METOC Flashcards
How does Naval Oceanography support the Information Dominance Mission?
They develop and deliver dominant information capabilities in support of U.S. Navy, Joint and national warfighting requirements
What are the types of METOC products available through Navy Oceanography portal- oceanography webpage?
- U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO)
- Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
- Naval Oceanography Operations Command (NOOC)
- Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
- Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO)
Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
Agency responsible for issuing tropical cyclone warnings for Pacific and Indian Oceans
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
Provides highest quality, most relevant and timely worldwide meteorology. Operations Center is in Monterey California.
Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO)
Maximizes seapower by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. Natioanl Security.
Wind Direction
Average direction from which the wind is blowing during a specified period.
Wind Speed
Avreage rate of air motion, or the distance air moves in a specified unit of time.
Ambient air
Reflects the amount of heat present in the air.
Wind Chill
Temperature required under no-wind conditions that will equal the cooling effect of the air and the wind on an average sized, nude person in the shade.
Heat Stress
Measure of how hot the air feels based on temerature and humidity
All forms of moisture that fall to earths surface
Ex: Rain, drizzle, snow, hail.
Observed and classified by form, type, intensity, and character
Relative Humidity
Ratio of how much water vapor is in the air, compared to the amount of water vapor air can hold.
Sky Condition
Description of the sky or “State-of-the-sky”
Atmospheric pressure
Refers to the pressure exerted by the column of air on any point of the earths surface
Air Mass
Large volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.
Measurement and recording of subsurface water temperature at various depths. Normally conducted at 100 fathoms (600ft) or greater.
Plankton organisms are chiefly responsible for bioluminescence of the sea. It is a bluish-green glow in the water.
Sea wave
Also known as wind waves, generated by the wind in the local area. Light winds produce small wave heights, higher winds produce larger heights.
Wave height
Vertical distance from crest of a wave to trough. Measured in feet.
Wave period
Time it takes a complete wave cycle (crest to crest or trough to trough) to pass a given fixed point. Measured in seconds.
Swell wave
Seas that have moved out and away from the area in which they were formed.
Current that flows away from the shore with a falling tide
Current that flows toward the shore as a rising tide.
Sea level rises over several hours, covering the intertidal zone, flood tide. When water hits highest level, it has reached high tide.
Sea level falls over several hours, revealing intertidal zone, ebb tide. When the water stops falling, it has reached low tide.
Three layers within the ocean
Mixed Layer
Deep layer
Mixed Layer
Upper layer. Consists of nearly uniform, warmer temperatures. Extends from surface to about 450 meters
Center layer. Found at base of mixed layer, marked by rapid decrease of water temp.
Deep layer
Bottom layer. Characterized by a fairly constant cold temperatures, less then 4 degrees celcius.
What three factors effect the transmission of sound in seawater?
Temperature- Speed decreases as temperature decreases.
Pressure- Sound increases as depth (pressure) increases
Salinity- Does not effect open ocean due to salinity values being near constant. Higher the salinity, the greater the speed.
Effects atmospheric conditions have on electromagnetic radiation.
Standard refraction- Change in direction of a wave due to change in speed.
Super-refraction: Bends the beam toward the earth
Sub-refraction: Bends the beam away from earth
Trapping: Similar to ducting.
Small Craft Warning
Issued in Harbors, inland waters, and coastal OPAREAS. Lower limit of sustained winds speed varies by region.
Gale Warning
Areas experiencing wind speeds of 35 knots or higher.
Storm Warning
Areas experiencing wind speeds of 50 knots or higher.