Methods of diagnosis Flashcards
Psychiatric assessment
-risk assessment
-physical examination
-management plan
- Presenting Complaint
- History of PC
- Past psych hx
- Past medical hx
- psychosis due to medication?
- anxiety: palpitation, sweating → hyperthyroidism
- Medication hx
- Drugs and alcohol
- Family hx
- Personal hx
- Social hx
Mental State Examination
- Appearance
- hygiene
- eye contact
- Behaviour
- agitated
- aggressive
- Speech
- tone
- volume
- speed
- Mood
- subjective mood swings
- Affect
- objective observation of mood
- Thought
- thought disorder?
- delusions?
- Perception
- hallucinations
- Cognition
- oriented
- Insight
- reality?
- important for treatment - know something wrong with them then more engage with treatment
Risk Assessment
- risk to self
- risk to others
- self-neglect
- determines urgency of treatment
Physical examination/investigations
- exclude organic causes!
- imaging to rule out dementia
- vascular? non-vascular?
- best treatment for patient
- label allows research and validates person thinkings
- assistance from government and resources - social housing, adhd - uni deadlines etc
- hope for treatment helping them improve - anxiety
Why is diagnosis important?
- Clarification of treatment options
- Understanding the problem/difficulty
- Enable health promotion and disease prevention
- Enables further research
- Entitles access to health and social care services
Potential social benefits
- Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)
- Social care package
- Access to community activities
- Freedom pass
- Free prescription
- Housing aid
- Help with CV/job-seeking
The concept of ‘Labelling’
- Positives ‘finally know what’s wrong with me’
- social benefits?- freedom pass etc
- Stigma associated with psychiatric diagnosis
- e.g. schizophrenia
- e.g. CAMHS
- Generalisation of certain psychiatric diagnosis e.g. OCD, ‘depressed’
- Diagnoses can change so might not seem consistent
- A summary and interpretation of the presenting problem (based on assessment) (3+2P’s)
- prior to conclusion of diagnosis
-biological, psychological, social
-Predisposing; what factor lead to that mental health issue
-Precipitating; current trigger/risks for problem
-Perpetuating; what factor makes problem continue
> ‘The identification of a disease or other problem by means of its symptoms and signs, and investigation results’
- Diagnostic criteria: an algorithm or a classification/ list of features required to demonstrate a specific diagnosis
- Historical classification?
- ICD? (International classification of diseases)
- DSM? (Diagnostic and statistic manual of mental health disorders)
Categories of diagnosis
The Neuroses:
- Depression, Anxiety, Mania, Obsessions and compulsions
- usually the patient retains insight and orientation; they experience deep distress and may commit suicide
The Psychoses:
- Schizophrenia, puerperal psychosis
- the patient is disorientated, deluded, and lacking in insight
The Dementias:
- Progressive deterioration with loss of recent memory and deterioration of a normal personality
- They may be primary or more commonly secondary to another condition
- e.g. alcohol, stroke
emil kraepelin (1865-1926)
-two major groups of mental illnesses
1. dementia praecox (SZ)
-thought chemical imbalance as cause for SZ
2. Manic-depressive psychosis (BPD)
-irregular metabolism as cause
-became basis for diagnostics
The current psychiatry diagnostic hierarchy
-organic disorders e.g. dementia
-psychotic e.g. SZ
-mood e.g. bipolar affective disorder
Current diagnostic systems:ICD 10/11 and DSM IV/V
All coding systems currently contain following categories:
- Organic disorder
- Psychoses
- Affective disorders
- Anxiety and related conditions
- Personality disorder
- Developmental disorder
- autism
- adhd
- Disorders with their onset in childhood or adolescence
- Substance misuse
ICD 10/11 (developed by WHO) vs DSM IV/V (mainly used in US)
ICD 10/11:
Used in 27 countries for resource allocation in healthcare.
110 countries use it for statistical purposes.
10threvision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems listed by WHO.
>14,400 codes for symptoms, disease, social circumstances.
Work on ICD-10 began in 1983, completed in 1992, though it is now on it’s 5thedition.
Awaiting ICD-11…
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Published by American Psychiatric Association.
Classification of mental disorders based on standard criteria.
DSM 5 is the 2013 update.
Used in the US.
Modern day practice
- First: Consider which group of conditions it will fall in to (using diagnostic hierarchy)
- Second: Consider which specific condition meets the DSM/ICD criteria
- One diagnosis
- A list of likely options:
- Differential diagnosis: a shortlist of diagnoses that could account for a symptom/set of symptoms, signs, and investigation results
Differential diagnosis
Example of differential diagnosis:
- A patient who is not currently giving clear information.
- Fluctuating mood.
- Potentially some paranoia/ difficulty trusting others.
- Recent superficial self-harm.
- Reports hearing voices.
- Drug induced psychosis?
- Schizoaffective disorder?
- Bipolar Affective Disorder?
- Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder?