Micro Unit 1: Bacterial Structure and Function 2 Flashcards
- long polymers of flagellin that protrude from cell wall
- corkscrew shaped
- rotate to propel bacterium forward
- NOT WHIPLIKE (that describes cilia)
Bacterial ribosomes
- good target for antibiotics:
- aminoglycosides attack small subunit, interfere w/ initiation and accuracy
- tetracyclines attack small subunit, transfer of tRNA+aa sets to ribosome
- macrolides attack rRNA of large subunit, elongation
Spores (endospores)
- spore-forming bacteria can survive extreme environmental conditions
- spore formation triggered by nutrient depletion
- bacterial genome and some macromolecules are compressed into a thick spherical coat that can survive high temps, dehydration, antiseptics, abx
- when nutrients + H2O are plentiful, spore unpacks into normal bacterial form, normal metabolism + reproduction resume
Bacterial reproduction
- binary fission, logarithmic growth under optimal conditions
- limited primarily by available nutrients
Bacterial growth
Lag phase, log phase, stationary phase, death phase
Lag: bacteria sense new environment and upregulate gene products for growth (liquid is clear)
Log: rapid cell division, exponential growth (lightly clowdy)
Stationary: nutrient depletion, waste accumulation, growth slows (very cloudy)
Death phase: waste accumulation kills most bacteria (culture like garbage – sediment on bottom, pellicle on top, middle cloudy + chunky)
Obligate aerobe
rely on oxygen for electron transport pathway
ex. M tuberculosis
Obligate anaerobe
Lacks superoxide dismutase/catalase and pathways to regenerate enzymes that have been oxidized, use fermentation pathways to generate ATP
- die in the presence of oxygen
- ex. Botulism
Facultative anaerobes
Have fermentation and electron transport pathways; use oxygen when available and fermentation when not
- ex. E coli
Sugar metabolism
Facultatives and anaerobes break down sugar for ATP in the absence of O2 = fermentation
- not as efficient as electron transport but suffices for growth
- organic acids produced as waste (usually lactic or pyruvic)
Quorum sensing
bacteria’s ability to sense its population density and adjust gene expression accordingly, allows bacteria to conserve energy and coordinate attack