Micro Government Intervention in Markets Flashcards
What are the three ways a price cap is varied?
RPI = Prices rise at rates of inflation
RPI-X = Prices vary with RPI but nay inefficiencies will be deducted from the price
RPI-X+K = Prices vary with RPI and amount spent on capital pushes up the price (investment)
Name 4 ways governments promote contestability and competition
Promotion of small businesses through subsidies
Deregulation - removes barriers to entry
Competitive tendering - allow private firms to bid for government monopolies and encourage competition
Privatisation - breaks up government monopolies and encourages competition
Name 4 ways government intervene to deal with monopolies
Price Regulation
Profit Regulation
Quality Control`
Performance Targets
3 ways government intervene to protect suppliers
Pass anti-monopsony laws
Independent Regulators
Encourage self-regulation
3 ways government protect employees
Health/safety regulation
Trade Unions
Encourage self regulation
Monopoly price regulation diagram
Government intervention to improve contestability and competition
What is the evaluation for intervention?
Asymetric information - government doesnt have enough info to get to efficient outcome
Regulatory capture - regulators start acting more in the interest of the firms after developing good relations than in the consumer interest