Mi. Flashcards
Harder to resolve polytomg
Plate tectonics
Causes continents to move over time as crust moves over mantle
Area cladograms
Combo of trees that represent continental drift and shows us why we see certain phylogeny
Ordovician cellurian mass extinctions
3rd largest extinction event causes most trilobites and breakopods to be gone
Late Devonian extinction
75% of species on earth died out several extinctions.
Permian mass extinction
Biggest mass extinction 96 % died out
Triassic jurrasic mass extinction
3 phases climate change eruptions maybe asteroid and floods
Creations turchury mass extinction
Wiped out Dino’s,angiosperms,not birds with Astriods
Archaea, Bacteria,( both prokaryotes),and eukarya but archaea are more close to eukarya than bacteria
What are 3 domain defined by
Molecular characters no morphological characters
How man linages does bacteria have
4 main shape of morphological diversity
Filaments, cocci, bacilli, spirilla
Gram stain
Don’t tell much about relatedness but descriptive to find out what bacteria we are looking at
Gram positve
Thick peptioglycan walls,lack outer membrane.tun dark blue
Gram negative
Thin peptoglycan layer in cell wall & have outer and inner membrane(red)
What is wrong with protists
Protists based on primitive so can’t be monopheltic group and is polyphyletic. Needs to be split into seven groups
Group w/ no cell walls, unicellular,coved by shell,
Produces spores for reproduction sac like under cell membrane
Branching paired flagella
Include ameba, slime moles,unicellular kinda multicellular no cell walls
Fungi animals,fligella sperm cells,flat cristae
Archaeplastids KNOW
Plants & algae
2 main branches in eukarya
Unikonta and bikonta
Ameobozoa & opisthokconta
Excavate planta rhizaria alvelata
Plantaes 2 big groupsKNOW
Bryophytes and Vascular plants
Bryohytes(non vascular)
Maybe monophyletic non vascular so small or aquatic.
Contain divisions or phila HEPATICAPHYTA-Liver worts
Vascular plants