f: (X,dx) -> (Y,dy) continuous
⟺ f(A_) ⊆ f(A)_ , ∀A ⊆X
⟺ f^(-1)(V) open in X whenever V open in Y
⟺ f^(-1)(V) closed in X whenever V closed in Y
f: (X,dx) -> (Y,dy) continuous at a
ε>0, ∃δ>0:
dy(f(x),f(a)) < ε ⟹ dx(x,a)<δ
A⊆(X,d) bounded
∃x∈X , ∃k∈R:
d(a,x)<=k, ∀a∈A
diameter of non-empty bounded A⊆(X,d)
sup{d(x,y): x,y∈A}
open ball in X centred at a with radius r
Br(a) = {x∈X: d(x,a)<r}
A⊆X open in X
∀a∈A, ∃ε>0: Bε(a)⊆A
x∈X is limit point of A⊆X
ε>0, (Bε(x)\{x})∩A ≠ ∅
interior of A⊆X
A∘ := {a∈A: Bε(a)⊆A for some ε>0}
(xn) converges to a point x∈X
ε>0, ∃N: xn∈Bε(x) whenever n>=N
(xn) Cauchy
ε>0, ∃N: d(xm,xn) < ε whenever m,n>=N
d1, d2 on X “Lipschitz equivalent”
∃h,k positive constants:
∀x,y∈X, hd2(x,y)<=d1(x,y)<=kd2(x,y)
d1,d2 “topologically equivalent”
A⊆X d1-open in X
A⊆X d2-open in X
f bijective such that
dy(f(x1),f(x2)) = dx(x1,x2), ∀x1,x2∈X
A⊆X dense in X
A_ = X
x point of closure of A⊆(X,d)
ε>0, Bε(x)∩A ≠ ∅
f:X->Y “uniformly continuous” on X
ε>0, ∃δ>0:
dy(f(x),f(x’)) < ε ⟹ dx(x,x’)<δ
X compact, f continuous
Lebesque number
- C is cover for A.
- lebesque number for C is a real ε>o:
B↓(ε) (a) contained in single set of C for ∀a∈A.
ε-net for X
N⊆X : {B↓(ε) (x): x∈N} covers X, some ε>0
X “complete”
if every Cauchy sequence in X converges (to a point of X)