Microbial Communities Flashcards
Microbiota and theatre of activity
Main drivers of microbial communities
Composition and evolution of phage communities a, controls bacterial population and evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities
Phage life cycles
Lytic, lysogenic, chronic
Phages attachment to bacteria
“Walk” into cell wall
Conformational changes to bind and penetrate
BUT some stuff haves attach to pili and “surf” way in (swirl)
Flagellotropic phages
Phages that use flagellum to bind to target bacteria
Usually curled tail fibres that wrap around rotating flagellum
Example of flaggellotropic phage
Infect caulobacter crescentus
1. Flexible filament extending from head to wrap around flagellum
2. Spin down towards cell pole
3. Tail fibre contacts receptor on cell surface and infects
Is flagellum indispensable?
No - just increases chances of tail fibres finding the receptors on moving bacteria
Genome entry
Conformational change, inner tube needles outer membrane and degrades it. Injection, degradation of inner membrane and pierce through to infect
Pseudomonas phage phi6
Unlike most Phages, capsid enters the bacteria cell to protect from rapid cleavage of dsRNA by host ribonucleases
Can replicate within capsid
Similar to human viruses
Pseudomonas phage phi6 steps
- Phage uses protein spikes that protrude from capsid to adsorb to the side of a pills in bacteria
- Protein p6 from phage fuses the phage lipid envelope with bacterial outer membrane
- Resulting Nucleocaspid (no lipid) has exposed endopeptidase that digests a path through the peptidoglycan layer
- Phage has inner and outer capsid surrounding it’s genome. Outer layer cause region of cell membrane nearby to invaginate and constrict to bud off from cell membrane
- Loses outer layer by Inknow process
- Inner capsid remains to protect dsRNA from cleavage
Pseudomonas phage phi6 entry
Bacteria pill alternately extend and retract to allow bacteria to move and phage uses pilinretraction to get closer to outer membrane if the cell
Pseudomonas phage phi6 RNA replication
Each verticals of inner capsid = RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP)
Use dsRNA as template, RdRP transcribe positive sense RNAs that exit from the cassis into cytoplasm where they are directly used for translation of phage proteins or packages into progeny Phages
Decision of lytic or lysogenic
Individual decisions and voting - eg phage lambda
Group decision - eg phage phi3T
Individual decisions and voting
Once inside cell, phage lambda initiates synthesis of early proteins including regulatory protein CII
C1 = lysogeny
CRO = lysis
CII = lysogeny
What would cause high CII levels
More phage in and outside cell so potentially less host strains
Starving of host, smaller cells
If a phage decides differently to others they go to lysis
If the all decide the same they go to lysogeny
Phage make a group decision
Eg Phi3T - communication between Phages infecting different cells
Infection = production of protein AimP
AimP cleaved from small peptide - arbitrium
Arbitrium exported from bacterial cell
Low levels of arbitrium
Phage infection likely follows lytic cycle