Microbes Flashcards
What are microbes?
Microbes or microorganisms are tiny living things. so small you need a microscope to see them.
What are the three main groups of microbes?
- bacteria
- virus
- fungi
What do microbes need to survive?
microbes need the same things we do to survive;
water, food and oxygen
What is the name of a microbe that causes disease?
A pathogen
Name and give examples of each type of disease caused by microbes
Bacterial - gonorrhoea, chlamydia, salmonella and tuberculosis
Viral - HIV leading to AIDS, cold, flu, mumps, measles, rubella and polio
Fungal - athlete’s foot
Name the disease causing microbe, spread and control/prevention/treatment for each bacterial disease
Salmonella food poisoning
- Spread; from contaminated food
- Prevention; Always cook food well. Don’t mix cooked and uncooked food
- Treatment; antibiotics
- Spread; through sexual contact
- Prevention; using condom will reduce risk of infection
- Treatment; antibiotics
- Spread; airborne (droplet infection)
- Prevention; BOG vaccination
- Treatment; drugs including antibiotics
- Spread; sexual contact
- Prevention; using condom will reduce risk of infection
- Treatment; antibiotics
Name the disease causing microbe, spread and control/prevention/treatment for each Viral disease
HIV which leads to AIDS
- Spread; exchange of bodily fluids during sex, infected blood
- Prevention; using condom will reduce risk of infection
- Treatment; No cure, drug addicts not sharing needles
- Spread; airborne (droplet infection) through coughing and sneezing
- Prevention; MMR vaccination
- Spread; airborne (droplet infection) or by contact
- Prevention; MMR vaccination
- Spread; airborne (droplet infection)
- Prevention; MMR vaccination
Colds and Flu
- Spread; airborne (droplet infection)
- Prevention; Flu vaccination for targeted groups
- spread; usually through drinking water contaminated with faeces
- Prevention; polio vaccination
Name the disease causing microbe, spread and control/prevention/treatment for fungal disease
Athlete’s foot
- Spread; contact
- Prevention; avoid direct contact in areas where sporta likely to be present e.g. where flip flops in changing room
Name safety precautions that need to be followed when growing or culturing microbes
- not eating or drinking in the laboratory
- wear gloves and white coats
- clean benches with disinfectant
- washing hands