Metrorail Responses Flashcards
What should personnel Carry and Don prior to operating anywhere in the metro system?
All personnel shall carry a hand light and don reflective gear
The mitigation of emergency incidents involving Metrorail requires what?
A deliberate, coordinated approach by all responders
When can personnel enter the track bed?
Permission has been granted by the IC
OCC has confirmed all power has been removed
OCC has confirmed all train movement has stopped
The third real power has been tested by fire department personnel using the volt probe or hot stick
What equipment should flaggers have with them?
Flashlights and portable radios
Flaggers should be positioned on each side of the incident at how many feet?
What is the greatest hazard on a railroad?
A moving train
Where should WSAD’s be placed?
They shall be placed on each section of de-energized third rail
What is the best method for power removal?
Have OCC remove power between specific chain markers.
What is the most common type of incident occurring within the metro rail system?
EMS incident
Personnel should make contact with who immediately upon arrival?
Senior metro official
What must be confirmed as soon as possible?
Exact location and nature of the incident
If responding units determined that the incident or patient is located on the right-of-way what must be asked for?
Additional resources
In addition to making contact with the senior metro official and attempting to confirm the location the nature of the incident what else should be first arriving unit attempt to determine?
Third rail power
Train movement
Other pertinent information
Should the location of the incident be in the right away the first arriving suppression officer on the scene shall establish what?