Methods of Establishment & Types of Security Bases Flashcards
What are the methods of Establishing Security Bases?
Methods of Establishing Security Bases
(a) Random System
(b) Grid System
What are the facts that the detail recce in random system?
Random System. The detail recce should try to find following facts.
(a) Suitability of the area for establishment of the base from tactical point of view.
(b) Possibility of logistic cover.
(c) Availability of suitable piece of ground for the base.
(d) Possibility of coordination with local administration and other security agencies.
(e) Level of insurgency.
(f) Suitability of the location for the achievement of the aim.
(g) Attitude of the local population and means to win their support.
(h) Ensure the security of local population.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Random System?
Followings are the advantages of this method:
(a) Can address the immediate problem.
(b) Suitable locations for the bases can be selected as per the requirement.
(c) Insurgent activities will be effectively interfered.
(e) More economic.
(f) Surprise can be maintained.
Despite having a number of advantages of the random system of establishing the security bases, it has following disadvantages.
(a) Difficult to maintain the newly established security bases.
(b) Areas with the insurgent’s hold are left behind.
(c) Difficult to cover and dominate remote areas thereby giving freedom of movement for the insurgents.
(d) Lack of coordination and mutual support among the security bases.
(e) More troops are engaged for security of base.
What are the advantages of disadvantages of Grid System?
The main advantages of the grid System are as follows:
(a) Mutual support and coordination among the security bases.
(b) Troops can gradually and systematically adapt with the situation and terrain.
(c) Systematic clearance of the affected area.
(d) Newly established bases are less vulnerable to the insurgent’s threat.
(e) Progress of the security operation can be seen.
(f) Effective psychological operation can be launched.
The establishment of the security bases, despite having a number of advtgs, has fol disadvtgs:
(a) Can’t address the immediate necessity in the core area.
(b) More troops are required to produce the desired result.
(c) Takes longer time and requires more logistic support.
(d) Insurgents get free run for their activities in the core areas where there is no deployment of security forces.
What are the planning Considerations for Security Base?
(a) Selection of Suitable Ground.
(b) Command, Control, Coordination and Communication.
(c) Mutual Support.
(d) All Round Defences.
(e) Quick Reaction Team (QRT).
(f) Early Warning Elements.
(g) Protective Elements.
(h) Local Considerations.
(j) Assessment of Task.
(k) Obstacle Plan.
(i) Natural Obstacles.
(ii) Artificial Obstacles.
(l) Deception, Camouflage and Concealment.
(m) Availability of Time and Resources.
(n) Logistic Cover.
(o) Reserves.
(p) Contingency Positions.
How the selected ground should be?
(i) High and dominating ground which can be defended easily by minimum of troops.
(ii) It should be in such a place from where the actvts of the insurgents should be effectively controlled.
(iii) Should be in such a place from where a sense of sy among the local popn can be provided. But it should not be inside the village which undermines the security of the population.
(iv) It should be in such location from where effective coordination with local administration and other authorities can be maintained.
(v) The location of the security base should hinder the movement and logistic support of the insurgents.
What are the purposes of establishing various types of security bases in CI environment?
(a) To secure key lines of communication or infrastructure, VA/VP.
(b) To secure and co-operate the local populace.
(c) To force insurgents to operate elsewhere.
(d) Population & resources control.
(e) To dominate imp Trn/Rd/installation and prohibit the insurgent’s mvmnt.
(f) To separate/keep away insgts from their so-called bases/ front line.
(g) Collection of information.
(h) Establishment of local govt and support to conduct their duties.
What are the points that should be considered while establishing FOB?
(a) It should be closer/within the hostile influenced area.
(b) Location should be in such place from where effective operations can be launched to destroy the hostiles.
(c) Political situations/activities should be considered while selecting the base, from where security can be provided to the local population.
(d) Duration of troops in a FOB should be not less than six months.
(e) Location of FOB should be able to withstand any kind of hostile threat.
(f) Public opinion/aspiration.
While siting FOB, what are the points that should be considered?
(a) Location of the base should be either ideal from the tactical point of view or should be important place in the AOR, where we can apply all the principal of defence.
b) The principal of counterinsurgency operation should be to win the hearts and minds of the local population by providing them security. Keeping this point in mind, the base should be established closer to the village, which makes easier to secure them, but it should not be too close.
(c) It is desirable to have a landing point at close proximity.
(d) Place providing easy communication access.
(e) Health, enthusiasm and morale of the soldiers should not be undermined, so all the basic facilities like water, lodging, entertainment, games, telephone and postal facilities etc should be managed.
For the initial establishment of forward operating bases, What are the considerations that the priorities of work need to be considered?
(a) Ensuring the position is free of noncombatants. Removing them from the area of operations before occupying the position
(b) Selecting key weapons and crew-served weapon positions to cover likely avenues of approach.
(c) Clearing fields of fire. Prepare loopholes, aiming stakes, sector stakes, and target reference point markings. Construct positions with overhead cover and camouflage.
(d) Identifying and securing super surface and subsurface avenues of approach such as rooftops, sewers, basements, and stairwells.
(e) Constructing barriers and emplacing obstacles to deny the insurgent any access to streets, underground passages, and buildings, and to slow his movement in general.
(f) Integrating barriers or obstacles with key weapons.
(g) Improving and marking movement routes between positions, as well as to alternate and temporary positions.
(h) Stockpiling ammunition, food, firefighting equipment, and drinking water.
What are the capabilities of FOB?
(a) Troops should be physically fit for operations.
(b) It should be capable of countering the offensive action of insurgents at least for two days.
(c) Troops should be capable to defend until the reinforcement arrives at the time when some troops gone outside for operation.
(d) Capable of launching one to two days turn around operations (Raid or Patrolling) from FOB.
To have the capabilities, what courses of actions the FOBs should follow to achieve the predetermined goals?
(a) Formations/units should coordinate with each other to establish FOBs in AOR and make them mutually supported. Coordination is more essential while establishing FOBs in inter formation/unit boundaries.
(b) FOB should block the insurgent’s movement and supply corridors and to address the highly affected area which helps to make the people positive towards SF.
(c) There should be adequate strength in FOB for one or two-day turn around operation especially at night. If we conduct day operations only due to lack of troops, insurgents can bypass the FOB and continue their activities at night.
(d) Depending upon the information received, operations should be conducted in co-ordination with two or more FOBs to minimize the insurgent’s threat/activities and concentration of bail force.
(e) Continuous area domination operations cause fatigue in troops whereas the operations only on accurate information lacks area domination, so there must be balance. All the CI operations (patrolling, check point, covert ops, CASO, SADO) should create positive impact on civilian population.
What are the points that should be considered in MOB?
(a) It should be dominating area, which can be defended with minimum defensive preparations.
(b) Location should be in such place from where effective operations can be launched to destroy the hostiles.
(c) Security of local population should be considered while establishing MOB.
(d) Duration for occupation of MOB should not be more than 48 hours.
(e) Location of MOB should be able to withstand any kind of hostile threat.
What are the situations for Establishing MOB?
(a) A requirement to cease all movement to avoid detection.
(b) A requirement to hide the unit during a lengthy, detailed reconnaissance of the objective area.
(c) A need to prepare food, maintain weapons and equipment, and rest after extended movement.
(d) A need to formulate a final plan and issue orders for actions at the objective.
(e) A requirement for reorganization after a patrol has infiltrated the insurgent area in small groups.
(f) A need for a base where several consecutive or concurrent operations, such as ambush, raid, reconnaissance, or surveillance patrols can be conducted.
While siting MOB, what are the points should be considered?
(a) Location of the base should be ideal from the tactical point.
(b) It is desirable to have a helipad at close proximity.
(c) Place providing easy communication access.
What may be the effects in case of destruction of VA/VP installations, points or areas by the insurgents?
(a) Impact on Defence or security aspects of the country/state.
(b) Impact on daily works of the government and administration.
(c) Unacceptable loss on economy.
(d) Obstruction in public services.
What may be the military and civil VA & VP?
(a) Military
(i) Ammunition dumps.
(ii) Medicinal dumps or depots.
(iii) Radar Sites.
(iv) HQ and operation room.
(v) Communication and signal centers
(b) Civil
(i) Important government officers and treasuries.
(ii) Radio, television and telecommunication.
(iii) Water, resources, tanks/pumps.
(iv) Airport and railway station.
(v) Main bridges.
(vi) Police HQ.
(vii) Banks.
(viii) Petrol dumps/oil corporation.
What are the threats that VA/VPs may be faced with?
(a) Threat of security and leakage of information of value to the insurgents from the HQ/ops room.
(b) Destruction of the essential services and communication network.
(c) Killing or assignation of VIPs and other personals especially those on duty.
(d) Burning of government offices and records, residences of VIPs, stores, houses, industrial complexes and infrastructures etc.
(e) Looting of banks and government treasuries.
What may be the probable signs of threat to VA/VPs?
(a) Widespread intelligence on a target.
(b) Subversive activities to the person of villagers.
(c) Theft of weapon, explosive and instrument.
(d) Intelligence report.
What are the points to be included for security plan of VA/VP at battalion and company level?
(a) Before taking over the security of VA and VPs coordinate with the officers of that area and prepare the security plan.
(b) Existing security arrangement should be revised and improved.
(c) Recce should be done by day and night of the site.
(d) Security plan should be based on probable danger and Recce report.
(e) Security post should be established to cover probable approach and should be linked by link patrol.
(f) There should be mutual support between the posts.
(g) Physical barriers should be kept.
(h) For good observation, provision of perimeter light should be done.
What are the some of the points to remember for method of guarding?
(a) Erecting a perimeter fence/wall, lighting of perimeter fence/wall and exterior of the building.
(b) Covering some of the approaches/routes to the VA/VPs by obstacles, wires, ditches and chicken nets in order to prevent grenades.
(c) Use all possible means of surveillance and detection of hostile activities.
(d) Depending upon the nature of VA/VPs; access control, monitoring is also important.
(e) High standard of Early warning system.
(f) The guard party should know the readjustment and re-enforcement plan.
What are the types of Security Bases?
(a) Forward Operating Base
(b) Mobile Operating Base
(c) VA/VP Security Base.
(d) Permanent Base
(e) Logistic Base
(f) HQ