Mexican independence Flashcards
Missions were built in west Texas in order to convert natives and expand the Spanish empire
Missions were built in east Texas to keep the French out of Texas
Which of the following established San Jose y San Miguel in 1720?
Antonio Margil de Jesus
What was the first mission built in east Texas
San Francisco de los tejas
Jose de Escandom was a military commander and governor of Nuevo Santander
Which expedition was sent by French in order to start a colony on the Mississippi River
La salle expedition
Who was a Franciscan priest who traveled along with Alonso De Leon
Damian Massanet
La Bahia was one of four presidios in east Texas that later on went on to become Nacogdoches
Los Adaes was at one time the capitol of Spanish Texas
Warrior tribes such as the Comanche and Apache were open to converting to Christianity
Nearly all the Spanish settlements were built near
The word Vaquero in Spanish means
Which of the following were military outposts established by Spain
Which of the following was sent to destroy fort St.louis
Alonso De Leon
Father Damian Massanet asked the viceroy to reopen the east Texas missions
Corpus Christi de La Ysleta was founded in 1682
The Tejas accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ with open arms
The Alamo was at first known as San Antonio’s de Valero
Which of the following best describes Addis pet dragon
All of the above
True or false:a filibuster was the term of a prisoner in a Mexican prison
True or false: The United States purchased the Louisiana territory
true or false:Spain had little control of Pecan point because the America settlers considered themselves part of Arkansas
True or false:Antonio Martinez was unable to help the troops because they were loyal to France
Spain’s failure to colonize Texas throughput the 1700 was in the part due to conflicts with the Apaches and Comanches
True or false:Spanish Governor Ripperda wanted to keep the settlers safe but could not be USA she didn’t have the troops to do it
Power belongs to the people
What is the el Camino Real and where did it go
Connects all missions led to Mexico City
Explain the Adam onis treaty
Gave Florida to U.S
Who was sent to investigate the need for missions in new Spain
Neither country “officially recognized it
Why did the town of Bucareli failed to thrive
A Mexican Governor
Who governed the settlers who lived in Ysleta?
Antonio de Gtermin
Who was the leader of the East Texas found in Nacogdoches
Gil Y’baro
What was the largest settlement in Texas when Mexico became independence from Spain in 1821
San Antonio
What was the result of the Louisiana Purchase French kicked out of North America
Most identified as Americans not tejans
Rebel leader sent to U.S for Money
Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara