Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience Flashcards
What are the differences between cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience?
Cognitive psychology explores mental processes and representations, while cognitive neuroscience delves into how and where these processes occur in the brain
What is a mental representation?
Anything that ‘means’ something to the individual e.g. the concept of a ‘tree’
How are mental processes and mental representation linked?
- Your eyes process the incoming light (e.g. of a tree),
- Your visual system processes the information (i.e. a basic mental process takes place)
- You see the tree (one form of a mental representation).
- Seeing the tree triggers a mental process (e.g. ‘avoid’ if you drive a car).
What happened in Posner’s Letter Matching Task?
Posner’s letter matching task measures reaction times to letters displayed on a monitor, which can be the same or different. In this version of the task, the subject responds “same” when both letters are either vowels or consonants and “different” when they are from different categories.
Posner’s letter matching task utilised Chronometry. What is Chronometry?
Chronometry is the process of using time measures (reaction times) to infer the workings of the brain.
What did Posner say the different reaction times in his task indicate?
He said that the different reaction times indicate the degree of processing required for each task
Reaction times increase with task complexity and time delay
In Posner’s task, what was the order of activity representations?
- Stimulus identity representations activate first (AA)
- Phonetic identity representations second (Aa)
- Categorizations are activated last (AS).
What is different in Version 2 of Posner’s task, and how is it defined?
Version 2 of the task is the same, but with an interval (stimulus onset asynchrony) separating the presentation of the two letters.
How does reaction time change in Posner’s task as the stimulus onset asynchrony gets longer?
He found that the reaction time changes as the stimulus onset asynchrony gets longer.
What happens to the difference in reaction time to physical identity and phonetic identity as time goes on in Posner’s task?
As time goes on, the difference in reaction time to physical identity and phonetic identity becomes smaller, suggesting a transformation of the representation of abstract code
What happened in the mental comparison task?
Subjects memorize sets of letters and later determine if a probe letter was in the memory set
What are the four hypothesised stages of the memory comparison task?
- Encode
- Compare
- Decide
- Respond
What were the findings from the memory comparison task?
Reaction times increased with the size of the memory set.
Suggesting comparisons are done sequentially, not in parallel
Experimental Techniques
What do single cell recordings do and how are they used?
- Record action potentials in the brain.
- Used mainly in animals but sometimes in humans during medical procedures (epilepsy of the medical temporal lobe (MTL))
What do the results of single cell recordings tell us?
Help researchers understand how individual cells respond to specific stimuli