Methods of Data Collection Flashcards
If recorded in narrative or descriptive format
If recorded in categorical or in scale format
Interview: Qualitative
- Unstructured interview in a descriptive or narrative
- Answer of open ended questions
Interview: Quantitative
- Structural response categorical way
- Responses in numerals: rates or scales
Data collection method
a detailed plan of procedures that aims to gather data for the purpose of answering a research question.
Sources and Types of Data:
1- Primary data
2- Secondary data
Primary data
First-hand information: attitude of community
Secondary data
Second-hand information: available records
Primary Data - Examples
Observation and experimental study
Focus group
Secondary Data – Examples of Sources
County health departments
Vital Statistics – birth, death certificates
Hospital, clinic, school nurse records
City and county governments
Surveillance data from state government programs
Federal agency statistics - Census, NIH, etc.
Data are collected by systematically recording observations of people, events, or objects. e. g: dietary pattern, physical fitness, personality traits of individuals
Ethnographic Research
a form of observational data collection
in which researchers spend long periods of time with a
respondent and then write narratives that describe the
respondent’s behavior.
Types of observation
- Participant observation
2. Non-participant observation
Participant observation
The researcher participate in the activities of the group being observed in the same manner as its members.(with or without their knowing )
Non-participant observation
Do not get involved in the participants activities: you remain passive. Just watching and listening to the activities and drawing conclusions.