Microbes in oral Health and Disease Flashcards
What helps fight pathogens/ disease?
Immune system, Vaccines, Antimicrobial agents
What can lead to you not fighting off disease/ ruin the balance?
immuno-supressed, virulence factors, resistance.
Describe features of the host immune system
innate- barriers, non-specific cellular, inflammation
acquired- specific, memory, T&B Cells
What immune factors contribute to oral health?
integrity of oral mucosa, lymphoid tissue, saliva, gingival crevicular fluid, hormonal and cellular immunity
What makes bacteria hard to fight?
ubiquitous-multiple environments, diverse,-variety of shapes, sizes and characteristics adaptable- evolve quickly
Simple life cycle of parasite?
enters/ attaches to host-> consolidation/ multiplication in host-> cause harm-> release from host-> dissemination and transmission->
Bacteria virulence factors?
Motility, Adhesion, Colonisation, Invasion, Spread- immune invasion
What makes bacteria hard to remove (not through saliva)?
pilli on bacteria- helps to attach
How many cultivable bacteria species in the oral cavity?
How many microorganisms per millilitre of saliva
Is dental caries multi-factorial if so what increases it?
yes- plaque microorganisms, diet, teeth, time, saliva flow, dentition
What bacterias can cause caries?
streptococcus mutans, lactobacillus species, actinomyces
What does periodontal disease affect?
gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone
What is an endodontic infection?
Infections to the pulp generally second to tooth infections/ trauma
what are endodontic infections derived from?
endogenous microflora
What prevents endodontic infection?
intact enamel and dentine
What is a purulent infection?
absecesses, pus forming, intra/extra oral swelling