MH-60S EPs Flashcards
What are the MADCD responsibilities?
- Maintain control of the aircraft.
- Alert crew.
- Determine the precise nature of the problem.
- Complete the applicable emergency procedure or take action appropriate for the problem.
- Determine landing criteria and land as required.
What are the landing criteria?
- Land immediately: Execute a landing without delay.
- Land as soon as possible: Execute a landing at the first site at which a safe landing can be made.
- Land as soon as practicable: Extended flight is not recommended. The landing site and duration of flight are at the discretion of the Pilot In Command (PIC).
What are the circuit breaker handling terms?
Check: Visually observe circuit breaker condition. Do not change condition.
Pull: If circuit breaker is in, pull circuit breaker out. If circuit breaker is out, do not change condition.
Reset: If circuit breaker is out, push circuit breaker in. If circuit breaker is in, do not change condition.
Cycle: If circuit breaker is in, pull circuit breaker out, and then push circuit breaker back in. If circuit breaker is out, do not change condition.
Only reset popped CBs once, and do not hold in CB as it may cause electrical fire.
What is a single engine condition?
A flight regime that permits sustained flight with One Engine Inoperative (OEI). Establishing single-engine conditions may include increasing power available, decreasing power required, and achieving single-engine airspeed.
What are the indications of an engine malfunction in flight?
Fluctuations in Ng, Np, or TRQ.
What are the steps for engine malfunction in flight?
- Control Nr.
- CONTGCY PWR switch - ON.
- Single-engine conditions - Establish.
- ENG ANTI-ICE switches - As required.
- External cargo/stores/fuel - Jettison/dump, as required.
- Identify malfunction.
What are the NWCs for engine malfunction in flight?
1W: Flying with greater than 110 percent torque with one engine inoperative may result in unrecoverable decay of Nr in the event of a dual-engine failure.
2W: With engine anti-ice on, up to 18% torque available is lost. Torque may be reduced as much as 49% with improperly operating engine inlet anti-ice valves.
What are the indications of engine high-side failure in flight?
(#1/#2) ENG SPEED HI
Trq is 10% greater than other engine
Ng is 5% or greater than other engine
Np is matched within 5% of other engine
Nr is at or above 103%.
What is the emergency procedure for engine high-side failure in flight?
*1 Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
*2 PCL (malfunctioning engine) - Retard to set:
a. Torque 10% below good engine, or
b. Matched Ng, or
c. Matched TGT.
What are the NWCs for engine high-side failure in flight?
1N: Ng does not pass through EDECU and is a highly reliable signal.
2N: TRQ signal may be erratic or drop-off for high-side conditions driven by EDECU failure.
3N: With high collective settings, Nr may increase slowly making high-side failure confirmation difficult.
What are the indications of engine high-side failure on deck? (Think a singular Caution)
(#1/#2) Eng Speed Hi CL.
What is the procedure for engine high-side failure on deck?
- PCL (malfunctioning engine) - IDLE.
What are the indications of engine low-side failure?
Torque of one engine is less than other
Nr decreases below normal selected speed
(#1/#2) ENG SPEED LOW CL [if:]
- TRQ is 10% below good engine
- Ng is 5% or less than good engine
- Np is at or below 98%
- Nr is at or below 97%.
What is the emergency procedure for engine low-side failure?
*1 Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
What causes engine TRQ/TGT spiking? ( 2 Answers )
Failures/Malfunctions in engine electronic circuitry
Water-contaminated fuel.
What triggers the TQR Split CL // what is the allowable transient split // if its matched in how much time after establishing steady state collective position?
Difference between engine torques is > 10%.
~ 26%
~ Within 6 seconds
What to do if engine TRQ/TGT is spiking?CMIs
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure — Perform.
If fuel contamination is suspected: - Land as soon as possible.
What are the NWCs for engine TRQ/TGT spiking?
1W: PCL movement during engine fluctuations may precipitate an engine failure.
1N: Maintaining a low power setting when moving the PCL will minimize the Nr decay rate if the malfunctioning engine fails.
What causes compressor stall?
disturbance of the smooth airflow through the engine, compressor damage, loss of blade/vane material due to erosion, salt encrustation, ice ingestion.
What are the indications of compressor stall? ( THE actual indications in the EP)
- Popping, rumbling, or loud banging
- Rapid rise in TGT
- Ng hangup or rapid decrease
- Loss of power.
What is the procedure for compressor stall?
(1C) *1. Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
*2. PCL (malfunctioning engine) - IDLE.
How may A Eng High Speed Shaft Failure manifest itself?
If the High-speed shaft seal breaks what other problems may manifest?
If we figure it out what can my crew do to prevent it from actually failing ?
as a high-intensity, medium- to high-frequency vibration that may be felt throughout the aircraft. A howl may accompany the vibration.
XMSN problems because I`m loosing oil PX from it
Secure that respective Engine.
What is the procedure for engine high-speed shaft failure?
(1C) 1. Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
2. PCL (malfunctioning engine) - OFF.
What causes load demand system malfunction?
Roll-pin failure
LDS Cable Malfunction.
What are the LDS malfunction indications on deck?
PCLs in IDLE: Ng of malfunctioning engine 3% to 4% higher than other engine.
During rotor engagement: Engine with the failed LDS will indicate a higher torque.
What are the LDS malfunction indications in flight?
Initial collective increase during takeoff: Torque split.
Stable hover: Matched torques (no indications of failure).
Collective increases (below approx 75%): Torque split.
What are the abort start indications?
Abort engine start if any of the following limits are exceeded:
- N g does not reach 14% within 6
seconds after starter initiation. - No oil pressure within 30 seconds after starter initiation (do not motor engine).
- No light-off within 30 seconds after moving PCL to IDLE.
- ENG STARTER advisory disappears before reaching 52% N g .
- TGT is likely to exceed 851 °C before idle speed is attained.
What is the procedure to abort start?
To abort start:
*1. PCL - OFF.
If engine oil pressure is indicated:
*3. Starter - ENGAGE.
What is the caution during abort start?
Failure to immediately stop fuel flow may result in engine overtemperature.
What are the steps for engine malfunction during hover/takeoff?
- Control Nr.
- CONTGCY PWR switch - ON.
If a suitable landing site exists: - Set level attitude, eliminate drift, cushion landing.
If able to transition to forward flight: - Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
What are the indications of dual-engine failure?
Nr rapid decay
Left Yaw.
What is the procedure for dual-engine failure?
*1. Autorotation — Establish.
*2. Immediate Landing/Ditching emergency
procedure — Perform.
If time and altitude permit:
*3. Engine Air Restart emergency procedure —
What are the NWCs for dual-engine failure?
(1W) Delay in lowering the collective following a dual-engine failure or the loss of the second engine after a single-engine failure will result in loss of rotor rpm and may cause catastrophic failure of the rotor system due to dynamic instability at low rpm.
(2W) If the collective TRIM REL switch is not depressed, altitude hold could result in a catastrophic loss of N r .
(3W) Flying with greater than 110% torque with one engine inoperative, may result in unrecoverable decay of N r in the event of a dual-engine failure.
What are the indications of single engine failure in flight?
- Left yaw
- Nr decreases
- (#1/#2) ENG OUT CL (<55% Ng)
- Explosion/Unusual Noise
What is the procedure for single-engine failure in flight?
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
What are the considerations for attempting a engine air restart?
No fire, FOD, mechanical failure
What is the procedure for engine air restart?
(1C/1N) 1. #1 and #2 FUEL BOOST pushbuttons-ON
2. APU Emergency Start Procedure-as required
3. Engine ignition switch-NORM
4. Fuel selector lever(s)-DIR or XFD
6. Starter- Engage, motor engine.
*7. PCL — IDLE (TGT 80 °C or less, if time permits).
*8. PCL — Advance to FLY after starter dropout.
What are the NWCs for engine air restart?
1C: For a crossbleed start, the donor engine should indicate the maximum Ng safely obtainable.
1W: f APU is unavailable, and a crossbleed start is necessary, maximum torque available will be reduced during the start sequence. Depending on operating conditions, level flight may not be possible.
1N: Failure to ensure AIR SOURCE ECS/START switch is placed to ENG for crossbleed starts will result in failed engine start.
Is the APU self contained?
the APU does not have a containment device.
What should be done if a safe takeoff is possible during ground resonance?
Take off immediately.
What should be done if a safe takeoff is not possible during ground resonance?
- PCLs - OFF
- Rotor brake - Apply.
What should be done during unusual vibrations on deck?
- Collective - Lower.
- PCLs - OFF.
- Rotor brake - Apply as required.
What are the NWC for Unusual Vibration?
Application of the rotor brake may aggravate lead/lag tendencies and cause a mechanical failure.
• Continued operations with unusual on-deck vibrationsmay result in rotor system damage or mechanical failures.
What should be done if hung droop stops are encountered? (CMI for EP)
Reengage rotor to greater than 75% Nr.
What caution light indicates low Rotor RPM / at what percentage does it display?
Low Rotor RPM CL (Nr < 96%).
What should be done if main transmission failure is imminent?
What should be done if secondary indications of main transmission malfunction are present?
What should be done if tail/intermediate transmission failure is imminent?
Land immediately.
What should be done if tail/intermediate transmission failure is not imminent?
Land as soon as possible.
What are causes of loss of T/R drive?
Failure of T/R gearbox, intermediate gearbox, or T/R driveshaft.
What are indications of loss of T/R drive?
Right yaw, nose pitch up, aircraft settling.
What should be done if loss of T/R drive with sufficient altitude and airspeed occurs? CMI
- PAC call - ‘AUTO, AUTO, AUTO’
- Autorotation - Establish.
- Drive failure - Attempt to verify.
- Immediate Landing/Ditching EP - Perform.
- PCLs - OFF when directed.
What should be done if loss of T/R drive with insufficient altitude and airspeed occurs?
- Collective - Lower.
- PNAC - Hands on PCLs.
- PCLs - OFF when directed.
What are causes of loss of tail rotor control?
Cable failures, servo failures, restricted flight controls.
What turns on the T/R quadrant Light?
One or both cables leading to T/R quadrant are broken.
*1. Check for tail rotor control.
If tail rotor control is not available:
*2. Loss of Tail Rotor Control emergency
procedure — Perform.
If tail rotor control is available:
3. Land as soon as practicable.
What speeds allow us to maintain your control with a tail servo malfunction
Yaw is controllable between 40 and 120 KIAS.
What should be done if loss of tail rotor control occurs?CMI
Collective/airspeed - adjust as required to control yaw.
What should be considered if servo hardovers occur in the yaw channel?
Securing the SAS/BOOST and/or TRIM as necessary.
What does the HYD warning indicate?
Land immediately.