Metrics and estimation Flashcards
3 common failures
- developers lack technical knowledge
- developers lack domain knowledge
- epic (story too big)
who is responsible for prioritisation in scrum
product owner - writes story and does prioritisation
devs can help write technical user stories if needed
devs don’t always have relevant experience in the field, such as communicating with client
what scenarios are in scope for acceptance criteria
you can work with a subset of input data
can defer conditional steps to other stories
you can defer data validation
you can defer error handling - should be handled by developers when carryinf out test, not really to do with stories
2 kinds of epics
compound epics
complex epics
compound epics
comprises of multiple shorter stories
complex epics
- cannot be easily disaggregated into smaller stories
- use spikes to find out how to split epics
- important to know if something is impossible earlier on
spend some time over a couple iterations working on a particular problem in order to estimate how long it would take to build