradation of organisms.
* Marine organisms are by far the dominant source
* Compounds released as dissolved or particulate from every level of the food web
Hvad er bakteriers rolle i marine ecosystems?
Active component of the foodweb: De er productive. Bakterieplankton er en major carbon pool, also in Arctic systems. De er responsible for cycling a large fraction of the PP.
Primary role of bacteria in the food webs: The only group that efficiently can take up dissolved organic matter.
MAIN roller
Breaking down of organic matter.
Bring back “lost DOC” to the food web.
Decomposers, like fungi and bacteria, complete the food chain. Decomposers turn organic wastes, such as decaying plants, into inorganic materials, such as nutrient-rich soil. They complete the cycle of life, returning nutrients to the soil or oceans for use by autotrophs
bacteria play a crucial role in nutrient cycling through remineralization of organic matter benefiting phytoplankton production
Er bakterier meget adaptive?
Meget adaptive: De kan være over det hele også kolde Arktis. De er gode til at overleve steder.
Forklar bakteriers rolle i long food webs
Long food webs where bacteria er main PP: Der er nogle steder, især nær ækvator hvor bakterier er the main PP. Her er der lange food webs, fordi carbon skal transporteres gennem mange, mange led før de når op.
Hvis der er meget næring til stede, så vil de større fytoplankton være flere af. Hvis der ikke er så meget og kun små ting, så skal næring igennem en længere kæde af mindre dyr.
Hvad er bakteriers predatorer?
Prædatorer: Unicellular flagellates. De vokser samme speed som bakterier og følger deres bytte ret tæt i tid - hvor copepods har en anden langsommere livscyklus (det skaber relativ konstant biomasse for bakterier).
Derudover er deres prædatorer vira.
Hvad er “The microbial loop”?
Flow of energy.
Nogle gange er fytoplankton så små at de ikke kan spises af copepods. Så spises de af predator microbes fx dinoflagellater og ciliates, som kan spises af copepods.
Eller : molecules are too small for the average consumer but are perfect sources of fuel for bacteria. By consuming the molecules, bacteria are reintroducing critical energy back into the food web when slightly larger creatures, like krill, eat the bacteria. This process is known as the microbial loop.
Phytoplankton and other marine organisms release organic molecules called Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) or Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). DOM includes liquid wastes of zooplankton and cytoplasm that leaks out of phytoplankton cells. In the microbial loop, bacteria consume DOM that cannot be directly ingested by larger organisms. Each millilitre of seawater contains approximately 1 million bacterial cells, many of which utilise DOM as a source of energy and nutrition.
Bacteria are eaten by microflagellates. The abundance of the bacteria is, to a large extent, regulated by the grazing effects of heterotrophic nano-flagellates (2 – 20 μm in diameter). Ciliates, which are small enough to eat microflagellates, are eaten by zooplankton. Micro-flagellates and ciliates help to recycle organic matter back into the marine food web. Bacteria also help to facilitate phytoplankton growth by releasing nutrients when they absorb DOM. Viruses are the smallest and most abundant organisms in the sea, viral activity produces DOM, thus helping to drive energy cycles for ocean life. The main difference of the microbial loop between estuarine and coastal waters is that coastal waters tend to have lower population densities of bacteria and of the organism that prey on them.
How will the relative importance vary / hvordan varierer bakterier from the poles towards equator?
Relative importance er det her med ruten energi tager i fødenettet, kort eller lang.
Arctic der er “kortere” foodwebs, større celler. Når man kommer nærmere ækvator er der flere mindre celler og længere food web, respiratory loss.
Describe major “short cuts” in the food web and argue why and where they are relevant to integrate in our understanding of the flow of energy/matter trough the pelagic ecosystem.
De der seje celler Appendicularians der er mega store men som spiser meget små ting - feeder on the base of the food web. Dinoflagellates spiser også mindre ting end den 1:10 ratio.
These cosmopolitan primary producers are fast growing in nutrientrich waters 13 and their large size enables direct consumption by crustacean zooplankton such as copepods and hence a shortcut to fish
Hvad gør phages og Hvordan kontrollerer phages the microbial abundance og bakterie populationer?
On the most basic level, viruses exist to replicate themselves, a process that most often involves killing their hosts.
By killing bacteria, phages control microbial abundance and release dissolved organic matter, influencing global biogeochemical cycles.
Virus affect bacteria population dynamics: Vira er meget specifikke med hvem de går efter. Fluctuation selection / killing the winner. Dvs. når der fx sker blooms I specifikke bakterier så er det også dem som virus går mest efter. Derfor er der en vis regulering af bakterie sub populationer.
Hvor mange virus er der pr. milliliter i havet? Hvor mange i hele havet?
At concentrations of approximately 10^7 viruses per milliliter of surface seawater, viruses are the most abundant biological entities in the oceans.
There are an estimated 10^30 viruses in the global oceans.
Hvor mange daily infections af virusser er der i havet om dagen? Og hvorfor er det godt/hvordan er virus the drivers of biochemical cycling in the ocean?
Each day, an estimated 10^28 viral infections occur in the world’s oceans, releasing up to 109 tons of carbon from biological cells.
Viruses as drivers of biochemical cycling in the ocean: Fordi der sker så mange infektioner hele tiden, så bliver der frigivet 50 Gt C per year. Det er nærmest lige så meget som the primary production. Det er meget. Viral activity stimulates primary production. Det ammonia de producerer ved lysing er godt for primær produktionen