Methods of Research and Thesis Writing Flashcards
It is a key to progress
He defines research as a “careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method according to the nature and conditions of the problem identified, directed toward the classification or resolution (or both) of a problem
Good, p.464
He says that “research is, simply, the systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem. After a careful, systematic search for the research worker has analyzed and interpreted the data, he eventually faces another essential task – that of preparing the research report.”
Aquino, p.1
He defines research as “a systematic study or investigation of something for the purpose of answering questions posed by the research”
Parel (Cited by Sanchez, p.2)
They commented that “research in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions to problems. More precisely, it is the collection of data in a rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.”
Treece and Treece, p.3
He defined as “the process of gathering data or information to information to solve a particular or specific problem in a scientific manner.”
Manuel and Medel, p.5
It may be defined as a purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analysing, classifying, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life.
Enumeration: Purpose of Research (Aims, Objectives, Goals)
- To discover new facts about known phenomena.
- To find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing methods and information.
- Improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products.
- To discover previously unrecognized substances or elements.
- Discover pathways of action of known substances and elements.
- To order relate, valid generalizations into systematized science
- To provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education, government, and in other undertakings.
- To satisfy the researcher’s curiosity.
- To find answer to queries by means of scientific methods.
- To acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon that can be known and understood better by research is why women are generally smaller than men.
- To expand or verify existing knowledge.
- To improve educational practices for raising the quality of school products.
- To promote health and prolong life.
- To provide man with more of his basic needs-more and better food, clothing, shelter, etc.
- To make work, travel, and communication faster, easier, and more comfortable
Enumeration: Characteristics of Good Research
*Research gathers new knowledge or data from primary or first hand source.
*Research is expect, systematic and accurate investigation.
*Research is logical and objectives, applying every possible test to verify the data collected and the procedures employed.
*Research endeavors to organize data in quantitative terms, if possible, and express them numerical measure.
*Research is carefully recorded ad reported
Enumeration: characteristics of research may summarized as follows
- Research is systematic.
- Research is controlled.
- Research is empirical.
- Research is analytical.
- Research is objective, unbiased, and logical.
- Research employs hypothesis.
- Research employs quantitative or statistical methods.
- Research is original work.
- Research is done by an expert.
- Research is accurate investigation, observation and description.
- Research is patient and unhurried activity.
- Research requires an effort-making capacity.
- Research requires courage.
According to Treece and Treece, Jr. (pp. 47-48), the differences between the two are summarized as follows
1. There may not be a problem, only interest in answering a question or a query
2. A research problem is more rigorous and broader in scope
3. the research problem is not necessarily defined specifically
4. All research is intended to solve some kind of problem but this is not the primary aim
5. Research is conducted not primarily to solve a problem but to make a contribution to general knowledge
6. Research is concerned with broad problems, and wide application through generalization
1. There is always a problem to be solved
2. A problem to be solved is less rigorous and less broad
3. The problem to be solved has to be defined specifically and identified definitely
4. Problem-solving does not always involve research
5. Problem-solving is always intended to solve a problem
6. Problem-solving is concerned with specific problem and once the problem is solved that is the end of it
Enumeration: Kinds and Classifications of Research
*According to goal
*According to the levels of investigation
*According to choice of answers to problems
*According to statistical content
*According to time element
Enumeration: The Scientific Method of Research (Treece and Treece, Jr., p.47)
- Determining (recognizing) the problem;
- Forming a hypothesis;
- Doing the library search;
- Designing the study;
- Developing the instruments for collecting data;
- Collecting data;
- Analyzing data;
- Determining implications and conclusion from the findings;
- Making recommendations for further research.
Enumeration: Principles of the scientific method
*Rigid control,
*Systematic organization, and
*Rigorous standards
refers to the manipulation of the research variables.
Rigid control
are those things that vary in quantity and quality which are to be manipulated by the researcher
means that there should be no bias or partiality in treating the results of the inquiry
refers to proper and accurate tabulation of data as well as presenting them in statistical tables ready for interpretation.
Systematic organization