Methods Of Research 1 Flashcards
Knowledge based purely on the opinion of the individual
Quantitative data
Raw/ statistical data
Qualitative data
Extended written data long and in detail
Practicality, ethical issues, reliability, validity, Examples, representative, theoretical
Practical stuff need to consider when doing research like costs and funding which is the budget. The time availability of participants which could lead to problems as observations take a lot of time then type of data the characteristics of researcher what the subject is if appropriate for the participant the size of the sample and compromises you have to take to access the participants
Ethical issues
Vunerable groups where care consent and consideration used when accepting information about them
Harm psychologicaly or emotional harm when getting research
Privacy don’t take over participants lives
Confidentiality keep their views private
Legality don’t break the law during the research
The research collected by researcher will produce Same or similar results if collected by different researcher so data accurate
Has the hypothesis of the research been accurately answered or swayed from original plan
Use examples form other sociological pieces of research that have been done by other researcher to check if your method is appropriate by comparing
Is the data from sample typical to the population in the sample if so research be generalised
Refers if research is conducted positivism or interpretivism
Factors influencing reliability
Research methods like structured interviews are reliable as they can be repeated multiple times
Data type qualitative data more accurate than quantitative as it has more detail in the data collected
Participants will not likely match the research so more participants less reliable
Hawthorn effect
Factors influencing validity as it is where people will consciously or unconsciously alter behaviour if they are being watched only because of observation
Factors influencing validity
Social desireibilyy changing answe to be considered normal
Demand characteristics changing answer so researcher here’s what he wants to say
Group dynamics peer pressure
Qualitative data tend to be open to I terpretaion so lower research validity