Microbes Flashcards
Initial surface of Earth
Molten, atmosphere of methane, CO2, ammonia + nitrogen.
No molecular O2 as reducing conditions.
Water present but only as vapour.
When did life arise?
Stable isotopic analysis - metabolised differently enzymes preferentially fix C12 -> biogenic carbon 3.7-4.1 Bya
Macrofossils, stromatolites from photoautotrophic bacteria -> mucilage secreting, life arose 4 Bya
Microfossils found in 3.5 Byo rocks using SEM in sedimentary rocks (formed from water bodies)
Prebiotic soup hypothesis
Haldane + Oparin 1920s, organic mols in prebiotic oceans formed simpler precursors + energy provided by UV, lightning, volcanic activity.
- supported by Urey + Miller experiment 1950s, RNA nucleobases produced.
Only monomers present though. Clay mineral montmorillonite catalyses large number organic reactions
Deep sea vent hypothesis
Hydrothermal vents have rich + plentiful supply of reduced chemical nutrients -> abiotic production of simple organic compounds.
Mineral structures in vents create potential for compartmentalisation (-> replication processes + lipid bound protocells)
How did life forms arise?
1968 Crick’s RNA world hypothesis - RNA first info containing molecule.
Can self replicate, some enzymatic activity (ribozymes), able to function as both DNA + proteins do.
What are modern phylogenetics based on?
Nucleotide sequence comparisons - sequence data acquired, aligned + used as input to generate phylogenetic tree.
Alignments + evolutionary distance
Alignments: hypotheses of how sequences have diverged since last common ancestor - algorithm used to minimise mismatches + gaps.
- no. of genetic changes used to est. relatedness
- finds most parsimonious alignment
Evolutionary distance can be calculated (3 changes in 12 is 3/12 = 0.25)
Can be increased if take into account how differences arose (multiple mutations)
What makes a good choice of gene sequence to study?
- present in organism of interest
- not laterally transferred
- appropriate level of sequence conservation/divergence
- large enough to contain record of historical info (tRNA too small)
rRNA most useful for phylogenetic reconstruction - has alternating conserved + hypervariable regions
Bacterial metabolic diversity
Chemotrophy has 2 types:
Chemoorganotrophs - oxidise organic mols
Chemolithotrophs - oxidise inorganic mols
Phototrophs convert light -> ATP using chlorophyl
Purple + green bacteria anoxygenic VS cyanobacteria, algae + green plants are oxygenic.
Anaerobic respiration in bacteria uses alternative e acceptors (inorganic N, S, CO2, Fe compounds) - less energy conserved than O2 but still favourable.
e.g. E.coli uses nitrate when O2 not available (facultative anaerobe)
Energy conservation in chemoorganotrophs
- Fermentation - substrate level phosphorylation (ATP directly synthesised from energy rich intermediates, end product often acids/alcohols)
- Respiration - oxidative phosphorylation (ATP produced from proton motive force)
Cocci vs Vibrios
What are other features of bacteria?
Coccus - round cell shapes, 0.5-1um diameter
Vibrios - rod shaped (E. coli, V. cholerae)
Spiral - rigid helix, found in stagnant water
Spirochetes - flexible, helical, very long e.g. syphilis, Lyme disease
Square + flat - e.g. Walsbys square bacterium is phototrophic halophilic Archaeal species.
Star shaped - Stella genus, isolated from soil, water + horse shit, v.large
Gram stain
1884, differentiates bacteria due to cell wall structure.
Gram +ve: purple, monoderm so inner mem + thick layer peptidoglycan (20nm)
-> thicker peptidoglycan fixes crystal violet better when iodine added, not washed off as easily by ethanol/acetone
Gram -ve: pink, diderm so inner mem + thin layer peptidoglycan (5-8 nm), outer mem (also has periplasm)
Rigid structure of cell wall - protects from osmotic lysis, remains when boiled, can be destroyed by lysozyme, antibiotics + bacteriophage lysins.
- alternating amino sugars (glycan chain), NAG & NAM
- peptide chains covalently linked to glycan chain (strong to due to many cross links)
- NAG/NAM chains conserved, peptides more variable
Cell walls of Gram +ve bacteria
- homogenous architecture
- single thicker layer (20-80nm)
- has PG and teichoic acid (TA) -> wall TA & lipoTA
Teichoic acid is polymer of glycerol (3C) or ribitol (5C) phosphate
- WTA covalently bonded to NAM, LTA embedded in mem via lipid component
Bacterial division
Divide through binary fission once cell doubled in length.
- division stimulated by FtsZ ring (attracts proteins) + forms division plane
- Cell doubles length, DNA + ribosomes portioned, septum forms, DNA attached to mem.
Can be measured by mean doubling time i.e. in E. coli its 20 mins.
Growth of bacterial cells
MreB - allows rod shaped cells to grow longer
It is an actin homologue, forms helical, filamentous structure (scaffold for PG synthesis machinery)
- autolysin breaks B1-4 linkage between NAM & NAG
- transglycosylase adds PG unit
Cocci lack MreB so PG synthesis occurs at septum
Bacterial growth curve
Lag phase - cells innoculated into fresh medium, adapting (no increase in numbers.
Exponential (log) phase - cells double each unit of time, logarithmic plotting (straight line) allows calculation of mean doubling time
Stationary phase - pop growth decreases (turbid culture), nutrient limitation + toxic waste means division stops e.g. lactic acid.
Death phase - cells may die at constant rate.
Methods of measuring bacterial growth
1) turbidity (optical density) using spectometry - not exact
2) calculate viable cell count -> 1 cell forms whole colony on solid medium
optimum temperature can vary from 4C to 113C
Psychophiles & mesophiles
low Topt, found in oceans (<15C).
- unsaturated f. acids so semi-fluid membranes at low temps so still function
- altered proteins, more alpha helices give more flexibility
- anti-freeze mols bind ice crystals used in fish, not found in prokaryotes
Mesophiles - midrange Topt (14-45C)
High Topt, soil (45-80C)
- saturates f. acids so semi fluid membranes at high temps (stable)
- altered proteins have heat resistant folding conformations
Very high Topt, hot springs + deep sea vents (80-100C)
- no f. acids in membranes (phytane is C40 hydrocarbon covalently joined head to tail), lipid monolayer not bilayer
Heat can be used - cells die at constant rate as they lose viability, pop death exponential
D value is time required to kill 90% cells (1 log ycle)
Steam sterilisation by autoclaving at high temps (112C) for 20 mins at high pressures (138kPa)
Gram -ve cell wall & LPS structure
Outer mem made of lipopolysaccharide (LPS): lipid A (hydrophobic), core oligosaccharide, O antigen + trimeric porin proteins.
Braun’s lipoprotein embedded in inner leaflet of outer mem, attached to PG layer.
Thin PG layer in periplasmic space.
- Lipid A has beta1-6 linked disaccharide w/ P groups at 1C & 4C, hydrophobic f. acids instead of sugars at 2C & 3C.
- core oligosaccharide has KDO, 7C heptoses, glucose + galactose sugars
- O antigen v. structurally variable
Lipid A is endotoxin + can be recognised by TLR4 arm of immune system -> inflammatory response
Archaeal cell envelopes
monoderm from monolayer of tetra-ether lipids, impermeable to H+ so thermoacidophiles have stable pH, S layer has membrane anchoring protein.
Bilayer of diether lipids - pseudomurein layer + S layer.
-> Pseudomurein has NAM replaced w/ NAT, NAG/NAT connected by beta 1-3 glycosidic linkages (resistant to lysozyme), peptide bridges only have L-amino acids.
-> S layers universal in archaea, covered by paracrystalline structure, made of many copies of single glycoprotein.
Subunit of filament of flagellin - helical structure, moves by rotation in CW or CCW directions, energy provided by ion powered motor.
Monotrichous (1 at single pole), lophotrichous (multiple at single pole), amphitrichous (1 at both poles), peritrichous (multiple flagella all around cell surface)
Flagella semi rigid + rotate at 300 revs per second. Hook is flexible, acts as universal joint (20nm wide filaments)
- filaments grow from tip + need to constantly elongate as they break
Taxis mechanism
Taxis is enabled by switching flagella rotation direction.
- gradient of desired chemicals induces CCW -> CW rotation
Runs up gradients elongated, runs down gradient shortened -> random bias walk.
What is a virus?
Very small (20nm-1um), infectious, obligate intracellular parasite that is NOT living.
Replication dependent on infection, cannot generate ATP, no ribosomes, some have single stranded genomes.
Pandoravirus largest w/ 2,000 kBP dsDNA vs polivirus (30nm) w/ 7kBP ssRNA
Genetic material in viruses
ss or ds RNA or DNA. + sense (polio) can make proteins using mRNA, - sense cannot synthesise proteins so must be converted to + sense 1st
mRNA must be formed:
- Retrovirus RNA genome replicates using reverse transcriptase, via DNA intermediate
- Hepadnavirus DNA genome replicates via RNA intermediate
Virion structure + different cellular states
Nucleic acid core surrounded by protein capsid (monomer like parvovirus or polymer)
Can be enveloped by membrane (influenza + CV) or naked (adenovirus)
Extracellular state - metabolically inert, stable structure that protects genome
Intracellular state - glycoproteins bind host cell, capsid breaks down, genome inserted, host machinery redirectd to produce virions late in infection.
Influenza virus
Orthomyxovirus, enveloped ss RNA virus.
Helical nucleocapsid - 15 types of haemagglutinin (H) & 9 of neuraminidase (N)
-> ensures annual variability
Symmetry of viruses
Rod viruses have helical, spherical viruses have icosahedral.
Helical - e.g. TMV has +ss RNA genome
Icosahedral - e.g. parvovirus, 20 triangular faces -> efficient packing + 12 pentons
*bacteriophages have icosahedral head w/ tail fibres + sheath (injects DNA), have lysozyme for cell entry, breaks PG in cell wall
One step growth curve + its features
Cell monolayer infected w/ 10 viruses per cell
Eclipse - coat + n. acid are separated , cannot detect virus
Latent period - cannot detect virus whatsoever as replication + synthesis only starts
End of assembly + release, number of viruses detcted increases.
No of virions = burst size (< 1,000)n
Aquatic, mainly asexual but some sexual spores flagellated.
- most primitive
Large thallus where rhizoids emerge + have motile zoospores
-> present in cattle rumen, causes fatal disease in amphibians
Terrestrial, can cause food spoilage.
Asexual, non-motile spores germinate + produce new mycelium.
Conjugated - large sexual zygospore w/ thick coat to stop desiccation.
Undergo meiosis + produce haploid spores.
Aseptate so coenocytic.
Sac fungi, largest + most diverse group inc. Penicillin + A. niger + fungi w/ fruiting bodies.
Aerial borne chains of asexual conidiospores.
8 sexual ascospores in asci borne/ascocarp. Many plant pathogens + spoil food.
Most advanced, from visible mushrooms + toadstools.
Usually has 4 sexual basidiospores (+or-) borne on basidium club structure.
No asexual reproduction.
Basidia line gills/pores of mushroom. Has many mycorrhizal associations w/ trees.
-> basidiocarp is above surface, mycelium underneath forms network of associations.
3 basic fungi cell structures
Yeasts (unicellular) - grow by budding division, new organism attached as it grows, asexual reproduction (genetically identical to parent)
Filamentous (mycelium + hyphae network) - produce conidia (asexual spores) from conidiophore) which germinate into hyphae (has apical growth), release enzymes from hyphae + take up nutrients.
Dimorphic - can be either ^ depending on temps e.g. sporothrix.
Types of fungal hyphae
Septate - hyphae divided into separate cells by perforated septa, tiny holes in septa allow flow of nutrients between cells.
Coenocytic - no septa, large cells w/ multiple nuclei e.g. zygomycota.
Fungal cell walls have glucans, chitin + mannoproteins -> give shape + rigidity.
Fungal hyphae growth
Occurs at apical region, rapid extension, movement of material from older regions -> tip.
Apical growth gives penetrating power + powered by actin polymerisation + cytoplasmic expansion forces.
Growth is polarised.
Spitzenkorper is a cluster of small mem. bound vesicles of different sizes - embedded in meshwork of actin filaments.
Opportunistic pathogens
Normally commensal (don’t cause disease)
P. aeruginosa - G -ve (plants + soil) infects burns patients, colonises lung of cystic fibrosis patients.
S. epidermis - G -ve (skin) colonises intravenous catheters + grow as biofilm, multiply & form community on antibiotic catheter
N. meningitidis - G -ve causes bacterial meningitis, commensal of nasopharynx but can infect. Transmitted through respiratory droplets
-> meningococcal septicaemia is systemic infection, can cause brain damage
Highly virulent pathogens
M. tuberculosis - develops over years, G +ve rods, replicate in alveolar macrophages in lung -> granuloma formation (white patches), spread by respiratory droplets.
T. pallidum - syphilis infection in stages, flexible helical structure. Primary lesion after 2 weeks, secondary stage 10 weeks infection spreads, latent phase (years) 40% get tertiary syphilis -> insanity + death.
Robert Koch’s postulates + its problems
- Organism found in lesion
- Grow organism outside body in lab.
- Organism must reproduce the disease
- Re-isolate from test animal
Problems: cant grow cultures on lab media (leprosy or viruses), some are human specific so ethical issues, no suitable animal model (gonorrheoa)
Measures of virulence
Minimum infectious dose - smallest number of bacteria needed to cause disease.
10 in S. pneumoniae vs 10,000 in V. cholerae
Lethal dose - dose to kill 50% animals/cells in given time, can quantify relative toxicity
Virulence determinants
- capsule of poly-D-glutamic acid-mucoid (-ve charge) inhibits phagocytosis
- toxins suppress immune cell responses, later lethal levels induce toxic shock + death
Strain becomes attenuated if capsule or toxins are lost
Bacterial disease processes
Enter host + adhere by specific mechanisms e.g. E. coli attaches via Type I peritrichous fimbriae (subunits have adhesin that attach mannose receptors)
Pathogens can also adhere via non-fimbrial adhesins. e.g. S. pyogenes binds M protein.
Some bacteria penetrate tissues.
-> systemic infection of L. monocytogenes causes food poisoning (unpasteurised dairy or unwashed lettuce)
Collection of micro-organisms which live in our bodies in mutualistic relationship - commensals.
Lungs + brain only sterile parts of body.
Variation of abundances of bacterial phyla at different body parts
Skin - restricted -> S. epidermis + S. aureus (MRSA), some transient bacteria like E. coli.
Nasal cavity - restricted -> opportunistic pathogens N. meningitidus + S. penumoniae.
Oral cavity - v. high biodiversity -> 300 bacterial species in dental plaque (Streptococcus + Actinomyces)
-> dental plaque formed by bacteria attaching to salivary pellicles, corn cob formations in mature plaque.
Stomach has pH2 , but H. pylori G -ve motile + able to colonise mucosa in stomach -> gastritis.
Small intestine has pH4-5, low bacterial biomass vs colon pH 7 huge bacterial biomass
In colon: facultative aerobes (E. coli + E. faecalis) use up O2, vast majority are obligate anaerobes.
Gut microbiota
Acquired on passage through birth canal.
Exclusive breast feeding selects for specific bifidobacteria + transition to solid food marks stable gut bacteria
In over 60s - ratio shifts in bacteroides to firmicutes + decrease in bifidobacteria.
-> crucial for health/digestion, strenghten immune system, protects surface from pathogen, gut-brain axis (stress, depression, obesity, autism)
Chemical byproducts of microbiota
Organic acids (short chain fatty acids) vital for health - 95% used as energy store for cells lining colon.
- generated by complex + resistant fibres.
- glycosidase reactions release glucose
Gut microbiota provides 10% calories from food. Convert complex carbs to short chain fatty acids.
Obesity caused by high ratio of bacteroides : firmicutes - found in GI tract obese mice
-> treatment w/ vanomycin reduces weight gain
- can be due to oral antibiotics that inhibit normal flora so opportunistic pathogens can invade
e.g. C difficile (diarrhoea) & C. albicans (oral thrush)
Also affects gut-brain axis -> tryptamine (NT) by some bacterial signals in NS.
Faecal microbiota transplant
Can treat multi-drug resistant C. difficile infection.
Must match BMI of donors
Properties of toxins
- heat labile
- soluble + simple
- extracellular
- many coded by bacteriophages/plasmids
- rapidly transported in the body
2 main types of toxins
Exotoxin - secreted from cell, small, soluble + heat labile
Endotoxin - embedded in outer lipopolysaccharide membrane, only gram -ve bacteria
-> can cause toxic shock, all have same effects (fever, loss of BP, intravascular coagulation, haemorrhage.
e.g. salmonella, shigella, gonocci, meningococci
Exotoxins. A-B heterodimers, damage gut epithelial cells + enteric NS
e.g. V. cholerae, E.coli (ETEC), S. dysentriae (Shiga toxin)
cholera toxin binds GM1 ganglioside on epithelial cells, in cell increases cAMP, PKA overactivation -> phosphorylation of CFTR casuing ATP mediated efflux of Cl into lumen (mass water movement into lumen)
AB model: 1A subunit, 5B subunits
B has binding capacity, A is enzymatically active
Exotoxin. Destroys specific cells in bloodstream by enzymatic attack - can be a pore forming polymeric protein
e.g. S. pyogenes binds cholesterol, forms pores in RBC membrane releasing Hb -> detected as B haemolysis of blood on agar plates. Haemolysins lyse red blood cells.
e.g. C. perfringens is anaerobic, produces 12 exotoxins, 1 major a-toxin is phospholipase which lyses endothelial cells, erythrocytes, leucocytes + platelets
-> gags gangrene
phospholipase enzymes hydrolyse charged phospholipids in cell mem.
Exotoxin that interferes w/ normal transmission of nerve impulses
e.g. botulinum produced by C. botulinum, LD-50 is 1.3-2.1 ng/kg or 10-13 when inhaled - is a spore forming bacterium.
AB toxin w/ heavy + light chain linked by disulphide bond.
- Heavy chain (adhesin) binds glycoprotein receptor.
- Light chain (zinc metalloprotease) inhibits Ach release from motor endplates, prevents muscle contraction.
Lipid A mechanism in endotoxins
Activation activates monocytes -> fever, can also activate complement + coagulation cascade.
It is crucial for bacterial viability + growth.
Number + length of f. acid chain dictate toxicity
E. coli (6xC14) more toxic than H. pylori (4xC16-18)
Can have systemic impact due to vesicle formation + spread.
Antibiotic treatment can cause toxic shock, cells die + release lots of lipid A
N-acetylglucosamine links it to core polysaccharide.
Process of disease in plants
- pathogens recognise host
- penetrate host barriers
- suppress defence mechanisms
- move through tissues systemically
- utilise host components for growth + reproduction
Can be very costly, P. infestans caused crop loss + starvation (potato famine)
- fungus that is favoured by cool moist conditions
Plant pathogen virulence determinants
Enzymes - gain access to host, movement of microbe in tissue, can hydrolyse large host mols into smaller ones for absorption.
Toxins - at low concs interfere w/ host cell function in advance of pathogen, disrupts metabolism
Growth regulators - alter activity + amount of growth reg substances to favour pathogen invasion
Viral diseases in plants
Need vector to transmit infection - usually insect but can be grafting.
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is a + sense ssRNA flexuous rod w/ helical symmetry. Transmitted by brown citrus aphid, spreads through phloem -> clear veins/chlorosis + die back.
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a + sense ssRNA virus w/ helical symmetry, moves through phloem, chlorosis + mosaic like mottling on leaves -> stunted growth.
Bacterial diseases in plants
Soft rot in veg caused by E. carotovora.
Wilts clog vascular tissues e.g. Pierce’s disease by X. fastidiosa.
Blights rapid destruction of tissue e.g. fire blight in apples/pears by E. amylovora.
Cankers/sores e.g. X. citri causes citrus canker.
Plant tumours - A. tumifaciens causes Crown gall tumours, enters through wounds in root/stem, transfers some of its own T-DNA into plant genome -> upregulates cytokinin + auxin, also weakens + stunts growth
Bacterial diseases in insects
B. thuringiensis (G +ve rod) - in flour moths, produces Bt toxin as it multiplies in insect lymph -> used as lepidoptora pest/biocontrol agent.
Other strains active against larvae of beetles, flies + mosquitoes.
Bt protein is insoluble so harmless to humans/animals (specific to insects) -> activated by conditions in insect of gut, solubilised in high pH of 9.5, forms pore in gut wall paralysing digestive tract.
Bacteria invades haemocoel causing lethal septicaemia.
- crops genetically engineered to express part of Bt toxin
Fungal diseases of insects (entomopathogens)
Zygomycetes - invade + kill range of hosts, often specific, spores applied as biopesticide
Metarhizium - sp used as biopesticide against locusts, weevils + grasshoppers.
B. bassiana - sp used in commercial insecticides on plants, protects against thirps, mealy bugs, weevils + white fly aphids
Nematode trapping fungi - nematodes attack plants or parasitisize livestock, trapped when N is low by fungi (biocontrol in greenhouse soil + liver fluke in cattle)
Branched tubular structure in biotrophic fungal diseases of plants.
Do not penetrate cell membrane + absorbs sugars from plants.
Family Picornaviridae
ssRNA icosahedral, naked
Enterovirus (Polio) - faecal/oral route, 1-2 week incubation, fever, vomiting, 5% flaccid paralysis
-> vaccination v. effective but 1/3 serotypes still circulating
Rhinovirus - spread by respiratory droplets, 100 serotypes, most frequent cause of common cold, incubation 2-4- days - virus mutates easily
Also includes hepatoviruses + apthoviruses.
Family Orthomyxovirus/ influenza
ssRNA enveloped
Influenza - type A caused most epidemics + all pandemics w/ B and C (asymptomatic). Incubation 1-4 days. Secondary bacterial pneumonia can kill old + young.
-> defined by 16 haemgglutinin + 9 neuraminidase antigens
Avian viruses library for all H + N antigens, very high ssRNA mutation rates (annual vaccines)
e.g. swine flu 2009 is reassrtment of 3 viruses from Russian + Spanish flu (H1N1)
antiflu drugs - tamiflu + relenza (N inhibitors) so blocks virus exit
Wuhan Dec 2019, pandemic status spread by respiratory route, fever -> pneumonia. Incubation 2-11 days.
-ve ssRNA genome 29kb
Family Herpesviridae
DNA - 120 viruses in 3 sub-families.
Alphaherpesviridae - HSV1 & 2, varicella zoster virus. Icosahedral + envelope (ds DNA). All establish latency/reacrivation after primary infection (cortisol implicated)
- HSV1 can be acute gingivotsomatitis, reactivation cold sores, 40-80% pop have antibodies, treated w/ acyclovir (blocks DNA synthesis)
- VZV (chickenpox) 10-21 day incubation, serious if patient immunocompromised, latent in dorsal root ganglion + reactivated as shingles, vesicles appear along infected nerve.
Betaherpesviridae - cytomegalovirus, HSV6 & 7
Gammaherpes - HSV8 (Karposi sarcoma), Epstein Barr virus
Measles - enveloped ss RNA helical symmetry. One of most infectious, 9-12 day incubation, virus spreads before rash appears (prodromal).
- complications inc encephalomyelitis, pneumonia, SSPE
Mumps - enveloped ssRNA, common in children -> parotitis (inflammation of salivary gland, 16-18 day incubation), post puberty males develop orchitis ( swollen testes)
Rubella mild childhood illness (pink spots), problem for pregnant women in 1st 16 weeks, is congenital
-> can cause hearing loss, blindness, retardation
MMR vaccine treat measle, mumps + rubella
Papilloma virus - ds DNA icosahedral, replicates in squamous epithelium
-> warts, some oncogenic, HPV 16 + 18 cause cervical cancer
vaccine for u14 girls + boys
ds DNA icosahedral viruses 80nm diameter, 20 triangular faces + no envelope
Microbes in dairy industry
- lactobacilli reduce pH of milk
- Rennet (chymosin) protease removes surface glycolipids from soluble casein micelles (cleaves -ve side chain from kappa casein C terminus)
-> coagulations in presence of Ca2+ + precipitation into curds
Rennet best in acidic conditions, from recombinant calf chymosin from A. niger fungi
Camembert has surface ripened by P. camemberti (enzymes release a. acids + esters)
Roquefort (blue cheese) similar but it is invasive, mycelium grows in cheese.
Microbes for brewing
Ales - top fermenters (S. cerevisiae), yeast rises to surface + ferments in few days (20-25C), more alcohol, darker hue.
Lagers - bottom fermenters (S. carlsbergensis), yeast settles at bottom + ferments 1-3 months at 7-15C, lighter body.
Flavours - esters give fruity character (ales), fusel alcohols (long alcohol chain) gives beer flavour + ester precursors strong alcoholic flavour.
Citric acid
Widely used in food prep, beverages, detergents, medicine stabiliser.
Produced by A. niger since 1940s.
- TCA/Krebs cycle, if yeast induced under low iron + manganese conditions -> citric acid accumulates + diffuses out
Sugars purified by precipiation + stainless steal bioreactors avoid metals
Microbes/enzymes for animal feed
Non-starch polysaccharides cant be hydrolysed by chickens due to high arabinoglucan content (high gut viscosity), reduces w/ B-glucanase in feed.
Phytate is inorganic phosphate, cant be degraded by monogastric pigs SO feed supplemented w/ phosphate but that causes eutrophication -> microbial phytase liberates phosphate from phytic acid .
Listeriosis (L. monocytogenes)
Fresh, raw veg + salads, unpasteurised milk, dairy, uncooked fish, deli meat.
Salads can be contaminated w/ manure fertiliser, washing + shredding salad releases sugars for bacteria to grow - can grow at 4C SO salads chlorinated.
Rare but high mortality rates.
Symptoms inc dever, fatigue, nausea - can result in meningitis + septicaemia. Pregnant women -> stillbirth, miscarriage or congenital meningitis
Moulds in food
Mycotoxins - toxic fungal metabolites accumulate in cereal grains + foodstuffs.
e.g. aflatoxins highly toxic + carcinogenic (A. flavus, A. parasiticus) -> Turkey X disease 1960s
short term: abdominal pains, headache, vomiting
long term: cancer, liver/kidney failure, brain damage
cereals must be tested & below 20ppb
Ergot poisoning
AKA St Anthony’s Fire
C. purpurea - severe joint pain, hallucinations, seizures, gangrene in extremities (vasoconstriction)
Caused by mycelia of fungi (black hyphae)
Salem witch trials 1692 thought to be due to ergot poisoning
Why is sewage problematic?
- Organic compounds readily oxidised by aerobic bacteria -> anoxic conditions.
- Solids cause silting.
- Toxins (ammonia + heavy metals) kill aquatic life
- Pathogenic bacteria/viruses risk to human health
Sewage is thin liquid <1% solids, 14.5 billion litres wastewater purified in UK each day 2022.
- Severn Trent water treats waste of > 4.6 million households
Method of measuring waste concentration
Oxidisable organic content defined by Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) - O2 consumed in dark in set time by bacteria, must not exceed 20 mg/L by law.
Secondary sewage treatment
Percolating filter bed: microbes form biofilm on surface of clinker, top 0.5M oxidise organic compounds, below this microbes oxidise NH4 to NO3 (nitrification)
-> biofilm regulated by sloughing + grazing by invertebrates
Activated sludge process: tank w/ compressed air seeds up process, microbes grow as flocs + oxidise organic compounds + NH4, 10x faster but higher running costs/more sensitive
Anaerobic digestion
Treat sludge from aerobic treatment - incubation in sealed stirred tank at 35C, drop in O2 by aerobes, organic matter reduced by 50%.
Fermentative bac (organic acids, ester, alcohols) -> acetogenic bac (acetic acid, H2, CO2) -> methanogens (CH4 + H2O)
Issues inc. slow methanogen doubling time (8-10 hrs) vs 1-4 hrs in acetogens + 20 mins in fermentative bac.
-> can cause increase in H2 (explosive), acetogens form long chains (butyric acids) which cant be used by methanogens.
Genetic engineering concepts
Involves direct manipulation of an organisms genes
Genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.
Transgenic (across organisms) vs cisgenic (within organisms)
Crown gall disease
Caused by naturally occurring agrobacterium - A. tumefaciens most widely studied.
usually affect near base of shoot or wound sites.
- T-DNA region only region transferred, surrounded by 2 borders
Has hormone for growth + series of a. acids (octopine) that can only be metabolised by bacteria.
Agrobacterium infection
- uses VirA/G to to detect acetosyringone (chemotaxis) released by wound site
- VirA/G signals transcription virulence genes, D2 excises T-DNA, D2 + B form pillar structure connecting Ag. w/ plant cell
BUT plant receptors detects infection: LRR detects flagellin -> signals via VIP1 phosphorylation (enters nucleus) + pathogenesis proteins transcribed.
-> VirF can degraded VIP1 TF in nucleus, no defence response. Single stranded T-DNA binds VIP1 to drive nuclear import where its integrated into D A
Once integrated, T-DNA drives auxin + cytokinin synthesis -> tumours formation + opines endless food source
How can T-DNA region in agrobacterium be exploited?
Genes for opine + hormone biosynthesis can be relaced with anything.
Only region between borders gets transferred - AR genes used as selectable marker along w/ gene of interest.
Binary vector system w/ helper plasmid used to split up original plasmid (too large to transfer genes into T-DNA)
Regeneration in plant cells
Plant cells retain totipotency - whole plant can develop from one transformed cell.
- growth modulated by endogenous growth regulators (cytokinin/auxin)
-> correct conditions allow formation of shoot meristem
Root formation easy (cuttings)
Dipping method for transformation
Arabidopsis used as transformation model.
- ovules inverted into Ag. solution
- some cells transformed which produce transformed seeds
-> other bacterium can be used to transform plant DNA e.g. rhizobium
-> some fungi + chordates can also be transformed in similar way using Ag.
Toxins for insecticides
Bt toxin from B. thurinigiensis - spores have large crystal structure which has potent insecticidal activity -> protoxin binds mid-gut + is cleaved to active toxin.
Bt toxin specific to lepidoptera, diptera + coleoptera.
As a spray - can be grown + dried out but it is not stable as toxin is broken down (short term protection)
Organic pesticide for commercial use -> but if gene cloned into another bacteria e.g. P. fluorescens , toxin is stable after spraying but bacteria die
Expressing Bt toxins in plants
Gene placed in 35S promoter, can transform cotton, maize etc. - larvae feed in transgenic plants
-> more efficient delivery
But need to prevent resistance in insects
In corn: more effective, lower rates of disease, higher yields.
Toxins for weed control
Photosynthesis potential target pathway.
Must be selective + not kill crop (easy to distinguish monocots vs dicots)
Monsanto originally produced - used glyphosate.
Utilises amino acid synthesis (shikimate) pathway - inhibits EPSP synthase
- broad target range, resistance was rare
- broken down rapidly in water
- v. specific to EPSP synthase
- doesnt harm humans (no shikimate pathway)
Finding resistance gene to glyphosate
Salmonella also synthesises a. acids so will not grow in glyphosate presence BUT AroA mutants will.
Aro A gene put in front of strong promoter like CAMV 35S.
Transgenic soybean
Resistance geens from E. coli + salmonella had lower affinity for substrate -> so found CP4 geen in Ag. that is resistant + low Km.
-> used in most dicot crops.
Glyphosate accumulates in plants w/ CP4 gene.
Glyphosate oxidase isolated + metabolises it into harmless intermediate (glycine)
- farmers pay premium
- no yield increase
- spread of glyphosate-resistance (pigweed)
- may still be some toxicity
Have 2 parts:
Mycobiont - a fungus
Photobiont - algae/cyanobacteria
- rarely free living, liver over 4,00 years
- slow growing
- hyphae penetrate cells to form internal haustoria
- alga provides sugars, fungus protects from desiccation
- indicators of air pollution
Tolerant to extreme environments -> pioneer colonisers on rock faces, trees, roofs.
N fixing plants (legumes)
Fabaceae family , v large + diverse.
-> mutualistic N fixing bacteria colonize roots
N2 + 8 protons + 8 electrons -> 2NH3 + H2
catalysed by nitrogenase
Alpha proteobacteria - rhizobium, mesorhizobium, bradyrhizobium, aminobacter
Beta proteobacteria - Burkholderia, Cupriavidus
Plant rewards bacterial growth by controlling oxygen supply to nodules
Mycorrhizal symbiosis
Underpins evol of land plants.
- mutualistic association between plant roots + soil fungi
- plant autotrophic, fungi is heterotrophic
N & P to plants, C (photosynthate) to fungus.
Converts organic (large pool) nutrients -> inorganic (small pool) to be taken up by roots (mineralisation)
Grassland - arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM)
Heathland - ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (ERM)
Forest - ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM)
BUT some non-photosynthetic orchids e.g. Neottia dependent on fungi but cannot provide C, so rely on surrounding green plants
Arbuscular mycorrhiza
Arbuscle defining structure in plant roots, extra-radical mycelium grows beyond roots into soil -> extensive network
5-15 days, constantly being digested + rebuilt.
Very widespread: angiosperms, gymnosperms, pteridophytes + bryophytes.
Forms fruiting body (sporocarp) - vast mycelial network beneath trees, biomass entirely fuelled by plant host, high C demand.
- Biomass grows around (not in) root tips
Fewer plant hosts e.g. Dwarf willow + Parashorea, younger than AM.
Huge range (10 m), 1-150 m of hyphae per gram soil.
Rapid C flow, ECM receives net 30% C fixation by trees -> can be >30% soil microbial mass
Commensalism & parasitism
Commensalism - one organism benefits , other is unaffected
Parasitism - one organism benefits, other is harmed
e.g. cordyceps sp. >400 fungi species, ectoparasitic: infect insects + arthropods mainly, prevalent in tropics
-> can infiltrate brain + change host behaviour (orient ants for optimal spore release
Collembola + nematophagous fungi
aka springtails - feed on saprotrophic fungi
BUT some ECM kill then + gain nutrients which are supplied to host plant
- disruptive to food chain, less CO2 released by plants in their presence
Nematophagous fungi: 200 know species, nutritional driver found in N deprived soils, use hyphal coils to snare worms
Fungal effects on plant soil feedback
Affect both biotic + abiotic env.
Plants grown in soil for 3 years, transplanted to own or heterospecific soil, conspecific soil sterilised.
If +ve feedback, grows better in own soil, if -ve then worse in own soil.
1) plants worse in own soil so -ve feedback prevalent response
2) mycorrhizal fungi + pathogen richness make large difference
Fungi in animal behaviour
Plants upregulate chemical defences when under attack
e.g. release volatiles (VOCs) that repel aphids (methyl salicylate, MeS) + attract parasitoid wasps.
- signalling compounds produced by plants can be transferred between plants via mycelial network
VOCs can be tested w/ headspace sampling, also used insect bioassays (time spent in treated area vs control)
+ve relationship between plant VOCs + root colonisation by AM fungi
fungi presence increases attractiveness but independent of P conc in leaves
Carbon cycle
Aut respiration - CO2 flux influenced by recently photosynthesised C from plants, autotrophs use inorganic C forms (CO2)
Het respiration - CO2 flux influenced by decomposition of older C (organic matter), heterotrophs use organic C forms (sugars)
Plants conduits of C flow in to soil:
- leaf litter has complex compounds (slow pathway)
- exudates, sugars + lmw compounds (via roots + fungi), fast pathway
CO2 loss from soils reduced when trees girdled
Priming - increases in degradation of native C due to inputs of labile C
Affected by stoichiometry, temp, UV, moisture, radiation, organism diversity/function
Litter decomposition described as gradient - quick to slow nutrient return
Acquisitive - faster return (higher P/N content)
Conservative - slower return (high C:N)
Reduced biodiversity slows down litter decomp.
Types of decomposition
Woody litter harder to break down, fungi restricted to basidio/asco mycetes
Brown rot - degrades cellulose > lignin, cubical cracking
White rot - degrades lignin > cellulose e.g. A. ostoyae in pine stump, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) transfers e to lignin, laccase directly oxidises lignin (demethylation)
- uncontrolled chain reaction splits open ring structures
Inorganic N converted to nitrous oxide under near anaerobic conditions.
Then to N gas under anaerobic conditions
Epidemiology + key terms
Epidemiology is describing, analysing + understanding spread of disease
Endemic - constantly present, low level frequency disease at regular intervals
Epidemic - sudden increase above expected level e.g. chickenpox peaks in winter/spring
Pandemic - increase simultaneously over wide/global area e.g. AIDS, flu, CV-19
Epidemics in plants
Sig threat to food security.
Viruses losses ~ $30bn a year -> maize lethal necrosis, rice tungro, sweet potato virus, banana bunchy top, citrus tristeza, plum pox
X. fastidiosa infected 20 million trees Puglia killed, 1bn euros, arrived 2013 ornamental coffee plants.
Measuring infection frequency
Morbidity rate - no. of individuals becoming ill
Mortality rate - relationship between deaths + cases
Epidemic is defined as >400 cases/100,000 pop/week
1) Common source epidemic - sharp rise to peak then rapid decline (food poisoning, legionnaires)
2) Propagated epidemic - slow rise + gradual decline (chicken pox)
Herd immunity
Large % of population need to be immunised to stop transmission.
Flu needs 90%, Polio needs 70%, Measles needs 90-95%.
Normally uneven distribution of vaccinations though.
Influences on herd immunity - evolution of new strains
Antigenic drift - minor antigenic variation.
- mutations alter a. acid sequence
- H & N can change
- minor epidemics of type A + B flu in 2-3 year cycle
Antigenic shift (flu):
- 8 RNA segments undergoes frequent assortment
- leads to gene exchange between different strains
- major changes in virus coat proteins
-> reassortment of H5N1 bird + human flu, in Mexico 2009 between human, pig + bird flu
led to new strain infecting humans H1N1
Major target sites for antibiotics
Cell wall synthesis inhibitors - penicillin
Protein synthesis inhibitors - aminoglycosides + macrolides
Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors - quinolones
Folic acid biosynthesis - sulphonamides
Bactericidal - cell killing
Bacteriostatic - growth inhibited , duration of therapy needs to be long enough for immune defence to kill bacteria
Cell wall synthesis inhibitors (penicillin)
B- lactam antibiotics: penicillin, cephalosporins, carpabenem -> have B-lactam ring for activity.
Penicillin G (benzylpenicillin) against G+ve , does not penetrate G-ve outer mem, destroyed by gastric acid pH
-> mimics D-al D-ala which carboxypeptidase binds to fuse NAMs together SO a. acids not linked - PG precursor build up triggers hydrolysis ox existing PG
Penicillin resistance - B lactamases hydrolyse B-lactam ring
- combine clavulanic acid w/ augmentin (B-lactamase inhibitor)
- synthesise B-lactamase resistant penicillins (methicillin)
Carpabenem & vancomycin
Both cell wall inhibitors
Carpabenem: B lactamase inhibitors, can acylate penicillin binding proteins, administered IV as does not cross GI membrane.
Works on both G-ve and =ve membranes.
- some resistance developed
Vancomycin - naturally occurring glycopeptide antibiotic, inhibits G+ve bacteria.
Binds terminal D-ala D-ala dipeptide + inhibits carboxypeptidase activity.
-> used to treat MRSA as last resort
-> D-ala D-ala target can be changed for L-ser or D-lac (resistance)
Protein synthesis inhibitors
Aminoglycosides (kanamycin, gentamycin, streptomycin) all bactericidal: binds 30S rb subunit so 50S does not bind forming active rb -> fissures in outer cell membrane, leakage of contents + more antibiotic uptake.
Intramuscular + IV administration (only works in aerobic bacteria)
Tetracyclines - also bind 30S subunit , bacteriostatic:
Penetrate macrophages for intracellular infections
Macrolides (e.g. erythromycin has large lactone ring w/ 2 sugar groups) - binds 50S subunit, G+ve sensitive, bacteriostatic.
Prevents incoming a. acids on tRNAs from binding nascent polypeptide chain.
- some resistance in G-ve
Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors
e.g. fluroquinolones (synthetic) like ciprofloxacin has broad spectrum
Binds DNA gyrase, prevents gyrase supercoiling DNA (inhibits replication)
Sulphonamides - competitive inhibitors of dihydropeterate synthase needed for folate synthesis
Trimethoprim - inhibits dihydrofolate reductase
-> Both drugs used in combination to reduce resistance.
Teixobactin & other new antibiotics
Teixobactin (2015) isolated from E. terrae (unculturable) - targets PG synthesis
- peptide like + targets G+ ve bacteria
- binds lipid II, a PG precursor
- causes membrane defects by displacing polar head groups, reducing membrane thickness
Malacidin (2018) binds Ca2+, then binds lipid II
Zosurabalpin (2024) inhibits LPS biosynthesis in carpabenem resistant A. baumanii, only for G -ve bacteria
Antibiotic resistome
Many antibiotics present in environment -> AR genes already present. env resistome can be mobilised into clinically important pathogens
e.g. Salmonella typhimurium DT104 1998, animal + human pathogen, resistant to 6 antibiotics
Can be result of overuse:
Penicillin resistant pneumococci.
Multidrug resistant mycobacteria.
Methicillin resistant MRSA, only sensitive to vancomycin.
-> commensal VRE can transfer vancomycin resistance to MRSA -> VRSA
Reasons for AR
Natural resistance (intrinsic or innate):
- lacks target structure, mycoplasma pneumoniae w/o PG
- impermeable to antibiotic
Sensitive bacteria develop resistance:
- enzyme activation
- modification of the target
- organism pumps out antibiotic
How are resistance genes transferred?
Transduction: R genes come from free DNA via bacteriophage.
Transformation: naked DNA w/ R genes transferred between cells (phages)
- narrow host range so members of same species
Conjugation: transfer of plasmid from donor to recipient cells by formation of mating pairs, pilus retracts + R plasmid transferred to recipient cell, cell-cell contact
- broad host range so between different genera
R plasmids
Discovered Japan 1950s e.g. plasmid R1000 resistant to sulphonamides, streptomycin, chloramphenicol + tetracycline.
E. coli has 300 different plasmids.
- freeze dried + found to carry R plasmid (tet + strep resistance)
Resevoir of R genes in non pathogenic bacteria BUT medical + agricultural use meant selection pressure for R gene spread encouraged conjugation.
Genes on R plasmids code for:
- inactivation of antibiotic
- efflux of drug
- modification of the target
Resistance mechanisms
Enzyme inactivation:
1) B-lactamases
2) Enzymes can add groups, modify antibiotic reducing transport into cell (resistance to aminoglycosides)
Active efflux of drug:
e.g. tetracycline resistance (binds 30S rb unit)
- pumps out antibiotic immediately, mem proteins catalyse transport of Tet out of cell
Modification of target:
Resistance to B-lactams - transpeptidase has altered shape so cant bind penicillin.
-> it still binds D-ala D-ala but not penicillin, normal PG produced as cross linking not ihibited