Micro review: Ryan Flashcards
Which E. coli strain does not ferment sorbitol?
EHEC O157:H7
ETEC Pathogenesis?
Heat-labile and heat stable toxin
EPEC Pathogenesis?
Attaching/effacing lesions
EIEC Pathogenesis?
Similar to shigella; intracellular mult., extends into adjacent cells
EHEC Pathogenesis?
Attaching/effacing lesion, Shiga toxin
EAEC Pathogenesis?
Pathogenesis not well understool
S. enteriditis Pathogenesis?
Type III secretion system for bacterial protein transfer and macrophage killing.
Shigella Pathogenesis?
F actin polymerization w/ protrusion formation
S. enterica Pathogenesis?
bacteria engulfed by MPs in luymoh tissye and disseminate to lymph nodes and RES
B. cereus Pathogenesis?
Direct ingestion of heat stable toxin
V. cholerae Pathogenesis?
AB toxin causes persisten stimulation of AC
Yersinia reservoir?
EHEC reservoir?
Ground beef
Salmonella reservoir?
V. cholerae reservoir?
Campylobacter reservoir?
V. parahaemolyticus reservoir?
S. aures reservoir?
Room temp dairy
B. cereus reservoir?
Anemia and thrombocytopenia?
EHEC O157:H7 or Shigella dysentariae
Ascending paralysis
Massive watery diarrhea w/ dehydration and death in all ages
V. cholerae
Severe skin/soft tissue infxn w/ spetic shick
V. vulnificus or C. perfringens
Tx of Shigella?
Shorten course, reduce shedding. Ceftriaxone, Cipro, Azithro
Tx of Salmonella entertitis
Only if immunocompromised. Fluoros
C. diff Tx
Flagyl or PO Vanc
V. cholerae Tx
Oral rehydration
V. vulnificus Tx
Doxy + 3rd gen cephalosporin
Campylobacter Tx
Only if dz is severe w/ cipro/azith
No Abx, causes more toxin induction
Key things abt clostridia sp?
Gram positive, spore forming. C. perfringens causes gas gangrene and food poisoning.
Clostridia, Ig for tx?
C. tetani
Clostridia antitoxin for tx?
C. botulinum
H. pylori, tx?
PPI + clarith + amoxacillin
Test tube: Y/Y
lactose fermentation and glucose
Test tube: R/Y
glucose fermentation
Test tube: Black
H2S production
Test tube: R/R
No fermentation
Test tube: Bottom gap
H2 production
HDV dependent upon ____ for attachment protein
Hepatitis in pregnant women?
What allows us to cure HCV?
HCV protease activity targeting
Which markers would indicate:
a vaccine?
Which markers would indicate:
a resolved acute infx?
Anti HBs and antiHBc
Which markers would indicate:
a low risk carrier?
HBsAg, anti HBc, anti HBe
Which markers would indicate:
A high risk carrier?
HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAg