MHE : The Phillipines Flashcards
WHat are the 3 top countries @ most risk based on the Risk Vulnerability index?
Vanautu, The Phillipines, and Tonga
where is the Phillipines?
It an archipelagic countru that lies on Western Pacific Ocean + consists of 7,600 islands. It has a pop of 106.7 million. The capital city is Manila. It is situated on the Pacific ring of FIre and and it lies near equator in tropic region thus is liable to many diff hazards essp EQ’s and typhoons.
what is the population density in the Phillipines?
Why is the Phillipines so vulnerable to hazards?
Mainly due to its geographical location
- Position on the Western rim on the PROF brings EQ’s and volcanic activity w/ secondary hazards such as lahars
- Position near the equator w/ lat= 12.87, it is in perfect band to be affected by the tropical storms bc they occur @ 5-20 degreees N and S of the equator.
- Tropical storms also bring secondary hazards such as landslides, and flooding.
- The sea temp is also 27 degrees, which is perfect conditions for a tropical storm to develope.
- its made up of 7,600 smol islands –> bc land mass is so small, tropical storms don’t lose energy when they cross through phillipines, they b/w land and sea quickly and thus storm quickly regains energy. –> high magnitude, devastating typhoons. –> storm surge.
- There have been > 10k eq’s since 70’s –> if eqs occur underwater –> risk of tsunamis, can lead to flooding.
El nino period also brings periods of drought in the Phillipines.
- The large population that is v v dense esspi in Megacity manila –> more ppl in poverty w/ lack of education on how to prep etc for hazards –> have more to lose,
Bc the maj population is youthful, whgen disaster strikes economy is badly affected
Which one is worse?
Typhoons have been leading hazard causing damage in the Philipines –> on avg 19 hit area anually. The deadliest typhoon strike was Haiphong 1981 –> 20k deaths.
Typhoon —> flooding –> 2nd most devastating hazard –> results in loss of livlihood, life, livestok, buildings, possessions etc. (mostly occur due to the monsune climate) and powerful thunderstorms formed in the pacific.
Ocucrance of drough as a resukt of El Nino often impact the area + has affected 6mill before.
Severe rainfall expereineced can lead to landslides as soils become saturated w/ water –> soils fall down + collapse underneath themselves.
Bc phillipinnes is on a plate boundary –> more likely to experience seismic hazards (ie volcs and eq’s).
what is the secondary hazard associated with Earthquakes?
Tsunamis, rockfall, after shocks liquefaction ,tsunamis
what is the secondary hazard associated with volcaboes
Pyroclastic flows, lahars, ash fallout, tephra, release of gases lava flow
what is the secondary hazard associated with Typhoons?
flooding, landslides, storm surges and tornados.
what are the hazards were focusing in the philipenes?
Earthquakes : Bohol 2013, Volcanoes : Mt Pinatubo 1991, Tropical storm : Typhoon Haiyan.
what is the nature of the earthquakes that occur in the Phillipines?
EQ’s occur regualrly in P.Piines. B/w 2000-2013, 17 eq’s occured w/ most being mag 5.6 or above –> death, destruction of the infrastructure + businesses. The eq’s occur often bc it lies on the pacific ring of fire and thus suseptible to volc and eq’s
when did the Bohol Earthquake occur?
October 15th 2013.
what was the magnitude of the Bohol earthquake?
How many ppl were killed + injured and how many buildings were damaged as a result of the eq in Bohol?
> 200 dead.
800 injury
73k building sdamaged –> most noticable was the Church of Our lady of light, the oldest and largest running church in the province.
What was the depth of the focus, how much energy was released.
depth of focus : 12km, energy released was equated to the energy released when 32 bombs dropped on HIroshima
Overall how many ppl were affected?
1.3 million ppl
How many ppl were displaced?
what was the warning that the USGS gave?
a yellow warning that some “casualties and damage is possible + impact should be localised” –> not true evidently, past warnings have required more local and reginal responses.
What are some effects of the Bohol earthquake?
- Damage cost : 2.2bn Filipino pesos
- Nearly 7100 residential homes were lost –> homelessness increased @ a large scale
- Direct hosipital in Loon collapsed so diff to treat injured members of public –> the collapse also killed patients and doctors (unknown no.)
- 32 bridges, National road and 13 other road sections were damaged –> limited aid effort.
- Several flights from Cebu to Bohol were put on hold to check safety status of the airport.
- Many bohol residents were left w.o adequate clean safe drinking water and sanitary services after the quake –> increase in public health issues(ie spread of comm diseases, diarrhoea, and other H20 Borne diseases).
- Many health centers were deemed as useless due to the damage they endured –> resulted in makeshift wards outside buildings, not safe or sanitary.
- The earthquake left 25 totally and 111 partially damagfed health centers + facilites –> slowed providsion of medicines, and resulted in the destruction of the cold chain system to transport vaccines.
- Many pppl had PTSD and were too afraid to go back inside builkdings, for fear they may collapse again. (pscological trauma) many slept in temporary shelters
- 1 in 5 homes in Bohol recieved an electrical power disruption a week following the event.
what are some responses to Bohol earthquake?
- State of Calamity expressed on oct 15th
- National Commission for Culture and the Arts expressed commitment to rehabilitate the 10 heritage churches damaged by the quake.
- Oct 15 –> National Police deployed 271 personell , 27 vehicles abd declared a full alert system in Bohol. They monitored effects of eq since
- Presidnet Benigno visited Bohol and Cebu to inspect the damage done to its offices –> 51 mins after his visit a 5.1 magnitude afthershock occured.
- WHO proveded manpower, equipmnent, training and supplies, meds and weather tents to serve patient consultation areas, a birthing center which was needed bc 8k births had been expected in the several weekes following.
- WHO also repaired some damaged infrstrcuture nd set up 25 barangay health stations and 14 tents w. sealed in walls and flooring as rural health units.
- The govt of Davao CIty pledged $3 mill cash assistance.
- UN WFP stationed 1000 Tones of rice and 15T of high energy biscuits in Cebu + Bohol for ppl who lost everything
- Red Cross sent volunteers and donated money towards releif efforts to depressed areas.
- Oct 25 : UN called international community to raise $46.8million in aid
- Bohol residents were paid in a food for work scheme where thier mushroom farming was utilised, this scheme was implemented by the Beureu of Fisheries + agri , and the Philipine COconut Authority. `
What is the nature of a volcanic eruption?
In the philipenes ,eq’s are frequent, bc Philipenes lies onthe pacific ring of fire. They are essp destructive bc surroundign the volcanoes usally lies a city or barangay. Many occur inthe philipines bc its in line with the convergent boundary of the Philipine and pacific plate and thus subduction zones have resulted in alot of volcs.
- they are v v destructive to the phillipine ppl bc many live in poverty and thus when damage is done it can be v v hard to climb out of povery, thus will rebuild w. pooere qual homes , liable to same destrcutuion again cycle repeats. + they are vulnerable again.
Many ppl have become traumatised ands some have major skin injuries causing this, others may never work again –> damaging to the economy
Lahars which occur after sometimes due to heavy rains poses as secondary hazards.
when did the Mt Pinatubo earthquake happen ?
June 15 1991
Where is Mt pinatubo located?
On the island of Luzon, at a plate boundary bw Eurasian plate and the Philipine plate. It is one of the chain volcanoes in luzon, on the Lozon Volcanic arc –> occurs as a result of the oceanic philipineplate subductign under the earasian continental plate
Why was Mt pinatubo eq particularly bad?
FOr 400 - 500 yrs it was dormant and it was unknown (respetcivly), even the plate margins it sat on were unknown.
Prior to the eruption it was covered by tropical veg and the slopes were home to some 30,000 residents.
How was Mt pinatubo detected?
The 1st sign on April 2nd, a series of phreatic explosions from a fissure on Mt pt. Seismologist began to monitor the volcanoes, loooking for sighs of seismic activity or ground shaking.
There was no sign of anaything elese util the 12 June, where a series of shallow eq;s occured on theeaster flank. On june, 1st a eruption sends column of ash up 19km, and on 15th June, volcanoe exploded , sending a 40km ash cloud into the atmosphere( du the highly gas charged magma reaching the surface) –> sent out volcanic gas and pumice.
what are the effects of the Mt Pinatubo eruption?
Huge pyroclastic flows ran donw the mountain and filed once deep vallyes w. thick fresh volcanic deposits.
- A cladera was formed bc the eruption removed so much of the rock from beneath the volcanoe. (2.5km wide)
- Fine ash fell as far as the Indian ocean –> at least 16 commercial jets were damaged as a result of the ash fallout –> they inadvertedly flew over canoe, via drifitng ash in atosphere –> damaged –> $100 million of damage.
Lahars formed too –> they blaketed some areas and caused damage to built infrastrcuture and trapped some people. SOme washed into Clark Air base in powerfooul sheets, slamming into buildings scattering cars etx.
nearly every bridge 30km is liable to damage + collapse,. Several lowland areas were flooded or partially biried in mud.
>840 killed due to the collapse of the roofvs under heavy ash. Rain as a secondry effect caused alot of damage, as volcanic deposits were remobilised as MUDFLOWS!!!
650,000 workers lost thier jobs
1.2 million lost their homes, had to evacuate to shelters in Manila
$ cost 700 million in damageds
Electricity went off, water contamination , road links destroyed, telephones cut off.
Fast flowing volcanic mudflow caused severe river bank erosion, and undercut some bridges
Global cooolin did occur though due to the ash plume sent to the atmosphere, , atmos cooled by 0.05 degrees,
Additional rain from typhoon Yinga caused additional buildings to collapse
Farmland destroyed by falling ash and pumice –> unusalble for at least 2 yrs
TYphoon yunga followed shortly –> resulting in v vheavy rainfall, volcanic deposits,–> lahars and mudslides. which were 2 main causes of death.
WHat were the responses (management) to Mt Pinatubeo eruption?PREDICTION
Prediction : 75,000 ppl evacuated due to accurate predictions.
There was however NO montierig systems until the 3rd of April, when seismmoeters were put in place
USGS helped w. preductions however they should have set up permanent monitoring points or set up satellite images to look for changes in the land surface indicating the volcanic eruption.
WHat were the responses (management) to Mt Pinatubeo eruption?PREVENTION ?
75,000 ppl evacutated up to a radius of 30km–> prevented loss of life. The US air force helicopters helped ppl to evacuate. Alert systems were put into lace to warn ppl of the eruption and govt shelters were st up, HOWEVER< they should have put in strategies for long term aid and disease control so that when eruptions do occur, these effects arent a big problem
WHat were the responses (management) to Mt Pinatubeo eruption? PREPARATION
evacuation camps were set up for refugees and long/short term aid was orgaised by the red cross and the US. Dams were built to control destructive lahars that followed the eruption. It is thought that storage of medical supplies and and food and water would have been a better initiative to meet demand for ppl in need.
What is the Nature of TYphoons in the Philipines?
- Prone to Typhoons due to the geographical location –> generally brings heavy rains, and floodingof large areas bc tropical winds circulate around here
- Strong winds exavcerbate the storm surges leading to flooding –> leading to lots of casualties.
- Typhoons can be v v deadly when they mix w. volcanoc eruptions as they coalesce to form lahars and mudslides which are inescapable.
- The high population density results in the effects of tropical storm being greater and fatal
- Built envi also exacerbates the effects of the storm bc over decades more filipinos have moved to low lying, risky highly populated areas which offer cheap housing and (bc ppl buying are often in povery and are vulnberable).
- The nPhilipines is increaslingly becoming urbanised due to > opportunities inthe informal sector + w. that comes poor quality housing, overcrowed areas and thus greater vulnerabilty to the quake –> ppl have alot to lose and it happens wide scale, ie alot of 334ppl/km2 homeless/impacted
- deforestation has also affed to the problem w/ slopes beign created , promoting rapid runoff which thus leads to floods and potential for landslides.
When did Typhoon Hiayan occur?
between 2- 11 Nov 2013
what category on the SSScale was Haiyan when it hit the philipines?
category 5
what were the windspeeds and gusts of the typhoon?
Windspeed : >250km/hr
gust speed : > 300km/hr
Why was te town of Tacloban vulnerable to Typhoon Haiuyan ?
in recent yrs rural - urban migration has increased there, due to opportunities for informal sector jobs arising, pop density has increased asnd thus ppl more vuln when storm arives.
Many of the ppl live in poor quality shanty towns, in poory constrcuted homes which can easily be damaged.
what are some effects of Typhoon Haiyan.
- VV heavy rainfall, flooding,300mm recorded fell in <12hrs.
Flooding and rainfall blocked off main roads, preventing aid from enetering easily,enhanced by the fallen trees. - Flooding also knocked down a power Barge 103, lead to an oil spill which damaged the mangrove ecosystem.
- est 71kHa farmland lost due to oversaturated soils –> lack of nutrient in the soils thus unable to grow crops for a few months. The already harvested crop was damaged/ ruined by the typhoon –> crops destrpyed –> food shortages –> increased death toll –> looting and stealing (ppl died in stampede to get food supplies)
- Many govts collapsed and failed due to the officials dying w secrets and plans to improve the region.
- ~$5.8bn and 6million workers lost income –> ie coconut industry fell as 1/3rd of philpine econmy came from this industry –> ppl became unemplyed on large scale, but aldso NO PRODUCE TO EXPORT.
- $53million work of crops were damaged due to winds + rains distributing htem all over the country
- ~6000 fatalities , most of which where in Tacloban –> bodies were being discovered well into 2014( its estimated the deaths could be streched to 10k bc of the unknown no of other deaths).
- nearly 2 mill ppl made homeless + 6 million displaced –> psychological trauma and difficulties in trying to make a living again –> those that were displaced increased population sizes in other regions of the philipines.
-Damage to infrastructure ie buildings, schools hospitals –> many children missed out on months of school/eduction –> uneducated and thus low skilled and thus future is no diff to their parents.
How was the Typhoon Haiyan Mitigated against?
- Many cyclone shelters have been built w govt aid money to help with evacuation of future storms
- 1000’s of new homes have been built far away from the coast to reduce flooding of homes in low lying areas
- schemes such as pay to clean, have brought communtied together and have allowed ppl who are extreemly vulnerabl or whp affected by the storm to earn some money.
- emergency warning systems have been put in place.
- BEST ONE : emergency shelters and aid equipment has been put into remote communities which will be devasted by future storms and so these allow trained healthcare workers in the region to preovide soem releif before the regional and internaionl aaid arrives.
- many local govts have been asked to designate no build zones, however they have been ignored –> no build zones would reduce impearmeable rock surface and will result in greater infiltration oin the area and thus reduce risk of flooding.
How have the Institutional Arrangements and DIsaster Management systems previosuly responded to Typhons incl Haiyan and what should they actually be doing?
They have been focussing on the response and reactive approach, ie relief then go back to normal, repeat. They should instead be isung longer term initiatives where disasters are mitigated and more time is put into monitoring, preventing, and preparing for typhoons.
Land use planning, construction and other preventative measures shouldve been taken into consideration to avoid creation of hazards prone area (ie building larger homes thast are sturdier and long standing).
What has the focus of response been in the phillipines and what should it be instead?
There has been a greater focus on short term preparedness such as evacuation and providing health and safety kits, etc but these dont solve problems in long term –> ppl will return and their livelihoods, jobs, homes are destroyed –> have to start all over again.
There should instead be a greater emphasis on mitigation and post disaster relief –> this would in the long run save costs and reduce the cost of immediate responses (ie search + rescue , supplying medical aid etc bc every $1 spent on disaster preparedness and risk reduction, 4 - 7 euros would have been spent on response.
Is the government coordinated reponse more beneficial than the community level one ?
No, in the past the govt have centralised the response however this is not as effective as they usually are not as affected by the event as the local communities.
community based responses are better bc local communities have inside knowledge on the area and thus would know how to improve the areas. It would also give rise to mroe community based incentives and initiatives that the locals would be involved with –> helps build up resilience.
The govt has also proposed some reduction laws that are best in world, however still on paper and have not been implemented. In the past response and responsibility to reduce disaster risk has been placed on local govt where money is not spent as wisely –> Now govt legislation has called that 30% of money is spent on AID and 70% is spent on long term disaster mitigation and risk plans.
How have the Philipines red cross helped (community based initiative).
Phillipine RC is a branch of the Red Cross Organisation and it aims to reduce the impact of natural disasters by encouraging ppl to collab in protecting lives and the resources they depend on.
the plan to adress these areas includes
- trainign locals in disaster management
- identifying risk through land use mapping
- initiating mitigating measures that are physical (ie sea walls for typhoons to dissipate energy, clean water stations and supply of planning tools for effective evacuation and land use.
- dissemation of information to the whole community.
what international aid has been offered by other countries to the Phillipines over the years to deal with theload of diff natural hazards.
- US govt pledge $37million
- UK govt pledge $77mill
other NGOs such as Oxfam, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Save the Children, all help to provide shelters and education.
How have the Filipino people shown resilience towarsds the abudnance of natural hazards they are faced with? Is resilience always the response that is percieved of them?
They are able to deal with and move on with their lives after each natural disaster ( however this could be confused with the fact that most ppl are in pverty nd thus are FORCED TO STAY –> have nowhere else to fo and thus are forced to improve thier situation and move on”.
others would describe Filipinos as fatalistic – they accept the hazards as just an aspect of living there. eg those that live close to a volcano may live their for the fertile soils with some accepting an eruption as part of God’s will (driven by devout religious beliefs in Catholicsm and the reality that losses are inevitable from time to time).
Give an example of a local/community based initiative that has beneficially responded to hazards and uses initiatives to deal w/ risk and thus improved resiliencey
Agta tribe in the Barangat Caracara utilise indegenous methods bc they dont have access to satellites. They put ideas on disaster risk management down and sync them w/ othe r neighboring barangays and thus they all have better knowledge on how to evacuate and what to prepare for evacuation . The local projects set up to build resilience in the phillipine countries is funded by the EU’s DIPECHO (disaster preparedness programme) –> they aim to enhance resilience of the most vulnerable communties in the philpines.
The flood warning sytems and equipment supplied to the local comunti has prevented and reduced flood risk as a result of typhoons in the area. Homes and infrastructure have been protected.
What is the “Small Island Resiliency”
An initaitaive that provides warnings on the radio for communities to automatically evacuate.
What is the Bayanihan spirit and how does it play a part in the communities resilience?
It influences pp to work together as a community in times of naturlal disaster, making communites more resileint bc they help each other together.
How have farmers become more resilient against the threat of natural disasters?
Many fo them have implemented different farming techiniques ie diversifiedf farming, multiple stress resistant seeds, planting drought resistant crops etc
Give an exaple of a fatalistic approach ?
The Guardian, an article references a matriarch(head of tribe) who calimed “I’m 70 this has never happened” regarding a warning to evacuate ad a flash flood was approaching –> as a result the whole family was washed away
Give an example of obe way that some local areas prepare for natural hazards ?
Some practice mock drills, eq drills, and mock evacuations, others run to shelters. SOme arn/t so luck who have nowhere ot go and thus remain and hide oout in poorly built homes –> <1/3 residents in Smar have nowhere to eat if a Typhoon strikes
What are the environmental risks?
The geographical location the phillipines on the western rim of the Ring of Fire puts the country at risk.
The ongoing deforestation in the Philipines exacerbate the liability to the damage done the earthquakes, volcanoes, and typhoons. The removal of vegetation results bare, smoother land w/ fewr trees and roots to hold trees together —> soils are more liable to be saturated by the rains –> mudslides form easily.
Mudslides + landslides kills survivors.
With the increase in global temperatures , water are getting warmer and thus more liable to form tropical storms that will hit w/ greater intensity. The effects of global warming will make it harder to respond to different hazards. Strong storms –> stronger and higher storm surges and more risk to low lying coastal.
Many small island are cut off from communication, electctricity.
what were the economic risks ?
The philipines has a few provinces where >45% population is in poverty –> most ppl ar ein poverty. W/ most ppl being employed in the informal sector, a steady job is hard to obtain and thus raising money for food, necessities and a sturdy home is v vhard –> ppl v v vulberable bc homes don’t have stable infrastrucuture. – more likley to be impacted by a hazard.
Unlike Japan, the Philipenes doesnt have an early warning system in place that will detect and warn about sucumbing disasters –> mostly bc govt hasnt got enough money and the population dont make enough to pay taxes that could collectively afford that w/o denting their own livelihoods. This puts the Phillipines at greater risk bc ppl are unaware and often unprepared for these hazards. –> leads to the fatalistic outlook that “if its meant to be it’ll be”.
A fisherman Osias Grenfiel claims that whilst he thought the wolrd was ending when he saw the storm surges approaching he wanted to get to higher ground however, there is “sap sap” a tasty local fish that he sells well and that forms the basis of his income and thus its very had to leave for him to leave.
what are some social risks?
the lack of education, sanitation, healthcare available that is accessible in the phillipines has resulted in secondary hazards such as cholera, diarrhoea outbreaks –> increase in mortality rate as the population dies bc of the illness and lack of healthcare –> hard to dispose of dead infected bodies amidst the rubble + debris of the natural disaster.
Ill ppl are also less prepared for the next hazard that strikes and thus are alwyas at risk.
Many ppl live in coastal homes which often are low lying bc they often hoast the most economic benefeits. The most productive natural ecosystems are at the coast which can have economic benefits ie fishing, trading, sponges, slat etc –> supports may people economically howver v v liable to natural disasters ie eq/tsunamis and tyhphoons will often deluge the regions and damage homes, infras, andthus cause trauma.
When HUrricane Haiyan struk Leyte, more than >10,000 ppl died in Coastal city of Tacloban
- the large pop density in these regions also exacerbates the death toll as >er damage/km2 as more ppl affected.
what changes over time are likely to have an impact on the nature of the hazards ?
climate change and rapid population increase resulting in urban expansion.
How will climate change affect the nature of the hazards over time?
Tropical storms are likely to become more hazardous and severe as windspeeds incrase and temp of water increase thus storm has more energy –> more precipitation and thsflooding etc –> may delay the developements that the philipine community had as they are already battered by th ~20 storms /yr.
Tropical storms are more likely to be more frequent, have greater strength and wider impacts that could impact the world .
Which 2 companies were called Climate Change Hearing in Manila 2018 as a result of their input in effect of climate change and the subsequent impact on the Phillipines?
BP and SHELL –> oil companies which have factories and offices and rigs in the Philipines whilst they are aware of the input they have to excacerbating the climate change.
The combustion of fossil fuels and the > release of carbon emmisions has resulted in more frequent hazards which is decreasing the filipinos qal of life .
They were summmoned by GreenPeace SE Asia bc of their disregard for the philipine population as the combiustion of fossil fuels continues ot occur .
How does unregulated population exacerbate the impact of some natural hazards?
HIgh birth rates and thus unregulated pop growth (as a resultof the youthful population) will mean that mreo ppl /km2 are affected by the hazards. More aid is required. More homes are damaged and the cost of repair, aid etc will be greater.
Where is BOHOL
On the Visayas region of the Phillipines. It sits on the Sunda and the Phillipine plate –> EQ thought to have occured as a result of the undiscovered fault runnign through Bohol.
Located 100km NW of Manila on Luzon Island of the Philipines. Despite the energetic, active eruption, it had been lst dormat 400 yrs prior to 19991
Where DID HAIYAN occur?
Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in Tacloban, Leyte provice –> a coastal region. Bc this region is coastal it was mroe prone to Thphoons, floodings and hurricane type hazards than tectonic and seismic hazards.
Whilst no tsunamis have ever occured here, storm surges have been recorded to similar effects.