Methods in Modern Neuroscience Flashcards
What are Sharp Electrode Recordings used to measure?
Membrane potential changes, resistance, time constant, synaptic potentials and action potentials of a whole neuron.
How is a Sharp Electrode Recording peformed?
Insert the electrode into the cell body (soma) of a neuron or a thick dendrite.
What are 3 disadvantages of sharp electrode recordings?
1) Cannot change the solutions inside or outside the cell (some experiments require this).
2) Can’t control the membrane potential as when the electrode stabs the membrane their connection is not tight so ions can flow between the glass and the membrane.
3) Cannot measure single channels (Patch clamp can be used for this).
What are 5 model organisms used in Neuroscience?
1) Humans
2) Primates
3) Lower mammals (cats but mainly rodents)
4) Lower vertebrates (zebrafish)
5) Invertebrates (Drosophila)
What are the 4 steps of a methodological approach to study a new neuronal type?
- Describe morphology of this part of the brain
- Map connections of neurons in this part
- Describe activity
- Theoretical study
What are 2 methods for a electrophysiological recording of neurons?
Sharp electrode recording and Patch clamp recording
What are the 5 differences between a Patch Clamp Recording and a Sharp Electrode Recording?
1) Patch clamp uses an electrode with a larger hole.
2) Patch clamp sucks up apart of the membrane almost like a pinch, whereas the sharp electrode stabs a hole in the membrane.
3) Patch clamp can control membrane potential, Sharp electrode cannot.
4) Patch clamp can label individual neurons with dye (can characterize morphology as well as electrophysiology) while the sharp electrode can only measure electrophysiology.
5) Sharp electrode recording measures potential of whole neuron while Patch clamp can for an individual ion channel.
What are the names of the 4 pipette based Patch Clamp types?
1) On-cell (cell attached)
2) Inside-out
3) Whole-cell
4) Outside-out
Why can a Patch clamp control the membrane potential of a neuron but a Sharp electrode recording cannot?
Patch clamp creates a tight connection between the membrane and electrode (as engulfs parts of the cell into the electrode) so movement of ions is controlled instead due to lack of contact with extra cellular fluid. Sharp electrode stabs a hole so ions moves out and in of cell.
How is an On-cell (cell attached) Patch Clamp done and what does it measure?
> The electrode is brought close to the membrane, touch the membrane and apply negative pressure which sucks a part of the membrane into the electrode (membrane stays intact)
> Measures activity of individual channels on the part of the membrane sucked into the electrode.
How is an inside-out Patch Clamp done and what does it measure?
> While in the cell-attached patch configuration, remove electrode and the membrane that is stuck in the electrode (the patch) is pulled away from the cell membrane.
> This exposes the cytosolic surface of the membrane to the controlled solution on the outside, so we can measure activity of channels on intracellular side in a controlled solution.
How is a whole-cell Patch Clamp done and what does it measure?
> While in the cell-attached patch configuration, can apply stronger negative pressure which breaks part of the membrane, so the solution within the pipette/electrode is in contact with the cell’s cytosol.
> So it can control the membrane potential, record currents and the membrane potential of the whole cell.
How is a outside-out Patch Clamp done and what does it measure?
Whole-cell method applied and then retract pipette after the rupture. Causes part of the membrane to detach and form a small vesicular structure in the pipette. This is in contact with the external solution so can be used to measure activity of a single channel while the intracellular side is in contact with the extra cellular fluid.
How is a current voltage relationship of voltage gated ion channels measured?
> Single channel recordings so are done by: On-cell, Inside-out, Outside-out patch clamps (not whole cell)
> Alter the membrane potential of the cell and measure the activity of the channel, keep doing this at a different membrane potential to create a mV curve on a graph.
How can a patch clamp be used to characterise the morphology of a neuron?
An individual neuron can be labelled by having a fluorescent dye (usually Lucifer Yellow) inside the electrode, the dye diffuses from the electrode into the cell and travels through the whole neuron.
What are 4 issues with the patch clamp technique?
1) Cannot label many cells
>As pipette can only clamp to one cell at a time, only 1 cell can be dyed per experiment.
2) Limited ability to label specific cell type
>If the area is 50/50 filled with 2 types of neurons, we only have a 50% chance of labelling the neuron interested in.
3) Limited ability to label cellular compartments
>We can only label the whole cell, not the compartments
4) Limited ability for live labelling
>Fluorescent dye usually effects the neuron, so the behaviour is different from an intact neuron.
What does GFP stand for?
Green Fluorescent Protein
What is the structure of GFP?
Active centre responsible for fluorescence, surrounded by beta sheets.
How does a) Excitation b) Emission work for GFP?
If stimulated by blue light (430nm), the active core emits green light (510nm).
What is GFP used for?
Live labelling of individual neurons