Mexican Revolution Flashcards
Porfirio Diaz
One of Juarez’s generals elected president of Mexico, dominated Mexican politics for 35 years; politically characterized by infinite reelections, violence to crush the opposition, control of the press, and authoritarian centralism
ABC Powers
Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, seen as the three most powerful, most influential and wealthiest countries in South America.
Agua Prieta revolt
plan that articulated the reasons for rebellion against the government of Venustiano Carranza
Alvaro Obregon
soldier, statesman, and reformer who, as president, restored order to Mexico after a decade of political upheavals and civil war that followed the revolution of 1910.
a circle of technocratic advisors to President of Mexico Porfirio Díaz
the state of being certain or very confident of something
Constitution of 1917
Current constitution of Mexico, contained a guarantee of personal freedoms and civil liberties and also establishes economic and political principles for the country.
Decena Tragica
was a series of events that took place in Mexico City in 1913 that led to a coup d’état and the assassination of President Francisco I. Madero, and his Vice President, José Suárez.
Emiliano Zapata
an accomplished guerrilla leader during the Mexican Revolution, and he strongly opposed the hacienda system that characterized much of rural Mexican life.
Felix Diaz
was a Mexican politician and general
He was a leading figure in the rebellion against President Francisco I Madero during the Mexican Revolution
Francisco “Pancho” Villa
commander of a rebellion in the northern portion of Mexico
former bandit who led farmers, railroaders, and cowboys
considered a hero of Mexico
helped remove Diaz
supported Madero
Francisco I. Madero
wealthy son of an elite family
tried to run against Diaz-wanted to make moderate democratic political reforms
Diaz rigged the election and arrest Maderowhen Madero returned from prison, he started the rebellion becomes president of Mexico in 1911
asked Huerta for help and is assassinated by him in 1913 by Huerta
Henry Lane Wilson
his role in the Pact of the Embassy resulted in charges in Mexico that he colluded with General Victoriano Huerta to overthrow the Madero government and failed to protect the life of Madero.
Jesus Flores Magon
was a noted Mexican anarchist and social reform activist. He has been considered an important participant in the social movement that sparked the Mexican Revolution.
is an anarchist, or more precisely anarcho-communist, school of thought precursor of the Mexican Revolution of 1910
Plan de Agua Prieta
plan, that articulated the reasons for rebellion against the government of Venustiano Carranza.
Plan de Ayala
helped raise support for Zapata by uniting smaller rebellions under the common banner of land reform.
Plan de Guadalupe
The plan gave Carranza interim power over Executive Power until peace was restored and then call for new elections.
Plan de La Noria
a revolutionary call to arms intended to oust Mexican President Benito Juárez,
Plan de San Luis Potosi
In this declaration, Madero rejects the outcome of the elections and implores Mexicans to engage in an armed revolt against the illegitimate ruler, Díaz.
Plan de Tacubaya
issued against the radical liberal Constitution of 1857 that among other provisions abolished special privileges of the Catholic Church and the army.
Plan de Tuxtepec
sought to dismiss Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada and thereby proclaiming the principle of no re-election.
Punitive Expedition
into Mexico to capture or kill Villa and disperse his rebels.
Federal corps of rural police to combat the banditry that threatened travel and commerce throughout Mexico.
female soldiers, with rebel or federal forces, fought either by choice or coercion.
Terrazas Luis
He was a leader of the Cientificos during the regime of Porfirio Diaz and was the founder of the influential Creel-Terrazas Family.
Venustiano Carranza
Carranza became the first president of the new Mexican republic following the overthrow of dictator Porfirio Diaz.
Victoriano Huerta
An important figure in the Mexican Revolution, he fought against Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Félix Díaz and other rebels before and during his time in office.
Ypiranga incident
The United States occupation of Veracruz in 1914, began with the Battle of Veracruz and lasted for seven months, as a response to the Tampico Affair of April 9, 1914.
Diego Rivera
with the reintroduction of fresco painting into modern art and architecture.