Methods in Development Flashcards
How did we study development in the past, anatomically and experimentally?
- Anatomical
a. Descriptive embryology
b. Normal morphology and histology
c. Fate mapping - Experimental
a. Grafting
b. Treatment with substances that affect normal embryogenesis
What are the benefits of using light microscopy?
Allows us to analyse specimens with good detail and resolution
What can we do with fluorescent tags?
- We can label cellular/subcellular structures with fluorescent tags
- We can follow developmental events over time
What is fate mapping?
- Following cells to see where they end up (their fate)
- Defines patterns of cell migration
- Defines origins of cells in formed structures
Give some examples of markers/labels to follow cell fate
Give some genetic markers
o Chemical markers
o Vital dyes (Nile blue sulphate - surface)
o Radiolabel (nucleotides)
o Carbocyanine dyes (DiI, DiO)
o Fluorescent dextrans (fluorescein, rhodamine)
o Enzymes (Horseradish peroxidase)
• Genetic markers (GFP and its variants, beta-galactosidase)
o Retroviruses
o Chimeras
o Transgenics
What is prospective cell mapping?
When we label cells in the early embryo and see how they develop is called prospective cell mapping
How do we graft a small piece of quail embryo into a chick embryo?
How can we identify the tissue we grafted?
- This graft of cells will integrate into the tissue and will give rise to structures in a normal way
- Quail and chick cells are not identical, and there are some proteins that are expressed in quail cells and not chick cells. We can use this to our advantage by using antibodies that bind to quail cells over chick cells to find the quail cells in our chick embryos
- This allows us to determine the cell fate
- Another way of detecting quail cells is by looking at the organisation of there DNA as they usually have condensed DNA that is not present in chick cells.
How does the notochord induce formation of neurones in the neural tube?
What happens when we graft the notochord lateral to the neural tube?
Define competence
- The red is an important group of cells forming a structure called the notochord for neural tube patterning
- The neural tube is a tissue that runs along the dorsal midline of the vertebrae embryo and underneath the neural tube that runs along the posterior axis (red) called the notochord
- It is a soruce of signals that has inductuve properies that is important to establish the fate of the neurones that are derived from ventral portion of the developing neural tube
- This was shown in experiemnts where a piece of notochord was grafted to the lateral side of the emrbyo which was able to induce the formation of ventral faded neurones out of the lateral portion of the neural tube
- Competnace is the ability to respond to an inductive effect, these experiemntts show us that the whole neural tube is competant to respond to the signals from the notochord that form umder the inductive process
- Highlights that diffeerent tissues respond differently to inductive signals
Define competence
Describe competence in relation to the neural tube
Competence: ability to respond to an inductive signal
- The neural tube is competent to respond to the inductive signal released by the notochord by generating ventrally fated neurones
- Other parts of the embryo may respond differently to the same inductive signal by generating different types of cells – different potential
Do cells become more restricted in there potential during development?
What does restriction depend on?
Restriction in potential often depends on inductive interactions from neighbouring cells
Explore induction, competence and potential in an experiment
What are explants and what do they show us?
What happens when 2 explants are put together?
- This is a blastula xenopus embryo
- The vegetal cells will form the endoderm and the animal cap cells will give rise to the ectoderm and mesoderm cells
- By taking grafts from this blastula and growing them as explants we can see we can see what region gives rise to which cell type.
- Scientists also looked at what happens when two explants are put together, they took vegetal cells and placed them next to the animal cap cells
- They found that a portion of cells from the animal cap where giving rise to mesodermal derivatives
- The vegetal tissue is the source of a mesoderm-inductive signal
- Normally it would only give rise to ectoderm derivatives
They went even further and combined different portions of the vegetal part of the embryo with the animal cap
They found dorsal and ventral have different inductive properties and give rise to different derivatives
What is activin?
• Activin (morphogen – a molecule that creates a concentration gradient during embryonic development) is the mesoderm inducing signal and it works in a concentration-dependent way
What does high and low concentrations of activins give form?
high concentrations would give rise to dorsal mesodermal derivatives while low concentrations would induce ventral mesodermal derivatives
What does activin do in the developing embryo?
Activin expressed in vegetal cells is inducing mesodermal cell fates from the animal cap cells
Activin generates a dorsal and ventral gradient so higher levels of activin are received by cells in the dorsal region and and low levels are reicieved by ventral region
How can we identify genes that control development?
• Genetic analysis
o Mutagenesis screens (forward genetics) – Random mutagenesis and selection by phenotypic analysis
o Reverse genetics - Mutation of specific DNA sequences and analysing the phenotype
o Transgenics
• Molecular methods
o Methods to identify genes with restricted expression patterns in the embryo and genetic interactions
How can gene lines be analysed?
o complementation analysis
o genetic mapping
o positional cloning
How do we identify phenotypes?
- Morphological defects
- Changes in other genes’ expression
- Changes in the expression of a transgene highlighting a particular tissue/cell type
How is forward genetics different to reverse?
• Reverse genetics allows us to generate specific mutations in particular regions of the genome using molecular techniques
forward is random
How is a reverse genetic mutation made?
What are the 3 main tools used?
• A cut is made in the specific region of the genome
• This will activate repair machinery in the cell which is not very efficient as it causes mistakes to be made
• This results in a mutation being inserted in the region that has been targeted by the editing tools
• There are three main tools:
o ZFNs
What are ZFNs and TALENS?
- ZFNs: zinc finger nucleases
* TALENs: transcription activator-like effector nucleases
How do ZFNs and TALENS work?
- We design these proteins recognise specific DNA sequences, they attached to an endonuclease domain
- Proteins found in pair, and recognise sequences on both sides of the sequence
- The proteins will recognise the targets and the endonucleases will work as a pair of scissors and cut
- The repair machinery will then follow
What does the CRISPR-Cas9 tool do?
Induces mutations
How does CRISPR-Cas9 work?
- The target specific sequence is an oligonucleotide we have developed that will recognise the specific sequence we want to target. It is bound to another RNA (tracker) which allows the RNA to assemble to Cas9 (this has endonuclease activity).
- This complex will target regions in the genome that is complementary to our guide RNA.
- Repair mechanism imprecisely form mutations in the genome
- We then analyse the phenotypic outcome to see if the technique has worked.
How can we tell if our mutations have worked/ done anything?
- Morphological defects
- Changes in other genes’ expression
- Changes in the expression of a transgene highlighting a particular tissue/cell type
How can we determine the exact expression domain within an embryo?
How can we compare levels of gene expression?
• Determining the exact expression domains within the embryo
o in situ hybridisation to detect mRNA
o Immunohistochemistry to detect protein
• Comparing levels of gene expression (molecular approach)
• Genetic analysis of interactions (how we do this)
• Misexpression gain and loss of function studies in vitro and in vivo (how we do this)
How does In situ hybridisation and immunostaining work?
- The gene is first transcribed to generate Mrna
- It will then be translated to form a protein
- In situ hybridisation detect the distribution of the mrna or proteins which allows us to determine which tissues are expressing a particular gene.
In situ hybridisation – we design a probe (an RNA molecule) which is complementary to a fragment of the mrna (that we want to identify and detect). We generate this probe using modified nucleotides (which are attatched to a molecule called dioxychain). We can then use anitbodie that can detect dioxychains. So we put the probe into our tissue and hybrise to the mrna and we then incubate the tissue with an anitbody that recognises dioxychain. The anitbody is usually conjugated with an enzyme called alkaline phosphotase (forms a coloured precipitate).
Immunohistochemistry – this detects the presence of a particular protein instead of mrna. We use antibodies that have been deignsed to bind to the protein that we want to detect. We first incubate our tissue with this primary antibody. We then use a second antibody with a AP attached or fluroscent tags to form a coloured precipitate
AP = alkaline phosphotase
What is subtractive hybridization?
What does this allow us to do?
Subtractive hybridization is a technique used to isolate a DNA segment that is missing from one particular sample of DNA.
- Identify differences in gene expression between regions of the embryo
- Identify differences in gene expression between normal and mutant embryos
How is subtractive hybridization performed?
- Isolate the mRNA from the two samples
- We then retrotranscribe this to make cDNA and modify one sample eg tagging using biotin
- Hybridise the two samples of DNA
- Remove the genes common to both samples (in this example, using streptavidin)
- Isolate remaining genes = then identify them
How does microarray work?
- We isolate the mrna
- Retrotranscribe the mrna into cdna and also label with a fluorescent tags (red and green)
- We then combine the targets, we hybridise to a microarray (a slide full of wells, in each there are DNA fragments that represent one particular gene)
- In each well is a particular gene
- One colour indicates one gene and the other indicates the other
- If the represented in the well is represented in our probe then our probs will bind to it and flurores
How does RNAseq work?
- We start with two different tissues/ embryos
- We isolate the rna from the tissues
- Generate cdna fragements and then fragment it with linkers added to every single fragment of cdna
- We then sequence the fragments
- We can then assemble the reads we get (exome) (transcriptome)
- We can then analyse and compare the levels of expression of each expression from each conditions and compare levels of expression of every gene in our sample
What is an activator cascade?
Working out gene order by genetic epistasis:
• This allows us to work out the order of genes working in the same pathway
• We have a sequence of molecules that regulate each other to produce a segment of an organism
• If we have mutant with a lack of B we can see what we need to add to rescue the formation of the segment
• This is called an activator cascade
Genetic epistasis in repressive pathways: comparing opposite phenotypes between single and double mutants
On image
What is a mis-expression study?
Give an example
- Express a gene in a region of the embryo (or at a time) where it is normally not expressed
- Allows us to study the effect on development and/or expression of other genes
Cell transplantation:
• We will transplant a group of cells expressing a particular gene in a region of an embryo where the gene is not expressed
• We normally inject mrna with a green fluorescent protein attached or something that allows us to label the cells
• We then transplant the cells into a host embryo, which might repress the formation of a structure such as the eye which tells us that the absence of the gene is needed for eye formation
How can we cause mis expression of proteins with TFs?
Take a repressor TF from one gene and inject it into another gene and observe changes
How can we alter molecular pathways at a signalling level
Dominant negative
Constitutively active