Micro COMLEX review Flashcards
Bugs that don’t gram stain?
Treponema, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, Mycobacteria, Listeria, Chlamydia (These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color)
Obligate Aerobes?
Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium TB, Bacillus (These Nagging Pests Must Breathe)
Obligate Anaerobes?
Clostridium, Bacteroides, Actinomyces (Can’t Breathe Air)
Intracellular bugs?
Ricketsia, Chlaymidia, Salmonella, Neisseria, Brucella, Mycbacterium, Listeria, Francicella, Legionella, Yersinis pestis ( when its Really Cold Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY)
Bugs with Capsules?
Strep pnemo, Haemophilus influenza B, Neisseria meningitis, E.coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella, group B strep. (SHiNE SKiS)
Catalase + bugs?
Pseudomonas, Literia, Aspergillus, Candida, E. coli, Staph aureus, Serratia (cats need PLACESS)
Protein A MOA?
binds the FC portion of Ig and prevents opsonizaion, thus prevents PHAGOCYTOSIS! (S. aureus)
IgA protease MOA?
cleaves IgA (S. pneumo, H. influ, Neisseria)
M protein MOA?
prevents phagocytosis. (S pyogenes). This is what causes Rhuematic fever
What is endotoxin?
inside the walls of gram (-) bacteria. It is part of the LPS. Protein A is the core and it is the antigen.
What is exotoxin?
Proteins that get released from the bacteria. Exotoxins are released by all the major gram + bacteria except Listeria.
exotoxin: diptheria toxin?
inactivates EF2, whick will stop protein synthesis. (Corneybacterium diptheriae)
exotoxin: exotoxin A?
MOA: EF2 (stops protein synth = cell death). Pseudomonas aurigenosa
exotoxin: Shiga toxin?
MOA: inactivates 60S ribosome, invades intestinal mucosa = bloody diarrhea, HUS. Shigella
exotoxin: Shiga-like toxin?
MOA: inactivates 60s ribosome, bloody diarrhea, HUS.
exotoxins that inhibit protein synth?
diptheria toxin (corneybaceria), Exotoxin A (pseudomonas), Shiga toxin, Shiga-like toxin (EHEC)
Exotoxins that increase fluid secretion?
Heat labile, heat stable, choleara toxin, edema factor.
exotoxin: heat labile?
+ cAMP = increased Cl-H20 secretion = Diarrhea (ETEC)
exotoxin: heat stabile?
+ cGMP = decreased NaCl absorption = Diarrhea (ETEC)
exotoxin: edema factor?
+ cAMP (Bacillus anthrax)
exotoxin: cholear toxin?
permanetly switches on Gs = increased Cl-H2O secretion = RICE WATER DIARRHEA!
Pertussis toxin: MOA, SX
disables Gi so it is permanetly turned on = + cAMP. SX Whooping cough
Tetanus toxin: MOA
cleaves the SNARE protein and prevents release of inhibitor toxin GABA = lock jaw
Botulism toxin: MOA
cleaves the SNARE protein and prevents release of ACh = floppy baby, flaccid paralysis.
Streptolycin O: MOA
degrades the cell membrane (lyses), Ab against it is used to dx rhuematic fever. (S. pyogenes)
Alpha toxin: MOA
degrades the phospholipid cell wall (Clostridium perfrengens = gas gangrene)
TSST-1 toxin: MOA
binds MHC to T-cell receptor ouside antigen binding site = massive release of IFN-y and IL-2. (S. aureus)
Endotoxin from what structure, and made of what?
LPS, made from the core of Lipid A
F+ plasmid: MOA?
contains genes for sex pili and congugation.
Transductin general vs. specific?
general: bacterial DNA gets packaged with viral. Specific: bacterial DNA get integrated WITH viral DNA.
Staph aureus: virulance factors?
Protein A (binds FC on Ig –prevents phagocytosis. TSST-1,
Staph epidermidis: virulance, complications?
biofilm, sticks on prosthetic devices! (heart valves, hip replacements, etc)
Strep pneumo: virulance, complications?
capsule, IgA protease. “MOPS” = meningitis, otitis media, pneumonia, sinutitis
Strep pyogenes: virulance, complications?
M protein (rhuematic fever), pharyngitis, cellulitis, impetigo, scarlet fever, glomerulonephritis, rhuemtic fever.
JONES criteria for rhuematic fever?
Joints (arthritis), carditis, Nodules (sub-q), Erythema marginatum, Sydenhams chorea
Strep agalactae (group B): SX
B for BABIES! Colonizes vagina if mother is infected, passes to baby during delivery. SX: meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia
Strep bovis? SX
bacteremia, endocarditis…. Bovis in blood = cancer in the colon!
Corneybacterium diptheria: gram, MOA, SX
gram +, EF2 block protein synth = cell death. SX: pseudomembranous pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, bull neck, myocarditis.
Spore forming bugs?
Bacillus, Clostridium, Coxciella bunetti
Clostridum perfrengens: gram, MOA, SX
gram +, alpha toxin (lecithinase). SX: gas gangrene
C. diff: gram, toxin, SX
gram +, toxin A,B. SX: diarrhea MOA: overgrowth due to antibiotic use
Bacillus cereus: gram, MOA, SX
gram +, MOA: spores in warm RICE. SX: N/V diarrhea in 1-5 hours!!!!
Listeria: MOA, SX
gram +, toxin on deli meat/cheese. SX: diarrhea, spontaneous abortion, neonatal meningitis.
Actinomyces israeli: DX, SX
gram +, normal oral flora, “yellow sulfur granules”. SX: facial absecess
Nocardia: DX, SX
acid fast. SX: pulmonary infection in immuno compromised
Mycobacterium TB: DX, MOA
DX acid fast (gram -), mycolic acid in the cell wall. MOA: Cord factor: inhibits macrophage, Sulfatides: inhibit lysosom-phagosome fusion.
Mycobacterium TB: SX
1’: lung infection. 2’ re-infection: night sweats, fever, hempotysis (blood sputum).
Identifying diagnostic characteristics of TB?
1’ Ghon complex (ghon focus + hilar lymphadenopathy). 2’ caseating granulomas in apex (usuall)
Complication of systemic TB?
Pott’s disease (infects vertebrae)
Mycobacteria leprae: DX
acid fast rod. Armadillo is the reservoir
N. Meningitis: DX, SX
DX: gram -, diplococci, ferments maltose & glucose, Chocolate & blood agar. SX: meningitis, waterhouse-fridricksen syndrome.
Waterhouse freidricksen syndrome? CX, SX
CX: N. meningitis SX: massive adrenal hemorrhage (damages renal gland), hypotension. DIC can occur too.
N. gonorrhea: DX, SX
DX: gram -, diploccci, ferments glucose, chocolate agar. SX: gonorrhea, arthritis, neo-natal conjunctivitis, PID, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis synd.
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
thinning of the cervix allows vaginal bacteria to spread into the uterus and oviduct, can scar tissu on Glisons capsule.
H. influenza: DX, SX
DX: gram - pleomorphic cocci, chocolate agar. SX: “EMOP”: epiglotitis, meningitis, otitis media, pheumonia.
H. influenza: MOA
IgA protease, Type B has a capsule. Spreads via aerosol droplets.
Legionella pneumophilia: DX, SX
DX: buffered charcoal agar w/ cysteine, iron. SX: severe pneumonia. TXN: contaminated water
Pseudomonas aureginosa: DX, SX
DX: gram - rod, oxidase +. SX: “PSEUDO”, burn pts. Pneumonia, Sepeis, External otitis, UTI, Drug use Disbetic Osteomyelitis.