Micro Flashcards
define significant bacteriuria
> 10^5 cfu/ml, used in research and smwhat in the clinical def. of UTI
lower UTI includes?
bladder and urethra, upper is kidney and upper urinary tract
most common causes of dysuria
cystitis most comm, also vaginitis, chlamydia, bacterial causes below the clinical def, and unknown causes
most comm culprit of UTI
E. coli, 95% from GI tract, also Staph saprophyticus in sex. active young F
age distrib. of UTI and gender
- Infants = males > F
- 3-50 y/o = F»_space;» M
- elders = incr. incid in both, but still more comm in F
what effect does birth control choice have on UTI incidence
- highest incid. in those using diaphragms and spermicidal gel b/c of alterations in the flora/pH of vagina as well as anatomical alterations,
- lower incid in oral contraception
- note from nun studies that intercourse itself puts women at 4xs higher risk of UTI
Pregnancy and UTI
10% of all pregnant women will have bacteriuria (2xs higher than expected) and of those, if untreated, 25% will prog. to pyelonephritis
-can increase risk of fetal loss
symp. of pyelonephritis
flank pain (cvat)
symp and ddx of UTI
\+/- fever frequency dysuria turbid urine hematuria suprapubic discomfort asymptomatic cystitis -ddx = microscopic urinanalysis, gram stain, urine culture, blood culture (prn)
route of infection in UTI
us. ascending from urethral trauma, intercourse, instrumentation, diaphragm use. less than 5% hematogenous seeding from signif. bacteremia.
steps in pathogenesis of UTI
adhesion, colonization, invasion, phase variation
describe the phase variation of UTI bacteria
they display antigenic variation through switching which pilus gene is expressed so that immune system surveillance is disrupted
types of pili (fimbriae) employed by uropathogenic e. coli
type 1 - mannose sens (how they attach to uroepith - but mannose also express. on PMNs)
P-fimbriae - think pyelonephritis b/c the bact switches to this and this cause p.n. preferentially
what do the siderophores and exotoxin hemolysin provide for the bacterium
these virulence factors liberate iron from RBCs thru their lysis necc for bact. growth
host defense mech from UTI
- environ = high salt and urea content
- uroepith sloughing = slough colonies too
- flushing = urine washes colonies out
- antib. = secreted IgA
factors predisposing to UTI
- chronic infections (lumenal narrowing)
- tumors - blockage
- kinking, abnml vessels - anat. anomaly
- calculi - obstruct flow
- scar tiss
- vesicoureteral reflux
prevention of UTI
good hygiene
remove catheters ASAP
correct anatomic abnmlties
-rarely- prophylactic antibiotics
Tx of UTI
IF SYMPTOMATIC : tx M 1 wk, F 3 days w/ flouroquinolone, cephalosporin, trimeth/sulfa, aminoglycoside
Tx of pyelonephritis
aminogylcosides best, then flouroquinolones, then trimeth/sulfa, and others don’t do as well
incid of which STD is highest in US
chlamydia, HPV has similar incid. but is not reportable so numbers not certain
second highest incidence STD
GC and also HSV has similar incid but not reportable