Micro Viruses Flashcards
Reassortment What is it? What does it lead to? Danger? Example
Viruses with segmented genomes exchange segments
High frequency re-combination
Worldwide pandemics
Influenza virus
1 of 2 viruses that infects a cell has a mutation that results in a nonfunctional protein. The non-mutated virus complements the mutated one by making a functional protein that serves both viruses
Phenotypic mixing
Simultaneous infection –> Genome of virus A partially or completely coated in surface protein from virus B
Live attenuated vaccines
What does it induce?
Humoral and cell-mediated immunty
Reversion to virulence (rare)
“Live! one night only! see Small Yellow Chickens get vaccinated with Sabin’s and MMR! It’s INcredible”
Smallpox, Yellow fever, Chickenpox (VZV), Sabin’s Polio, MMR, Influenza (intranasal)
Can MMR be given to HIV pts?
Even though its a live attenuated vaccine, it can be given to HIV pts if they don’t show signs of immunodeficiency
Killed Vaccines
What does it induce?
Only humoral response
“SalK = Killed. RIP Always”
Rabies, Influenza (injected), Salk Polio, HAV
Recombinant vaccines
HBV (Ag = recombinant HBsAg)
HPV (6, 11, 16, 18)
dsDNA viruses
All DNA viruses except Parvoviridae
ssDNA viruses
Parvoviridae (Parvovirus)
“Part-of-a-virus” has less DNA”
Circular DNA viruses
Papilloma and Polyoma (circular supercoiled), and Hepadnaviruses (circular, incomplete)
Linear DNA viruses
All DNA viruses except for Papilloma, Polyoma, and Hepadnaviruses
ssRNA viruses
All RNA viruses except for Reoviridae
dsRNA viruses
“REpeatO virus is redundant with 2 strands”
+ssRNA viruses
“I went to a Retro Toga party where i drank Flavored Coronas and ate Hippy California Pickles”
Retrovirus, Togavirus, Flavivirus Corona virus, Hepevirus, Calicivirus, Picornavirus
Naked viral genome infectivity
Infectious: dsDNA viruses (except Poxvirus and HBV), and +ssRNA (like mRNA) viruses
Non-infectious: -ssRNA and dsRNA. Require polymerase contained in complete virion
Virus ploidy
All viruses are haploid except retrovirus which has 2 identical ssRNA molecules
Where do viruses replicate?
All DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except poxvirus
All RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm except influenza and retroviruses
Non-enveloped viruses
Where is envelope from?
“give PAP smears and CPR to Naked HEPpy”
Papillomavirus, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Polyomavirus, Calcivirus, Picornavirus, Reovirus, Hepevirus
Usually from cell membrane except for Herpes, which gets it from nuclear membrane
DNA viruses names
Hepadna, Herpes, Adeno, Pox, Parvo, Papilloma, Polyoma
Icosahedral DNA viruses?
All except Pox (complex)
DNA viruses that replicate in the nucleus?
All except Pox (carries its own DNA dependent RNA pol)
Nucleic acid? Envelope?
dsDNA, Linear. Enveloped
HSV1, HSV2, VZV (HHV3), EBV (4), CMV (5), HHV6, HHV7, HHV8
Hepadnavirus Nucleic acid? Envelope? Names w/ disease Vaccine Transcription
dsDNA, partially circular. Enveloped
HBV: acute or chronic hepatitis
Vaccine available. Contains HBV surface Ag
Not a retrovirus but has a reverse transcriptase
Nucleic acid? Envelope?
dsDNA, Linear. Not enveloped Febrile pharyngitis (sore throat, acute hemorrhagic cystitis), Pneumonia, Conjunctivitis (pink eye)