Mi Metodo #6 Flashcards
Aren’t you pleased that she has finished it?
No estas contento de que lo haga terminado?
It doesn’t seem that you have understood this lesson
No parece que hayas entendido esta leccion
Dile que lo haga (instuction)
Siento que lo haga (Feeling)
Quiero que lo haga (Wished)
It seems that you have understood this lesson
Parece que has entendido esta leccion
We don’t think that they have been able to do it
No cremos que hayan podido hacerlo
We think that they have been able to do it
Creemos que lo han podido hacer
We are sure they have done it
Estamos seguros de que lo han hecho
We are not sure they have done it
No estamos seguros de que lo hayan hecho
I am sorry that you think that
Siento que pienses eso
I am sorry that you cannot come
Siento que no puedas venir
I am so sorry that you don’t like it
Siento much que no te guste
I am so sorry that you haven’t understood
Siento much que no hayas entendido
I am so sorry that you are not having a good time
Siento much que no lo pases bien
I like dogs
Me gustan los perros
I love dogs
Me encantan los perros
I love writing
Me encanta escribir
She loved the last lesson
Le encanto la ultima leccion
I love you house
Me encanta tu casa
I am very glad you like it
Estoy muy contento de que te guste
I love what you have done with your room
Me encanta lo que has hecho con tu habitacion
I loved everything we saw in Madrid
Me encanto todo lo que vimos en Madrid
You will love the new shop
Te encantara la nueva tienda
I hope it’s bigger than the last one
Espero que sea mas grande que la ultima
She will love the supermarket that they’ve just opened
Le encantara el supermercado que acaban de abrir
acaban de llegar
they just arrived
abrir la puerta
open the door
Yes but it’s a shame it’s not nearer her house
Si pero es una lastima que no este mas cerca de su casa
They loved the last course
Les encanto el ultima curso